Sunday 4 August 2019

ADay Late

This is really Sunday's post a day late - the day caught up with me and I was too tired to put one on.

Out to lunch as usual (prawn salad and chips for me) and back home at four to take Tess for her walk round the estate.  I needn't have bothered - an hour later her friend, Heather, called to take her for a long walk (she was much more enthusiastic to go).   They both got wet through because true to form a shower became a deluge and it came down in sheets.   Tess didn't seem to mind so came home
 for a good rub down having had a 'bath of sorts'.

Calling to collect friend W for our lunch venue I got the chance to see the awful flood damage in our little village of Bellerby.   The houses by the side of the mill stream, which comes off the Moor, have just been devastated.   All downstairs rooms have been trashed beyond repair and great piles of furniture and fittings are piled up in the gardens.   The Council has thoughtfully provided skips at various places in the village to help with the clean-up operation.   There is a wonderful team spirit with various local businesses offering machinery and goods to help - i.e. sand and cement, aggregate, diggers and the like.   It has really brought out the best in people.

Now another week has dawned and with it heavy showers.   I spent a lot of time over the week-end cleaning the paths and sweeping up the soil and sand that has washed down off the fields  - yesterday there was more heavy rain but luckily only in short, sharp showers not the prolongued downpour of earlier in the week. 

It is my Book Group this morning ('The Good Immigrant ').   Reading a book of short essays is hard going to read one after the other - it is really a book to just dip into .   I didn't read them all and I suspect when I get to the meeting I shall find that no-one did.

I shall hopefully report back tonight, but in the meantime I need to shower and get ready to go - still haven't taken Tess for her morning walk.


  1. You're certainly getting more than your share of weather up there in the Dales. Les hope you don't have any more downpours for a while; it is supposed to be summer after all. Have a good day.

  2. For main course I had carp with potatoes yesterday and pike-perch with potatoes on Saturday. We've had some lovely weather and this morning is sunny with a light breeze. Hopefully we have all the thunderstorms behind us for a while. When disaster strikes the volunteer fire brigade immediately mobilizes and rushes to the rescue. They are to be found in practically every town and village. They are the adhesive that holds communities together.

  3. Poor Bellerby folks! I am glad to read, though, that people rally round and help each other, and even more glad to know that your house is not damaged and your hard work sweeping and cleaning was not all in vain.

  4. I'm beginning to wonder if information about all parts of this country actually exists in the weather people's data banks. Last night's Countryfile weather for the week ahead was a classic example. All the guy went on about was the fact that most parts of the country will get rain again this week, he failed yet again, to mention that South East England and North Kent in particular, are also getting extreme weather - it hardly ever rains here. Round here everywhere is dust dry and lawns and fields look like they did last summer, half dead and bright yellow. For the umpteenth year in a row, trying to keep garden plants alive after mid-July is a waste of time and what water we do have.

  5. Unpleasant but not the end of the world. Nobody died so they are all still there. Enjoy your book club and hope you get a chance to have some hilarity and chat while you are there, not all essays and heavy stuff.

  6. The humid weather is taking it's toll on me and no doubt many others. I feel utterly drained. My heart goes out to those unfortunate villagers in Bellerby. Thank goodness no lives were lost and they have support and help as they try to recover. I hope you don't get a black mark from your Book Group for not reading all those short stories. I tend to avoid short stories myself. Hope the weather will soon relent and leave you all in peace.

  7. Thanks everyone. For once a dry and sunny day today. As I have friends coming for the week ebd I have done one or two tidying up jobs today and later will probably make up the beds if I have the energy.
