Monday 16 March 2020

More measures.

More measures to combat the virus come out daily at these News Conferences, which I think are conducted very well.   I have an order from Tesco coming in the morning and a well-stocked store cupboard so I should be alright for a few weeks to come.   I am used to being alone so dont see any great problem there either.   The important thing is to stay away from other people, both for one's own sake and for the sake of others.

I have been doing last minute jobs before battening down the hatches.   The lady who cleans for me is not coming for the foreseeable future after today.   Her husband is seriously ill and worries about catching the virus and we both think it sensible that at present she doesnt come.   I live alone so nowhere gets very dirty - I shall clean one room each day which I am sure I can manage.  After she had gone this morning I drove to the Medical Centre to stock up on hearing aid batteries and then called at the bank to stock up on a small amount of money (buying on line and not going out much means I shall not need much actual cash).   I had intended to go for a walk with Percy after lunch as it has been a lovely day here, but all the dashing about this morning meant that I was too tired to go out this afternoon.   So I was forced to watch another episode of Inspector Montelbano (thanks again Tom for putting me on to him).

Looks as though the highlight of my day tomorrow might well be getting the dustbin ready for the bin men on Wednesday morning.   I do usually go to a Strugglers meeting at half past ten on the third Tuesday, but am undecided whether to go or not in view of the ban on movement and gatherings.   Oh and my Tesco order will arrive between eight and nine in the morning so I shall have to be ready for that.    Sounds as though it will be 'all go tomorrow'! 

Everything, apart from the wretched virus, is carrying on as normal - Spring is springing, the birds are all nesting now - hopping about with beaks full of bits of this and that - haven't seen any lambs yet but then I haven't been very far from home.   Nice day forecast again for tomorrow so Percy and I might have a stroll.   Till then...


  1. It has been wonderful to hear the birds singing in the garden at long last. We have frogspawn in the pond and there are lambs in the field up the road. When the sun came out this afternoon we could almost forget what is going on in the world.

  2. Look after yourself and stay safe.Barbara

  3. Today I went to the local bakery for bag full of bread 🥖 🍞 🥯 and strolled back through the woods trying to keep away from people. After lunch in the recliner in the garden enjoying the sun relaxing and listening to Radio 4 and World Service on internet radio. There’s a new 800 bed hospital in a giant shed waiting for patients. God forbid I should end my days in it.

  4. It has been a lovely day down here and I had all the windows open for several hours. I am planning to isolate myself by next week - there are a couple of small family gatherings arranged for the end of this one. I have one more large shop to do then I will rely on my family when things run out. I have stock piled craft materials and there are always jobs around the house to be done so I shall not be bored, and with the internet and phone I will not be lonely either. We must all be sensible, try not to worry and carry on as best we can.

  5. Heather - hope you make another of your delightful books while we are all holed up. I haven't seen one on your blog laterly and you make them so beautifully.
    Gwil - sounds ghastly. Stay safe.

  6. Being able to get outside in the fresh air will help a lot in the next few months. It would have felt much more of a hardship 3 or 4 months ago. The daily news conferences are an excellent idea, meaning we are all being told the same thing at the same time. It is a time to take great care of ourselves and others.

  7. Dear Weaver,
    Your wonderful positive attitude and the others who commented in such a practical sensible way, is such an inspiration today. I was starting to give in to the "poor me pity bug." Life is grim in Seattle and all our familiar routines and social activities gone for the foreseeable future. Still, the sun is shining, the birds are busy and spring flowers blooming. This too shall pass.

  8. It sounds like you're all set to stay safe. My youngest son was sent home today to work from home for the next few weeks. My husband may be doing so, also, by the end of the week. A conference he was to attend next month on the other side of the U.S. has been cancelled. Our local imaging center called today to schedule a mammogram for me, and I was told on that day I'll have to check in at the tent station outside to be screened before my appointment. All of which is quite surreal. But I'm at home most often anyway, so am well practiced!

  9. It sounds like you are doing well in organizing and handling this situation. They are requesting self-isolation here and many places are closed including the library. We did our large shopping last week and are now set to stay home. If possible we will go to the store once a week for a few fresh items. I have lots of household jobs, hobbies and books here that keep me busy. Take care dear Weaver!

  10. So happy to see you are doing well. I have not been able to open blogger for quite some time but all things computer are up and running. We are on day three of self isolation and like you have stocked up on food and necessities. Keep well.

  11. I wonder if my late husband David talked to my guardian angel….I barely got pulled into the garage when it was a rain/hail downpour! This is heaven-sent to drought-stricken California.

