Sunday 27 January 2019


There is something very pleasant about sitting here at half past ten on a Sunday morning, looking out on crocus, snowdrops, polyanthus in bloom and plenty of bulbs peeping up and soon to be in flower (weather permitting) and not having to think what I am going to do about Sunday lunch.
All I have to do is make a decision between prawn salad with chips or salmon florentine with vegetables. 

Tess has been walked on a sunny morning.   The wind is very strong; far too strong for me to walk far but I managed a walk round the block and Tess managed her usual quantity of lavatorial duties so I don't have to venture out again until my drive to collect W and drive to our restaurant. 

My dashboard keeps telling me that it is time for an oil change.   I bought my Vauxhall Corsa new in April 2017.   The garage told me I needed an oil change in March 2018 and now they have sent me a letter to say I need an oil change in February 2019.   now my dashboard has joined in.   This seems to mean that the car doesn't go a full year without a service.   The only thing is that my mileage is very low (well under five thousand in two years) so perhaps that has some bearing on things.   My knowledge of all things technical is absolutely nil.   I have had two husbands who were good at this kind of thing and I refuse to learn about such things now.   I shall bask in ignorance.

So, tomorrow morning I shall ring the garage in Northallerton and book my car in.   Luckily the garage is directly opposite a shop which sells all manner of things worth looking at so I shall wander across the road and inspect their material, wool, rugs, sheets, you name it.   Probably have a coffee first at the garage - that is if there is anyone around to work the machine for me!!


  1. My car, which is 6 years old and does around 10,000 miles a year, only has a service every 10,000 miles and that is more often than recommended.

    After early morning rain it is now 5 degrees and blowing a cold and strong N. wind, here on Sheppey.

  2. With your knowledge of cars demonstrated in the post it would appear that you do not check anything much under the bonnet so best advice is to go for the service, as you are doing.

  3. Here in the US, most vehicles require a simple oil change every 3,000 to 6,000 miles (depends on type/age of vehicle). This is different than "servicing", which happens at different set mileages and is more in-depth. Sometimes it's stated as being due at so many miles OR at a certain age whichever comes first, but I always go by miles. The age thing doesn't make sense to me if the car is just sitting there...

  4. Dashboards are very bossy these days, aren't they Weave? Mine has been telling me to get a service since I bought it a year ago, and I am punishing it for being so pushy by denying it one. It keeps telling me that my tailgate is open too, when I know it isn't. I put it down to old age - both the car's and mine.

  5. We have had a lovely sunny morning here - beginning to become cloudy now. Enjoy your Sunday lunch and your pretty garden.

  6. Enjoy your spring flowers and your lunch (I'm betting it was the salmon!) I admit I am one of those women who leaves car maintenance up to my husband, but I think doing all of the housework vs. a once a year oil change still means he gets the better end of the bargain! ;) -Jenn

  7. I'd have the salmon florentine but you've probably had the prawns by now. We had a late lunch of vegetable soup and chicken and rice with sprouts.

  8. If I am reminded to do it, and my service garage reminds me of everything, I do it. As I tell every car, I'll take care of you and you take care of me. And it all works out.

  9. I used to be very good with the insides of cars as my Dad had a garage and I was taught how to do it. Now I am unfit so when the MOT is due it gets serviced as well. I do a very low mileage too. Hope you enjoyed your lunch but I am sure you did!

  10. I have just booked a service on line = so hope they can do it on the day I have suggested.

    Prawns with salad and chips for lunch. Delicious.

  11. I’ve been told that if the oil light comes on to stop driving immediately as you can damage your engine permanently.
    Lovely to see spring flowers starting to show.

  12. Glad you enjoyed your prawns and your beautiful morning. My best friend and I took my Mom out to a Mexican restaurant for lunch today after church and had a wonderful time. She hadn't gotten out much last week because I was sick, so this kind of made up for it. Good luck with the car!

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. I see "mumbai escorts" have made it to your blog, too, like to several others I read. I wish there'd be a truly effective method to block such spam bots!
    Anyway, your Sunday sounds nice, and I'm glad the weather was good enough to get a little walk in.
    We had a rather mild weekend with temperatures around 7-8C, but the cold (and snow) is forecast to return this week, could be even today.
    Strangely enough, I have not yet spotted a single snowdrop or aconites in any of the gardens or parks we've been past on yesterday's long walk, although we saw crocus and hellebores and even some primroses in bloom.

  15. Thanks everyone for your comments. Car booked in for tomorrow, weather permitting. Snow is forecast and I don't intend to drive the car in the snow, so I hope it stays away for the day.

  16. That snow seems to be coming in two directions. Snow by Scarborough this morning. I love my little Kia, with a Kia garage in Kirkby, they look after it so well, and even clean it when it is in for a service. Also can't get over the fact that I pay no motor tax........

  17. "I shall bask in ignorance", my sentiments exactly! Know nothing about my car and don't want to learn, they pay garage guys good money to know what to do and how to fix it.

  18. If you drive only 2500 miles per year you definitely don't need to change your oil every year. I change the oil in my pickup truck every 5000 miles. If you listen to mechanics they will have you doing all manner of things that need not be done. It's money in their pocket.

    Guy from Texas.
