Monday 10 December 2018


Yesterday was a day of pure unbroken sunshine; today started like that but as the day has progressed the cloud has increased and now, as the light goes, it is cloudy.   Luckily Tess and I managed two walks today in the sunshine.   I intended to take her for a third walk but friend E called for an hour and by the time she had gone it was dark.

With Christmas I have got to the stage of a longish list of things yet to do.   One by one the things are getting crossed off and that gives me a feeling of satisfaction.   Today, when my cleaning lady left I nipped up to Tesco to buy ready-to-roll marzipan (yes, I know it is lazy, I admit to it) for a cake for my son.   I am happy to have mine un-iced.   Also to buy a gift token for another present.   The list gets shorter by the day - just how I like it.

Christmas is not the same without the farmer - and, of course, never will be again.   But we soldier on and try to keep cheerful (and succeed most of the time).   Tess is a great help even though she doesn't of course know it is Christmas.
(Well at least not until a slice of turkey appears in her food bowl).

Friends help tremendously - what would we do without them?   As I said a few minutes ago in answer to Rachel's blogpost - they have helped me through some tough times over the last couple of years and that goes for my blogging friends as well as those near enough to knock on my door.
So thank you all.   I hope your Christmas plans are going well and that you all have a good Christmas.   And, Rachel, get packing that case or if I remember it may well be a rucksack.


  1. Christmas cake has to go with Wensleydale cheese, no icing as you say, but not to forget the cheese!

  2. I surprised myself today by wrapping all the presents I've bought so far and discovering I'd had almost everything I need to give away. Just the cards to tackle next, I'm one of those people who feels obliged to add a little note so that takes ages. Glad to hear you are making good progress, enjoy the season.

  3. There are only a few things left to do for me, "thanks" to my unexpected weekend home alone which I used wisely. During the week, I don't get that much done outside work, so I am glad that I had the chance now.
    On Friday, I'll have my "girl"friends over for our traditional Secret Santa evening with Toast Hawaii and champagne - we all love that tradition of ours, it is so much fun, and I hope we'll still be doing that 50 years from now! I've done some of the shopping for that today, so that I can focus on the rest of the preparations during the two hours between returning from work and my guests arriving.

  4. I am slowly getting organized and will get the last of the post off tomorrow and breath a sigh of relief.

    No need to apologise for "boughtun" marzipan. Same applies to puff pastry - even Mary Berry buys hers in! There are only so many hours in the day after all!

    I'm glad you had some sunshine - it is a little elusive down here in winter!

  5. Funny you should say that, I was just thinking about getting the rucksack out and placing a few things in. My brother has just told me he cannot meet the train when I get back so I shall add a day in London on the end and get back a day later. I am rather looking forward to that, I can take in a London museum as an extra. Glad you are getting through your list. I still have to do a bit of Christmas shopping so will start soon.

  6. I am the marzipan thief. I love it. It does not have to be draped on cake. I can suck on fairly small pats of marzipan for for much of the evening.

  7. I am almost done shopping myself. Everything is ordered that can be. I just need to pick up two things at a store. I even have all the Christmas candy bought.

    I feel sad having typed's not what the holiday is about for me, but I get into it too.

  8. Thank you Pat for being here for us! I don't always comment but I do appreciate you and your blog!

  9. Marsipan I cannot stand! Lol how all our tastes vary!

  10. I am more or less ready for Christmas having posted my cards off today and put cash in lieu of a gift into all the family envelopes to be delivered by hand. I have bought one or two goodies to take with me and ensure I am a good guest when I go to my daughter and son-in-law for Christmas Day, and my son and daughter-in-law for Boxing Day. As you see, I wont have any cooking to do and will be spoiled rotten! All in all a very lazy and extremely enjoyable Christmas to look forward to.

  11. Hello and stop in from Cups on Bus. I also have a Christmas list of items to be completed. I guess I am doing ok.
    If you have time stop in for cup of coffee

  12. Your marzipan reference made me think of the little doily and plastic wrapped long pieces of fruit cake with marzipan icing that were traditionally given out as token "gifts" at weddings. My mother would put it in her purse and the next day, I would eat just the icing, leaving the fruit cake for her! Hope you have a very good week! -Jenn

  13. Christmas is slowly coming together here...but not one bit of wrapping is done. I cannot put them out anyway because my kitties would not leave them alone...I usually put them under the tree about the last week.

  14. I, too, am beginning to write lists. Only two weeks to go, so some organisation is required. Not my best quality!

  15. This morning I've been instructed to write Christmas cards. Hope they get to the UK on time. I think I might do a cartoon and photocopy it if I can think of a good idea. I'm also a bit of disorganized type.

  16. For the first time ever I'm making marzipan. My son loves it and usually has it in his Christmas stocking. But the selection of marzipan gifts are limited here in the USA. So I'm being brave, and I will attempt to make it. Wish me luck!

  17. coffee on the porch - there used to be little lace- edged boxes you could buy for those bits of cake. The marzipan would be laid onthe top of the cake. Thank you for the reminder. Yum, yum.

    Si I could eat yours as well as mine. I dare not have a block as I would eat it all (thank you Joanne for reminding me that I must not think of buying one.)

    Wish I could meet you to go round that Museum. Have a really good holiday and think of the footsteps of those who trod there before you - it was always a good starting point for exploration.

    Thanks everyone for your response.