    When I was getting ready to check out at the grocery store, I asked the lady ahead of me if she was in line. She said “yes” but seemed sad or anxious. I asked her if she was alright (her name is Ursula and I know her from attending plays at our small theatre when she stands in the lobby waiting to take patrons' tickets and hand them their programs.). She told me she was delayed and was sure she had missed her bus and would now have to walk home. When I asked her where she lived, I knew exactly where it was. I told her, “You’re not walking home. I’ll take you.” She had three bags and seemed very relieved. ;-)

    When she and I got to the car, the neighbor boy here ran over and asked if he could unload our groceries for us!

    Thank you, David.

    By the way, I ran into a friend while shopping. She’s convinced she and her husband had the coronavirus weeks ago. Said she could hardly get a breath. Meals were light because appetite was low and neither of them wanted to leave the house so self-quarantine was easy. Theirs lasted a full six weeks and most of that time was spent in bed or on the sofa.

  12. I'm looking forward to what we all will write about shortly.

  13. We will definitely have to live in a different way for the next while. I hope the so called self isolation will work. Keep well.

  14. Spring is very much here. There are flowers on the fruit trees, the birds are singing, and the wretched grass needs mowing. However, rather than it putting a spring in our feet, we are all feeling a bit depressed on account of the virus. 2020 started OK, but it's slowly becoming a nightmare.

  15. I wake up to the most beautiful bird song every morning, and all feels normal for a while. Then I look at the news, and read blogs... and wonder whether I should actually go to the office (not sure as it involves public transport), go ahead with my plans for my small birthday party (I don't think so anymore). Cancellations of hairdresser's appointments and other events arrive at an hourly rate.
    You are doing everything right, Pat. Staying away from the Strugglers meeting is probably a good idea under the current circumstances.

  16. My husband and I walked in the sunshine yesterday down a lane well away from the occasional cyclist or walker. I am not going to choir, WI, supermarkets, hairdresser or any other appointment. The only thing today is to pickup medication I have ordered. I have set up a Facebook group for the choir so we can keep in contact. My Mum is 89 and alone in her flat 250 miles away. She can just about cope with cooking and I have cancelled her cleaner but she will struggle with the loneliness. Her food is being delivered and I just pray she is ok.
    This morning a friend in the US messaged me to say she has contracted the virus and is in hospital extremely ill. She is a nurse in ER so probably contracted it there.
    Do all you can and more to stay safe.

  17. We'll all have to do more commenting on each others blogs to keep the conversations going.
    I shall miss the things I do but best to stay safe.

  18. Sounds like you are doing everything just right Pat. Globally it's indeed a fragile time. I'm in the midst of cancelling a wonderful trip to Alaska, but alas so many others too. Safety and health is Afterall paramount.
    I think a stroll with Percy is jolly fine idea.

  19. You seem to have a remarkably calm acceptance of these difficult circumstances. At least Percy is immune to bugs!

  20. Living in a rural setting I guess we too are quite self isolated in a small way. Jon is busy at work, he works alone and the workshop is just a mile away. Myself, activities are cancelled and I am keeping myself busy with clearing a cupboard a day and writing. I have decided to document my chicken keeping, yes I am writing a book.Stay warm Pat. Dxx

  21. We are all in the same boat - let's just hope it has a good captain.

  22. Thinking of you from across the pond. We are well stocked here. My years of living in countries where you had to stock up or do without taught me that. And my mother taught me that if it was something I used and on sale, make sure to get two. It is spring here, brisk at night but so good for the bulbs that brighten the day. My dh has a friend who has set up a Zoom account so he and his friends can have their weekly chat which usually is in our house. The gathering started last year when my husband had cancer and even though he recovered, he and his friends decided they liked their weekly talk!

    Be well and know I love to read your blog each day as it takes me back to lovely Yorkshire.

  23. WHAT A GREAT MIRACLE THAT I HAVE EVER SEE IN MY LIFE. My names are Clara David I’m a citizen of USA, My younger sister was sicking of breast cancer and her name is Sandra David I and my family have taking her to all kind of hospital in USA still yet no good result. I decided to go to the internet and search for cancer cure so that was how I find a ladycalled peter Lizzy she was testifies to the world about the goodness of a herbal man who has the roots and herbs to cure all kind of disease and the herbal man email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man @herbalist_sakura for my younger sister help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that I will cook it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how can I receive the cure that I am in USA, he told me That I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get from the hospital please contact or whats app him +2348110114739  you can follow him up on Instagram @herbalist_sakura for the cure, he will help you out with the problem. And if you need more information about the doctor you can mail me 
