Tuesday 11 December 2018


A dismal shade of grey has descended over the landscape of Wensleydale today.   First thing in the morning sunshine was promised but it quickly gave way to this and even the town's Christmassy windows failed to dispel the gloom.   Our morning coffee was enjoyable for the companionship and the familiarity and the taste of the coffee (or in one case hot chocolate) rather than the scene outside the window.    I arrived home to find a card from Australian friends with their address on the envelope so I dashed off a card and letter and went back into town hoping I had caught the 'post by' date (missed it by one day so hope it still gets there).   I love receiving cards = and sending them = now they really do cheer things up.

It is the last episode of 'Mrs Wilson' tonight - what a fascinating tale it has been, especially as it is based on a true story and the leading actress is in fact the grand-daughter of the woman involved.  It did set me thinking - have there been instances of women being bigamists?  All the ones I have ever heard of have been men, but it would be interesting to know the answer to my question.

Three seventeen here and almost dark.   I shall finish now and take Tess for her last walk of the day.   That will be three walks for me - selfishly - that has done me a lot of good.   Giles Coren in The Times today slates dog owners and says  'if you feel the need to own a living thing get a b***** fish.'    All I can say is that he should try it and then he might well change his mind.


  1. I like fish. A poached salmon especially.

    If I was left on my own I'd keep a good dog by me. I've said it often. Probably I'd go for a Border Collie. A dog that has the ability to remember and understand hundreds of words. Up to 350 words in one case I heard about.

  2. It's been a miserable grey day here too and I'm thankful for the cheery sparkle of our Christmas lights.
    The beauty of dog ownership means you have to go out, whether you want to or not, and always feel much better for it. X

  3. It has been a chilly but quite sunny day here on Sheppey and sun is forecast for tomorrow as well. Many of us have animal favourites and also those that we would never give a home to. I've had Jack Russells for 40 odd years but loathe cats and so on.
    I've spent a number of years researching and writing up my family history going back to the mid-1700's and recently, with new information coming on line, I've been getting stuck into that again. In the summer I had a DNA test with shows that I'm 75% Western European, 15% Scandinavian, 6% Irish.

  4. Beautiful day here, wall to wall sunshine and blue sky. I note that Giles Coren says he is not a dog person. Nor am I. It is probably best for dogs if people who are self-professed not dog people don't have them. I wouldn't force a cat on someone who didn't like cats, or who said they were not a cat person, in fact I would worry for the cat's welfare. Each to their own I say.

  5. Sorry to hear it is so grey today. We have light cloud cover today and I am enjoying it iittle like winter as it was 56/70 yesterday. Very nice day but sometimes cooler is better for us.

    cheers parsnip and badger

  6. Try and think how beautiful your garden will look in the not so distant future.

  7. I agree, finding a card from a friend in the mail cheers one up a lot! My sideboard is slowly but surely filling with cards, after I have posted my 18 or so yesterday.
    Weather here was pretty much a mixed bag, cold-ish and windy, a few drops of rain but also some sunshine during the day. I am not yet quite over my cold so worked from home, which was nice.
    As for dogs and cats etc., I would love to have a cat (or two) again, since my last one died of old age in 2013, but how I live now, with being out of the house almost every day all day, and away most weekends, it simply would not be fair to whichever pet I'd have.

  8. Misty and very cold in Lincolnshire today. We have recorded Mrs Wilson to watch over the holiday period, I'm looking forward to it.

  9. Bitter cold but sunny here in the West Virginia mountains. It's not much fun having to go out in this cold, but usually by afternoon it's bearable.

  10. In contrast with his sister, Giles Coren is a total twerp

  11. Cold, wet & grey here on the south west coast of British Columbia. Not my favorite time of the year - used to go to work in the dark & come home in the dark . . . . Much as I prefer dogs, I've always seemed to have second hand cats. They do keep the mice down, don't need to be walked & fit in your lap better than my old mastiff did, that's for sure!! Science proves that people who have animals are much healthier for much longer than people who don't. And people who walk dogs are the healthiest of all!! So there.

  12. I'm keen to watch 'Mrs. Wilson'. It sounds a fascinating story, particularly so given that Ruth Wilson is starring in it.

  13. Hello Weaver I am so pleased that you and Tess have each other my staffie Sam was such a great friend to me as I was widowed at 53. You deserve all your good friends as you give out more than you take. I love your blog and take inspiration from your bravery and your can do attitude many thanks Jo x

  14. We go dark a few minutes before five, at the worst of our winter solstice. I was in Boston once around Christmas, and it was dark at four in the afternoon, because they are so far east in the same time zone as mine. I believe you only have one time zone in Britain.
    Anyway, every year I find myself anticipating the winter solstice and gaining another minute of light every day. Silly as it sounds, it keeps me going, every year.

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  17. Keep a goldfish instead of a dog? What fun you would have, taking your gold fish for a walk in a little bag filled with water. Easier than lugging the bowl around and less messy than having water splash everywhere.
    Lovely warm, sunny day here, 28C right now.


  18. well Coren can be amusing, after all he is paid to be, but definitely got it wrong about dogs.
    Anyway with his life in restaurants eating food how come he is so slim I wonder?

  19. He's a great one for giving his opinion, no? I guess he likes to be controversial so people will comment and discuss him :o)

    Did you happen to see Made In Britain the other night? It was all about the Dale and its cheese- a brilliant programme which taught me things I never knew. 900 years' worth of cheese making in one place! Fantastic. And most of it on farms until recently. Were you ever involved?

  20. Thank you so much for the lovely cheery robin card!
    Yours will be sent today!

  21. I like fish to eat but you can't cuddle up to one on a cold dreary winter day, and a dog makes a far better companion.
    Christmas cards are arriving in a steady trickle. I always have a few spares in case I get an unexpected one.
    It is dry here at the moment but there are plenty of clouds and the wind is picking up. Glad I took my walk earlier. I have a job to do this afternoon that will keep me warm - the ironing!

  22. It's very grey here too! I need to get my Christmas tree and decorations up to cheer myself up! I'm enjoying Mrs. Wilson too and can't imagine women being bigamists as we simply wouldn't have the time!!
