Wednesday 13 November 2019

Busy Day

My Decorator has been this afternoon to begin the restoration of my bedroom to its normal state.   You remember that after the flooding here on July 30th it was found that the soakaway carrying my surface water  had not worked for years.   I first noticed it when the wall in my bedroom showed mildew (horror!).   Well, now I have had a new soakaway built and today the Decorator came and painted the mildewed Anaglypta (the plaster under the anaglypta is not at all mildewed) with strong bleach.   Within half an hour it had all disappeared.  Tomorrow evening he is coming to paint some sort of recommended paint on the wall and then at the week-end he is set to repaint the walls.   Fingers crossed the whole episode is behind me.

This morning my television had no signal - on enquiring of my neighbour I found that we all had to re-tune our sets today (my knowledge of such things  is minus nil).   After writing down the instructions my television engineer gave me over the phone I spent an hour trying to do it, to no avail.   Luckily, when my friend and dog-walker on a Wednesday came an hour later she did it in a flash.   How different our brains are.   She offered to show me how to do it but I knew it was pointless.   So now, thanks to S, I am watching television again.  And there is a programme I wish to see in about ten minutes - so that's it for tonight.   See you tomorrow.


  1. Have to say I do enjoy your posts. Some similarities between us!

  2. My brother was a TV engineer for Radio Rentals and used to dread days when everyone's TV had to be retuned. I also remember when I worked at the school and many of the children had TVs in their bedrooms. Our maintenance man used to go around each room retuning the sets, but found one that was already done. When asked the boy whose set it was told us he'd retuned it himself. Now this was a young lad with severe learning difficulties who could not read or write; how he figured it out we'll never know.

  3. Enjoy your program tonight !

  4. Hope the TV program lived up to your expectations after all the kerfuffle!

  5. I have the same problem, Weave. I need wait on a lot of things being set to rights.

  6. Luckily at a meeting yesterday, a friend mentioned 'retuning'. So go to menu is the answer, it was just a reshuffle of course.

  7. What you decorator has done so far and will still do sounds all reasonable and good; I am sure it solves the problem for good.
    Whenever I have something to do like re-tuning the telly or so, I wait until I can not put it off any longer. It's not that I can't do it - usually I can figure it out on my own - but I can't be bothered after dealing with computers all day at work already.

  8. Well, I'm glad I didn't have to retune TV I wouldn't have a clue either.

  9. At least it saved you watching television at breakfast time.

  10. So pleased the mildew problem has been resolved and that your TV is now working again. I am useless when it comes to retuning and always have to call in help. Technology and I do not go hand in hand. Keep dry - it is raining heavily again down here - hope it eases in the North especially for all those flooded areas.

  11. I'm sure it is a huge relief to be getting your bedroom back to a comfort level.

  12. All keep everything crossed that my bedroom wall is cured. We shall not know for sure until we have a good rainto make sure the soakaway is really doing its job.==
    At the moment the place is upside down - a condition I hate but inevitable when one is decorating. Thanks for all your comments.
