Saturday 18 January 2020

A Lovely, cheering day.

Today my God-daughter and her husband drove over from the West of the country (Preston), over the tops of the Pennines (snow here and there) to see me for lunch and a chat.   It was lovely to see them and when Saturdays are often lonely days for anyone living alone it was good to have company.   We went out to lunch and all had turkey and ham pie served with vegetables (and for two of us chunky chips - Alan had new potatoes.  We then had sorbets and finally coffee.

I was touched that they made the long journey really to say they were sorry about Tess.   More neighbours also called this morning to say they were sorry too.   It has been a roller coaster of a week but gradually things are getting back on to an even keel. 

The weather has been beautiful today here - blue sky, sunshine all day and out of the breeze quite warm.   The same kind of weather is forecast for tomorrow so we are being lucky.

Like Rachel I too had a very bad night last night.  I woke up at about half past two and finally got up, put the central heating on, made myself a cup of tea and sat and read North and South until half past five when I returned to bed,went to sleep and didn't wake up until nine o'clock.   Now, at half past eight in the evening, I can hardly keep awake.



  1. I am sure you will sleep well tonight after such a lovely day.

  2. Glad you had a lovely day and I hope you sleep well tonight. It has been bright but cold enough for slightly slippery pavements this morning, but at least it has stayed dry and the wind has died right down.

  3. Dazzling cloudless sunshine all day today here, you must feel warmer than me today though!

  4. Good to have a nice day. Hope you will sleep well tonight

  5. I'm sorry you had a bad night but it is good you got to spend time with loved ones today. You have many people that care a lot for you. I hope you will sleep well tonight.

  6. Wishing you a better night tonight. We have just done the 250 mile journey back home - I will sleep like a log.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Plenty of sunshine - a lovely bright day.
    Sleep well.

  9. I wish I could manage my sleeping pattern better than I do. For the past 30, maybe 40, years I've gone to bed quite early as I'm so tired, sleep for about 3 hours, then spend the rest of the night awake. Maybe I'll try getting up, read a book (always soporific), then see if I can sleep again. I find it very frustrating. I've been up for an hour already, and it's not yet 6am.

  10. Today should be another sunny one - hope you are having a meal out with friends.

  11. That is so nice of your god daughter to come visiting when you will be most grateful tomhave loved ones around. Your lunch sounds good!
    We had very mixed weather which made for fantastic skies and beautiful light. Our walk between the three neighbouring villages was all the nicer for it.

  12. Lovely that your God daughter and her hubby visited, it must have helped with the sadness of losing Tess. Our pets become our children so always painful when they cross that Rainbow Ridge.

  13. Good to have a lovely day and good food.

    When I can't sleep I get up and read or watch tv but since Tam's been home I can't turn the tv on as I don't want to wake her, so reading it is. However, the last two nights have been very cold and though I slept very fitfully I stayed in the warm in bed!

  14. I don't sleep well either but listen to the World Service on the BBC at night, which normally lulls me back to sleep, unless it is interesting! Happy that you are having visitors to take away the shock of Tess.

  15. I was reading that they have records indicating that in medieval times and later people often had two sleeps in the night with a meal between them? Have you heard that?

  16. Always nice to have visitors when you live alone. Our weather has finally cleared up after long days of drizzling rain and overcast skies and lots of humidity. Clear, chilly, and sunny today though I think the rain is supposed to start up later in the week.

  17. Thelma - I am going to ask my son to get me some ear phones to plug into my Radio so that I too can listen to World Service in the night - my hearing is such that I need the soune concentrated in my ears.

    Jayview - No I haven't heard that - don't think I would ever get back to sleep again if i did that though.

    I am beginning to get back on an even keel so thanks everyone for your support.

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