Monday 12 August 2019

Monday morning

The week-end gone and another week dawning.   The flood recedes into the past although not for the folk involved because work still goes on and will for weeks.   My son's lane is smart after its rebuild and driving through the village is slightly easier although there are skips and sandbags everywhere still.   My son thought he had escaped but a couple of days ago the bedroom ceiling fell with a bang, so not all escaped after all.

I have really enjoyed P and D being here for the weekend and christening my new mattresses (which they pronounced to be very comfortable).   The weather has been pretty atrocious with strong winds and rain at times, so we haven't really done a lot.   Dinner on Saturday night (my son and his wife came too) was a pleasant occasion.  As I often do I made a Yorkshire Platter - very little work and always impresses - local Pork Pies, local ham, local cooked sausage, lots of salads and good bread all washed down with good wine.   What's not to like?

Yesterday we all went out for Sunday lunch so no effort involved there and last night the ham which had not been eaten made good ham and Dijon mustard sandwiches, followed by Yorkshire Fruit Cake and local cheeses.

My friends left this morning after taking Tess for her morning walk and then putting out my Green Bin ready for Wednesday morning (it was so full that I couldn't push it down the drive).   Their bed linen has just finished in the machine so I shall go and put it on the line - and then sit down with the remnants of that Yorkshire Platter and have a leisurely lunch.


  1. Well I have to say that the food provided both evenings, certainly was my kind of good, simple food, especially when washed down with good wine. Nice one.

  2. A Yorkshire Platter - now that is something you'd make any guest happy with, unless they were vegetarian :-)
    Sorry to hear the bedroom ceiling at your son's house came down. You probably would have said otherwise; it sounds like nobody was in the room at the time, fortunately.

  3. Has you son got a leaking roof? Ceilings don't just fall.

  4. Glad to see you out with family and friends yesterday. We too had a lovely lunch, and our friends, who love Swaledale, went up that way to try and spend something and help the local economy.

  5. Sounds like a delightful weekend, even with the inclement weather. I hope that you are now relaxing.

  6. My dad managed to put his leg through the bathroom ceiling one time. He was up in the attic in the bungalow fixing something. My mother would burst in to laughter as she often recalled the banging, the crashing and the leg coming through. Another time my dad bought a camper van. It'll fit in the garage, I've measured it, he said. Well, it did. It fitted so exactly one couldn't open the doors. What an argument they had about that. We've had some great laughs looking back on things that we're obviously we're not funny at the time. Such is life. Hope you have a good day. It's brightening up here after the afternoon shower.

  7. I'm glad to hear you had a nice weekend with your friends - despite the awful weather! The Yorkshire platter sounds great and very simple to put together.

    A shame about your son's bedroom ceiling. A job he could well do without I expect.

  8. It wasn't as bad as expected here, thank heavens!

  9. The Yorkshire Platter sounds delicious and am pleased your weekend with friends was so pleasant in spite of the weather. Commiserations to your son and his wife over their bedroom ceiling. I hope will be repaired without too much disruption. It seems our weather will continue to be unsettled for a while longer, but at least it is cooler and more comfortable.

  10. I hope that your son and wife were not asleep in bed when the ceiling fell down. Had they a leaking roof?. Here in the USA ceilings are usually made of large panels of "sheetrock" which is like plaster, and some are made from wood pieces/planks much like a floor.

  11. Your Saturday night dinner sounds just perfect.

  12. It may only be 8.30 in the morning, but your description of the Yorkshire Platter is making my mouth water!
    I'm glad you had such an enjoyable weekend:)

  13. Yes Rachel - he found out too late.

    Thanks everyone, especially Helen. I have tried to put you on my side bar and managed to add a comment on your post - so far so good.

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