Friday 17 January 2020


Another disgusting day weather wise although it was kind enough to me to stay fine until I got back home from the Hairdresser at half past ten.   I was lucky enough to have a nice succession of friends,   to see how I was coping - a couple this morning and then this afternoon my neighbour H came and had a cup of tea and half way through friend E who lives a little further down the road, came and we all three had a pleasant chat.   It was still pouring with rain when they left and still is doing so as I write this.   The doorbell rings, so I must delay and further blogging until later.

It is now Friday morning.   I have just been down into town where a group of us usually meet for coffee.   This morning nobody else turned up (two are on holiday, the rest must have not come because the weather is still disgusting.)   It did mean I could be really naughty and have a toasted tea cake.   I am going out for lunch in an hour and of course I am not now at all hungry - my own fault.

I have just had an e mail from my Grand-daughter who lives in Glasgow and has a little girl aged three.   Long ago I gave her my Paddington Bear, bought for me in the 1980's by a very dear friend I have sadly lost touch with.   All three of my grandchildren had played with Paddington as they were growing up - at one stage even wearing his wellies, but in the course of those years his hat went missing.  They all loved him dearly.

When they came a couple of weeks ago I asked whether they had ever got a replacement hat for him.   As a result they researched where it might be possible to get a new hat and wrote to them.   This is the charming letter they had in reply.
Isn't that lovely?   I am sure my Great grand daughter is delighted - and now all he needs is a lavender bag for his pocket.  (what good advice).
It is things like this that warm the heart in a week when all the news for me has not been good (although day by day things are getting easier to bear - and I look at the paw prints daily as I come out of the front door.)


  1. There is still a lot of kindness in the world.

  2. What a busy life you lead. Glad Paddington Bear got a new hat, people can be very generous.

  3. That's lovely. It's reminded me of something my husband did a few years ago. As part of his degree in conservation (art/museum related) of 40-odd years ago, he had bought an old family bible in a junk shop, to restore as part of the book-binding element of his course. He's now into family history, and got the idea of putting the family details in this bible onto the internet, to see if there were any descendants. There were! He sent the bible to them and they were absolutely thrilled. There was no value in this at all, just a little kindness, like Paddington's hat.

  4. What a lovely gesture and now Paddington Bear will be OK if it rains!

    I am sure you are still feeling so lonely without Tess, but what good friends and neighbours you have, making sure you aren't totally alone at such a sad time.

  5. What a lovely letter. Paddington looks very smart.

    Have a good weekend

  6. What lovely people at The Paddington Collective.
    Hoping the weather clears up now for the weekend.

  7. That really is lovely! It always makes me glad to know of people who like what they do and do not just see it as a job, enabling them to pay the bills.
    We've had the most beautiful spring-like weather for two days in a row; now it is overcast, and the weekend is expected to be much colder and wet. We need the water so I'm not going to complain, although a hike would be nice.

  8. Such an uplifting post! Thoughtful visiting friends and the lovely Paddington story. Thanks for sharing!

  9. "So shines a good deed in a naughty world". This is lovely indeed, and renews some of the hope we all need. And I am so glad, though not at all surprised, that so many friends come to be with you, especially just now.

  10. How heartwarming!


  11. The most positive post on my list today - you are such a trooper Pat and all your kindnesses to family and friends are coming back to you via other's good deeds. This is a fabulous story and delightful letter.
    Chin up dear - and sending warm thoughts and sunshine.
    Mary -

  12. He looks very fine in his hat and wellies. Rainy days he'll grin and 'bear' them.

  13. There are still lots of kind people in the world. At least they didn't have to send off to "darkest Peru" for a new hat.

  14. That was a lovely gesture - did it come with a marmalade sandwich?

  15. How wonderful to know there are still such kind people that would do something like that to warm the heart of a little girl as well as to keep dear Paddington Bear warm!

  16. Yes I do agree that it is a lovely story - it certainly made my day. Glad you all feel the same. Thanks for calling.

  17. The little letter has put such a big smile on my face!

  18. How lovely that Paddington has a new hat. Heartwarming to hear of such kindness and a charming letter. Your great-granddaughter must be thrilled.

  19. My weather is little better than yours. I just glanced over at my Paddington, who is about fifteen years younger than yours. His little hat is sewn firmly to his head.
    And, I am smiling at Tom's bearable response.

  20. The wonderful letter made me tear up. I really love your countries Paddington Bear history. Quite lovely.
    parsnip xx

  21. Yes, there are still caring people in the world, who don't always think in terms of money! When they give Paddington his bag of Lavender, I hope they put that letter in the other pocket.

  22. What a charming reply. Good, ole Paddington can now keep his head warm again all thanks to those thoughtful people. It's also good to know that lavender keeps the moths away!

    My mother donated my Paddington (circa 1976) sometime in the '90s. I had mistakenly left him in her care. He, too, had a yellow hat.

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