Wednesday 4 December 2019

A Pleasant Outing

As readers of my posts will know, friend W and I go over to Kirkby Lonsdale on the edge of The Lake District to meet friends for lunch quite regularly.   But we only do this in the Summer as it entails driving over the Pennines - there are two ways to go but whichever one you choose you cannot avoid crossing the Pennines and the weather can change dramatically in a few hours in Winter.   Our friends are younger and so they come over the tops and we meet in Hawes - only fifteen miles from here through Wensleydale.   And today was the day for our Christmas meeting.

We set off from here in beautiful sunshine and I took my camera hoping for some good shots to show you.   Sadly, we had only gone a mile or two before we encountered clouds which got thicker and thicker and it really was not a photography day.   As friend W remarked - suddenly everything is a uniform brown - no leaves anywhere on the trees and few berries to enliven the scene.

Even Hawes was much quieter than usual - but by the time we had been in The Wensleydale Creamery cafe for half an hour it had filled up so we were glad we had booked.  As W and I are going out with four friends for Christmas lunch on Friday we resisted the Christmas menu (friend P had it, W had a chicken dish,  D had steak pie and I had my old favourite quiche, chips and salad.)  We were able to sit and have a nice chat for an hour afterwards and I was happy in the knowledge that friend S, who almost always takes Tess for a walk on Wednesdays, had agreed to come, take her today and post the key through the letter box.
Tess loves S dearly so I am sure she would be overjoyed to see her. 

As we approached home on our return journey gradually the clouds lifted and by the time we got here it was a lovely sunny day again.   The weather forecast had been correct when it had forecast cloudy in the West and sunny in the East.
Back home the electrician came at last and fixed my front door bell which has not been working for the last month.   I turned up the central heating and settled down with my book - shall not need any more to eat today!


  1. It sounds like a lovely day and I am pleased the weather didn't prevent you from going. It is very cold and crisp down here at present, but a lovely change from rain. I wonder how long it will last.

  2. Lots of sunshine in Lincolnshire today but freezing cold. The Red Arrows have been painting pictures in the blue skies. Stay warm Pat.

  3. Lovely day and friends ! Happy the weather turned out better than it could be.

  4. Glad you managed your jaunt and lunch.

  5. It was a beautiful day here yesterday, and will be again today. You and your friends must be very well known in your favourite restaurants; do they greet you by name?

  6. It has been sunny here all week, but cold; -4 Celsius as we speak. Sunrises and sunsets are very beautiful right now, and since they occur at times when I am awake (unlike the early sunrises in summer, when I am still asleep), I get to enjoy them every day.
    Your lunch sounds like my kind of meal, quiche, salad and chips. Nice to meet your friends regularly! I have my friends over for our traditional Secret Santa tomorrow night.

  7. I always like reading about your meals out with friends.

  8. A photo of clouds and everything brown would've done just fine. Life isn't always blue skies and sunshine as we all know. Cheers, or as we say here Prost!
