Thursday 27 February 2020


I awoke to snow again this morning but looking out of the bedroom window I saw that it was not freezing.   I had a Solicitor's appointment at 10 and the roads were quite clear by then.   By the time I came out there was a blue sky, a strong cold wind and a strong Spring sun.   So we are nearly there.   In my garden the crocuses are in full bloom - a large patch of yellow ones, a little patch of white ones (I planted fifty but only about a dozen have actually come up - mice?) and one large magnificent purple one.   Lots of snowdrops too and they have been out for weeks.

And the garden catalogues have begun to arrive - today my catalogue of Perennials from Claire Austin - I love the way it is separated into colours - with its tempting, seductive photographs.   This evening I intend to sit down and choose a few for a few spaces in my garden.   The plot with the Mares Tail weed has to remain barren at present until it has had one more spray with the very expensive specialised weedkiller I bought (hasn't made one scrap of difference but my gardener feels after spending all that money we should at least use it all up.)

I don't think I have ever wished for Spring to arrive more than I have this year.   Maybe a combination of my age, the onset of the Coronavirus, the dreadful flooding - all combine and there is no good news to offset it is there?  But I have to say that Blogging helps keep my spirits up - you are a jolly bunch and I love reading of  your exploits.   Am off now to watch today's 'Antiques Road Trip'.   See you tomorrow.


  1. It gets to the point when I start to wonder if it will ever be warm and dry enough to go out without a coat - I suppose it will eventually

  2. Bright and sunny today and the daffodils are out.
    Another storm on its way for the weekend, so may be wet and windy again.

  3. Yes, our Snowdrops have just about finished, so I should start to carefully dig some up while they are 'in the green' so we can take a few of them with us when we move.

    The daffodils are looking lovely at the moment, although a few of the larger ones have been battered so much by the wind and rain they have just about given up. We don't have any Crocus bulbs in, so I'm jealous of yours, I do love them especially the lovely dark purple ones, but it won't be long until our woodland fills up with Bluebells.

  4. Spring never lets us down.

  5. It'll soon be March, which is the beginning of meteorological spring, so lets hope the weather gets the message. At least they're not going to build another runway at Heathrow which pleases me, though I would have paid good money to see Boris laying down in front of the bulldozers!

  6. I completely agree with you about looking forward to Spring this year, Weave. This has been the worst Winter I have had in a long time.

  7. Hoping it warms up a bit this weekend when we come up to North Yorkshire - it is a struggle taking my mum out and about in this bad weather. I left you a reply to your comment Pat on my blog - won't see you this visit - too difficult with having mum with us but I will pop over on another visit. x

  8. There is little in the news to cheer us but taking pleasure in the simple things of life helps. Your garden must already be looking lovely and full of things to look forward to. At least we are free of the dreadful flooding which has caused so much damage in various parts of the country.

  9. I'm looking forward to spring too
    The daffodils have flowered already in the garden
    Dorothy has been merrily biting the heads off them

  10. What a shame your bulbs got nobbled. At least you have some to cheer you up though.

    We have signs of spring here, but not the weather I would like to accompany them! That said, out on what was mum's patio (south facing) today, it was positively balmy and as we had a scheduled powercut, I was half tempted to sit out there with a book, but had friends arriving and had to push a broom round the kitchen with more energy than I cared to muster! I had quite forgotten what warm felt like . . .

  11. Well I haven't been snowed in yet. I am looking forward to changing the clocks.

  12. Yesterday for the first time this season, I saw snow in my area. We were sitting in a corner office, windows on both sides, when a veritable blizzard started - you couldn't even see the next building for the whirling whiteness out there!
    By the time I left work, it had turned into rain, and hardly any snow was left on the ground. Tomorrow, the forecast is for 14C. What a rollercoaster!
    The first flowers such as snowdrops and crocus are so pretty, and a welcome sight.

  13. That Claire Austin catalogue has a lovely photo on the front. Summer flowers and green fields, somehow I don't think I shall be ordering this year.

  14. Thelma - I most likely will not until my Mares Tail has been once again weed-killered - not that it seems to be doing any good. But it is so tempting.

    Thanks for calling in everyone

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