Friday 9 August 2019


Pouring rain on waking this morning and it didn't stop until around half past ten.   Today was the day they were set to resurface the lane where my son lives after the floods of a fortnight ago.   I didn't expect they would do it, but a whole lot of volunteers turned up and by late afternoon it was done.   I understand they all repaired to the pub to celebrate and I am sure they had earned it.    The floods, although catastrophic for so many in the village, have certainly brought out a fantastic community spirit, so it is not all bad news.

By lunch time today it was warm and sunny but now, at almost eight in the evening, huge black clouds fill the sky again and there is a distant rumble of thunder.   I have visitors for the week-end and so I hope the weather is good for their drive cross-country from The Lakes in the morning.   All meals are planned for minimum effort and maximum taste (I hope) so keep your fingers crossed for me.


  1. Reasons for resurfacing a lane Part 2: A man is coming here to try and break the world record for running the marathon distance. They are now resurfacing a section of the tarmac he will be running on through a park.

  2. You will be able to have the verdict on the new mattresses.

  3. We had thunder at 4 a.m. this morning. Very heavy showers since and now the wind is getting up. I hope my runner beans and my plastic greenhouse make it through the night.

    Safe journey to your friends tomorrow, and have a lovely time with them.

  4. Wild weather up and down the country today. It was very windy last night and heavy rain lashed the windows. Today I had to close one window as it was blown wide open by a gust of wind. Still very warm though and no need for gardeners to do any watering for a day or two. So glad the road repairs went well and I hope your visitors have a comfortable journey. I'm sure you will all enjoy yourselves.

  5. I'm looking forward to this little storm.

  6. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. And I love how hardship brings out the best in us.

  7. Stormy here last night, with some welcome rain. Some have too much; others not enough.

  8. Enjoy your weekend with friends!
    The volunteers were right to celebrate at the pub after all their efforts.
    Thunderstorm with rain here last night, too; it felt extra cosy in bed.

  9. Well here we are on Sunday morning, another dry, sunny and windy day.
    We had a little rain first thing yesterday morning to start the storm off but a day of sunshine and winds gusting to 55mph soon saw off any hint of dampness and we remain as dry as usual.
