Tuesday 12 November 2019

Good and Bad

The good news is that my settees came - the delivery men were charming.   They put my old settees into the garage ready for the British Heart Foundation to collect tomorrow and they brought my new ones in with no fuss at all.   They look very nice and are so comfortable.   And I can get up easily which is a bonus.

The bad news is that I put the rug back down and then pulled one settee forward on to it.   The castors are much more effective than the ones on my old  settee and it came forward at speed and I promptly sat down with a bump on the floor.   Luckily I was near enough to the settee to get up easily but I have a sore bum in spite of landing on a rug with a carpet beneath!   It is much better this morning so obviously no permanent damage done.

At Librarian's suggestion I will try taking a photograph to show you but I am having trouble finding my photographs once they are in my computer - I come across them by accident days later even though I label them. 

The morning began with bright sunshine but now, at only a quarter to ten, it is cloudy although not particularly cold.   I normally go into town this morning, get my 'housekeeping money' out of the bank, pay my weekly newspaper bill, have coffee with friends and then return home.   But today one friend is at Yoga and another is on holiday so I have no need to go.   Soon my dog-walker will be here to take Tess on a long walk so I haven't even got that to do.   So it is a nice hot shower and a leisurely morning.  Maybe see you later with a photograph.  Here it is - the best I can get as I couldn't stand any further back.   Ercol settees by the way.


  1. We have a few good furniture and electrical shops in the area, private as opposed to chain, and the delivery men are always so helpful. Never in a rush, and want you to be happy before they leave. I'll happily pay extra for that sort of service. No advice on the stored photos from me - I'm useless! Have a lovely day!

  2. There's nothing like a bit of new furniture to cheer us up is there? I know how easily it is to take a tumble now, I have to be careful, I'm a poor old wobbly now, lol
    Glad no serious damage was done.

  3. Looking forward to seeing your photos when you can retrieve them. Hopefully your day doesn't turn out too wet.

  4. Sounds like a day for a rest. A tumble over backwards is not good. Take care and take it easy.

  5. You'll never forget the day they delivered the new settee. You' may get your leg pulled when your cafe
    friends see you.

  6. Reg. your photos - it depends on how you transfer them from your camera (or mobile phone) to your computer, and what type of computer it is. If it is a Mac (Apple product), I can't really help, either, as their system of storing photos is rather different (and in my eyes, not logical at all).
    If it is a Windows PC then it should ask you at the time of transfer where you want to store them. If it does not ask you this, they may automatically go into one of the following folders: "Temp", "Downloads", "Documents", "Pictures".
    Sorry to hear you fell. I hope you are better today.

  7. You found the pictures! and those settees look very smart and I love your rug too.
    Thank goodness you landed on rug on carpet and not on something hard and lumpy

  8. The room looks lovely with the new furniture and the bright rug. Really goes well with the beautiful fireplace! Glad you are all right after your fall. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Lovely living room, even better when the furniture is comfy.

  10. Your room looks so lovely and inviting! It will likely bring you such pleasure!
    I think a quiet day is what is called for after such a fall.

  11. How easily a fall can happen, especially when you can't see it coming. Thank the Good Lord you weren't hurt anymore than you are, and I hope you're much better today. Your room is absolutely lovely! The settees are nicely constructed with high enough backs to make them comfortable - and they look so nice with the colors in the rug and with the rest of the room. Enjoy them in good health!

  12. Your new settees look lovely. It's not always easy finding something that looks good and is comfortable as well.

  13. I think you did very well to shop and select such nice furniture. I love the upholstery choice too, we have a modern design rocking chair with a similar fabric.

  14. Your sofas look lovely. It's always a worry when you choose something in a vast ill lit showroom, to know what it will look like at home.

  15. Lovely room and with the new sofas so charming.

  16. It all looks very comfortable with the cheerful rug in between the sofas. A good day to really try them out by the sounds of itPut your feet up and enjoy them.

  17. I love your new furniture! Sorry about your fall, it's good you can rest today.

  18. You room looks so cosy yet very stylish and I love the new sofas. Hope you don't wake up with too many aches and pains after your fall and congratulations on being able to get up off the floor! I'm not sure if I can still do that.
    Keep warm and dry.

  19. Wonderful settees. You may need some brakes installed!

  20. They look lovely, glad your sudden sit left no lasting damage.

  21. That is exactly how I like sofas to be; projecting out on either side of the fireplace.

  22. Your room looked inviting before, neat and cosy, and the new settees fit it perfectly. Good to see you found the picture!

  23. Tips Rachel? Always
    Cro - I like sofas opposite one another if the room allows it because I find it hard to hear anyone if they are sitting at right angles to me.

    Thanks everybody

  24. Lovely settees Pat.
    So sorry that you sat on the floor though.
    Hope in a day or so that you will feel much better.
    Recline on one of your new seats with your feet up.
    I wouldn't be surprised if Tess eyes them up hopefully!

  25. I see that you have a fireplace. Do you ever light it? Or is it a gas one ?
