Tuesday 17 March 2020

Pistols at Dawn.

Actually no - more like 'Crumpets at 2am'.   I slept badly last night, going to bed slightly hungry I just couldn't get off to sleep.    At 2am I got up to make myself a milky drink (Ovaltine) and was going to have a round of toast with it until I  remembered I had crumpets.   It felt very wicked sitting up in bed with my book, my Ovaltine and a buttered, toasted crumpet.   But I did eventually go to sleep.

This morning I had to be up, showered and dressed for eight o'clock because my Tesco order was scheduled to be delivered between eight and nine.   It came, as it usually does, at twenty to nine.   By the time I had washed out the fridge and put the food away either in the fridge, the cupboard or the freezer, it was almost ten o'clock before I had my Shredded Wheat and a banana. 

As so many of you have said - these are such strange times - nothing like this has happened in our lifetime.   Everything has been put on hold.  I am practising self isolation as much as I can -  going out for a walk with Percy every day when it is not too windy - I need to get fresh air and keep my legs working - and the odd foray to the Bank and maybe even to my exercise class tomorrow.  There are only half a dozen of us and it is a large room.   A lot will depend on whether the room has remained open - time will tell.

The virus doesn't seem to have reached us up here yet, seemingly centred around the big cities - but there is little doubt it will arrive - insidious as it is.
Wherever you are - stay safe.    John's village seem to all be pulling together  - I am so pleased he was able to stay there after the sad episode in his life - and so pleased to see his gradual recovery.


  1. You seem to be doing OK up there. Please keep posting, to let us know you are safe and well x

  2. Thank goodness for Percy :-)

    John's village are pulling together nicely aren't they, and I'm pleased to hear you are stocked up and keeping safe at home. Tesco was madness today, I felt so sorry for the worn out looking lady on the checkout.

  3. Apparently our local Tesco was hectic too this morning. I think it's because households with more than one person have now been told that they would all need to isolate themselves for 14 days, as opposed to the 7 they assumed previously, which still applies to single households. There will be a big challenge for many people in finding (and - for many, paying for) 14+ days worth of every single thing they will eat, particularly in a large family.
    I'm glad you are already on the Tesco delivery system. I've read that some supermarkets are refusing to allow new customers to sign up to its delivery service.

  4. You sound like you had a pleasant day and did normal things, like cleaning out the fridge.

  5. Getting on with it seems the best way forward. At the garden centre yesterday, two ladies gossiping at the desk, said that there had been cases in Malton, Scarborough, Kirkby and apparently Whitby but then it was gossip!

  6. Crumpets and Ovaltine at 2.00 a.m.? Wonderful!

  7. Crumpets in the night sounds like a variation of a song! I bet they tasted extra good - hope you didn't drip butter on the bed. :-)

  8. Crumpets at 2 am is one of the little compensations for living alone - you can do just what you like without having to explain to anyone. Crumpets don't last long in my house either!

  9. Reading of your wee hours of the morning snack, made me realize how influenced by his grandmother's life in England my husband is, as he introduced Ovaltine and crumpets to our family. I'm actually not a big fan of either, but he adores them. Did you know they make chocolate ovaltine? We used to buy it for the kids, but you can hardly find it anymore. -Jenn

  10. Shredded Wheat. Had three for breakfast nearly every day for 50 years - most recently with cut up prunes.

  11. It's been way too long since I last had a crumpet! They are not easy to come by over here.
    Over here, all such classes like your exercise group have been cancelled, and all fitness studios are closed.

  12. Oooh - crumpets! I will have to make some if we want them as I did NOT lay in a store!

    Did you see the Corner Shop programme recently, where one of the wartime "inventions" to encourage people to eat Wheatbix was soaking them in a Marmite gravy. Bet that wasn't too popular!

  13. Crumpets and Ovaltine at 2 AM sounds absolutely wonderful! We have Ovaltine here but not crumpets as far as I know. We do have English muffins but I understand they are not really the same thing. It is always wonderful to read your daily posts. You are appreciated! Take care.

  14. Thanks everyone. Everything is closing down here too - no exercise class as the venue is closed - this makes it even more important that I walk every day.

  15. Oh that's funny - I actually looked for some crumpets in the grocery store I was in on Sunday - but no luck. Haven't had them in ages but just fancied one - and yes, they have to be toasted with lots of butter.
    Take care - I don't comment often but do read most posts - glad to hear that you can still get out for a walk.

  16. It's worth getting protection mask N95. It's a bit pricey, but they say it offers high protection when out.

  17. You're right--nothing like this in the lifetime of most all of us.

  18. We all just need to take each day as it comes.
    The Square Ones send woofs.....
    parsnip xx

  19. Crumpets at any time sounds good to me; none available here sadly! I think John's village is lucky to have him, he's unflappable, generous, and he knows what's what. The perfect resident.

  20. Margie - agree about the butter - it has to be melting into each and every hole!

    Thanks to you all.

  21. How lovely to have a midnight feast, albeit at 2am! We are taking each day as it comes and being as careful as we can. I have been to the hairdresser this morning and am planning to go to the supermarket tomorrow, but I'll listen to the morning news to get the latest advice. I also like to have a daily walk and have a route worked out which avoids too many people. Keep safe.

  22. Heather - I plot a slightly different route for my walk each day and today didn't meet a soul apart from my neighbour who is also self-isolating - we had a chat standing miles apart

  23. Crumpets at 2 am.....I love it. We don't have crumpets here is California but English muffins are our equivalent and I love them toasted dripping with butter.

  24. You are in my thoughts as we all batten down to self isolate for as long as it takes. Out here on the island that isn't too hard or too different. Siri is stuck in France, too complicated to try and get back to the US. She and her boyfriend are fine, have a good place to stay on so I won't worry too much about her. Please take good care of yourself. Joel and I send sincere thoughts and prayers.
