Sunday 10 March 2019


Well it's back to normal again today after the razz-a-ma-tazz of the birthday celebrations yesterday.    Such a strange day today - one minute it is brilliant sunshine and the next it is snowing hard and there is a fierce wind blowing.

Salmon florentine as usual for my lunch - it really does taste beautiful on a deep layer of spinach - and because I am right off sweet food at present I had camembert for my pudding. Then it is a cup of tea in the bar, home again and take Tess for a walk before I take off my coat.  All done now so I can relax.

The fields are beginning to green up - in other words the  grass has started to grow and in those fields where there are no sheep it is bright green.
No lambs close to here yet although I did see some on Thursday when I drove through to Sedbergh over the Pennines.   I think to most people they are the first real sign of   Spring - well that and the catkins and they are everywhere.   And in the morning the birds are starting to sing seriously - does the heart good even if there is a snow shower outside the window.


  1. My last name is Salmon, but unfortunately I don't like eating it! Too bad, as I know it's very good for you. Actually, it's been years since I've had it, so maybe I should give it another try. We had a little snow here the morning, but it seems to have stopped now and we're supposed to finish the day with rain. I'm glad your crazy weather isn't dampening your mood!

  2. There is a freezin' bleedin' wind coming down from you to us today.

  3. P.S. I now ignore that box to tick which says I am not a robot, and still get through!

  4. I've noticed the birds early in a morning, this last week. It's usually just before six o'clock here. X

  5. Same weather here. Very cold. Windy, showers, sunshine, but cold at all times. I just opened a tin of salmon and had salmon sandwiches.

  6. We had hailstones every ten mins or so for a while this afternoon - really torrential ones too. It was windy and I was glad to be inside at the Fair we were doing. Your lunch sounded lovely. I have some salmon in the freezer and must liberate it this week.

    We've had spring like signs for quite a while, bucked up by that week of hot weather. Lot of lambs here too - in fact, there were some who were big come Christmas so must have been November lambs (they're from Poll Dorset sheep which I think can be bred from all year round).

    The birds seem to think it is spring too - I spotted a Red Kite yesterday with a twig in its talons for nest building.

  7. We had a flock of robins on the pasture today and twin lambs at lunch. Spring is definitely here.

  8. Very changeable weather here too at present, one minute glorious sunshine and the next a hail shower. Add to that very strong gusts of winds and that adds up to typical March weather, but it does make going for a walk quite exhausting.
    It is so heartening to hear the birds sing and see the catkins blowing in the wind.

  9. Well Lucy and I have given up walking because of the weather. Lucy puts her nose out the back door and immediately refuses to go out, fair weather dog that she is. So soup making yes but gardening is off the list.

  10. Talking of lambs.....just popped over to our local butcher and got our first of the season Loaghtan lamb supplies.
    Sorry... but it does taste wonderful.

  11. I love your descriptions of food.
