Saturday 26 January 2019

Brilliant service.

I do believe in giving credit where it is due - so here is what happened to me early this morning.  I have a teeny leak on the stop tap.   My electrician said I needed to get it 'seen to' and as I subscribe to Yorkshire Water's Home Serve I rang them on Thursday.   They gave me an appointment for 'sometime on Saturday'.   At eight o'clock this morning they rang me on their mobile to say they would be at my bungalow between nine and nine thirty.  This gave me time to take Tess for her morning walk.

At nine the plumber arrived - a very pleasant chap - and ten minutes later the job was completed and he was gone.   There was indeed a tiny leak - a nut had come loose and needed tightening.  Also the wet was partly due to condensation - so hopefully all is well now. 

Another book recommendation.   A friend has lent me 'The Ragged Edge of Night ' - a novel about a German village in the Second World War - about secret resistance by some of the villagers and about one particular family.   Coincidentally after reading it = and really enjoying it - I read about the author.   It is based on a true story and the author lives in the San Juan Islands in Washington State. She and her husband have a one acre micro farm.   I have a friend - who I met when she also blogged -  and she and her husband live there too and also have a farm (thousand flower) so there is a connection there. .   Four or five years ago the blogger from Thousand Flower and her husband called at our farm and stayed the night and we have kept in touch.   Such a coincidence.

How far reaching blogging takes us and what people we are put in touch with one way or another.


  1. Yes, blogging has been, and hopefully will continue to be, a powerful platform to meet wonderful people around this amazing planet.
    San Juan Islands - a truly beautiful area which we love to visit.

    Glad the water and electrics are now working well - Tess should be able to relax at long last, bless her.
    Mary -

  2. I would have been lost without blogging these last months - sounds drastic but true.

    Your water company sounds better than here, it is nearly two years since our neighbour in the lane began the task of getting us all a better water supply - the pipes don't belong to Suffolk and Essex water so they are not bothered.

  3. The local post office, or maybe the one in Estonia or in Holland or wherever else (post goes round the block a few times in today's EU) keeps losing my letters, the ones from the UK. Now they have a full page advert for school leavers and unskilled workers wanted for training. I hope they can read. A recent report said 25%-30% of teenagers are almost illiterate.

    A couple whose pet do died requested their best friend's ashes be sent by post. After a lengthy period it didn't arrive. The post said the urn has been 'lost' and they are 'looking for it'.

    Yes, you are right, good service counts for a lot. Bad service is on the increase on this side of the channel.

  4. So glad your leak has been repaired - one less thing to worry about! Thank you for the book recommendation. It sounds an interesting read and I shall look out for it.

  5. I love sitting down to look at the blogs I follow. I feel very fond of people I've never met, but who have shared their everyday lives, thoughts, and knowledge. And when people leave a comment on my blog, I feel like when I was in forth grade and got a letter from my pen-pal in Nebraska! That connection is amazing. It is a small world it many ways.

  6. The book you mentioned sounded a bit different to the books I normally read but sounded interesting, so I have ordered it for my kindle. Looking forward to reading it.

  7. For me, blogging is great fun, although it's not something that my life depends on. It best works for me when another blogger is also able to accept the alternative views of someone (we don't all see things the same way).
    You seem quite at peace with the world Pat - good on you.

  8. Many blogs, yours included Pat, brighten and enlighten my day.
    I love having virtual friends and enjoy your descriptions of Yorkshire, I lived in Huddersfield for many years.
    I live in Dallas TX now and have a brother in law who lives in the San Juan Islands, I have not been but it looks so beautiful.
    Best wishes to you and Tess.
    Pam in TX.xx

  9. I love to read your journal and enjoy photos of the lovely place where you live .You get top marks from me ! Debbie :) x
