Monday 5 August 2019


The ride to our Book Group Member's house was through the beautiful countryside of Wensleydale - at its very best this time of the year (they totally escaped the flooding) and she lived in a beautiful, very ancient house, surrounded by her dogs - I think we were all very envious.

The book 'The Good Immigrant'  provoked us into such a good discussion on the problems of immigration (several of us have first-hand experience of the problems) and the hour and a half passed so quickly.   The morning was a great success - helped along by good coffee and Lemon Drizzle Cake.   Since then I have cooked myself a bit of lunch, done a couple of loads of washing and taken Tess round the block so the time has come for a rest I think.

For once we are having a completely dry day with a pleasant sun - a bit windy but that will help to dry everything up a bit.   Bathroom mats and Tess's bedding are flapping on the line and will hopefully be dry by bed time.   People who havebeen flooded are still in the throes of clearing up but I think everyone, including they, has been thoroughly heartened by the huge outpouring of support - and a sense that everyone is pulling together.   It is things like this which really do bring out the best in people.

Until tomorrow.



  1. As you say it is things like this wretched flooding that does bring out the good in people.

  2. In yesterday's post you mentioned that you'd probably not be the only one not to have read the entire book for your meeting. How did the others do? And the member who chose the book - did she read it all?
    Wensleydale must be really beautiful this time of year!

  3. You represent your area well!

  4. Ha, I'm saying nothing about migrant workers, but the increasing problems of violence and now knife crime in our town are caused by the natives

  5. Now all I can think about is lemon drizzle cake.

  6. Your friend's ancient house sounds so interesting. I know modern ones are probably more convenient but older houses have so much character. You seem to have had a very busy day - I have been dreadfully lazy. I intended to go to a keep fit class this morning but the recent humidity has exhausted me, so I attended our coffee morning and had a lovely chat with my neighbours instead.

  7. I'm tired tonight, too, and that includes a full load of laundry. Good night to us all.

  8. A double portion of drizzle cake might be appropriate considering the weather.

  9. That sounds to me like a very good day! I phoned my neighbours in the Dales after the shock of seeing Bellerby on the National news and was pleased to hear that everything there was fine.

  10. As I write this, it's 5pm and outside there is not a cloud in the sky, it's hot and there is a strong, gusty wind blowing making it seem like being in the desert, it is so hot and dry!
