Wednesday 26 February 2020


Up until half past three this afternoon the weather was lovely and sunny although there was a bitter wind blowing.   The 'falls' lady called this morning to assess whether there were any ways in which I could be helped around the house.   I am to be given a trolley so that I can easily transport my cup of tea and suchlike from the kitchen to the sitting room so that will be a help.

It was our Poetry this afternoon.   W's cat always enjoys it immensely, going from lap to lap as the mood takes her.   She spent much of the afternoon on my lap.   As usual we had some really interesting offerings and nice discussions afterwards.   By the time I came home (H next door took me this afternoon) there was sleet and a strong wind so it was goodbye sun for today.

I did manage a walk round with Percy today after the 'walks' lady had gone but the wind was so strong that it did not make walking easy and I cut my walk short.   Roll on Spring.


  1. Your mention of the tea trolley reminded of the time I suffered from a slipped disc and had to use a walking stick just to get around the house. I used to make my breakfast then wrap the toast in kitchen paper and put it in my pocket then pour my coffee into a flask and put that into my other pocket, then take my breakfast to the table.
    Hard work!

  2. My mum had one of those trolleys and found it extremely useful. I hope it works for you too.

  3. There was a biting wind down here too today. The trolley sounds very useful. I can manage a plate or cup but wouldn't risk trying to carry a tray of food. Glad you didn't keep Percy out too long in the cold!

  4. I don't think I've seen a trolley like that but it must be helpful. I can be clumsy at times - I wonder if it would help that. You gave such a lovely picture of your friend's cat going from lap to lap during the poetry group. The cat probably also enjoyed the poetry readings.

  5. Good that you are finding ways to avoid falling. That is one of my fears - I have two flights of stairs in my house and am extremely careful when going down them. Going up doesn't seem quite so dangerous.

  6. That poetry session would sometimes stretch the mind...just what we seniors need to keep moving.

  7. You've got to love a lady who is in her 80s (I think?) and says: "Roll on Spring."!!!!

  8. My walker had a seat on it and I use it to move/carry everything from one room to the next. Very helpful for me.
    The cat at poetry sounds perfect.

  9. Poetry afternoon and a cat on your lap - that sounds very cosy, especially on a cold and windy day. It was brave of you to still go for a walk, even if it was sensibly cut short.
    A good idea to use a trolley instead of carrying a tray.

  10. I think there might be a bit of spring in the air, certainly a good display of bulbs around us even if there is still snow and a bitter wind. Spring will come, it always does.

  11. JayCee - certainly a novel way of getting your breakfast!!
    Iris - 87 to be exact.
    Thanks everyone - yes quite right Poetry and a cat do seem to go together.

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  13. Thank you for sharing your simple yet wonderful Wednesday you spent dear. Age is never a criteria to stop doing what one loves. As a lover of poetry and pet I completely know how it feels to have both taking over your afternoon. Hope the trolley is serving its purpose and giving you the best level of comfort. You are a true inspiration.

  14. Age is just a number and you continue to do what you love as long as you remain healthy and fit.Love and live life to the fullest. Happy to read your updates.
