Monday 24 December 2018

Christmas eve.

Christmas eve and after a beautiful warm, sunny day there is now a beautiful moon and quite a sharp frost.   The price we pay I suppose, but well worth it.All is ready for the big day - for the first time in fifty years I have much less to do and am not actually responsible for any food unless I wish to be.   I have opted to cook the salmon, the chicken and stuffing and the pigs in blankets for my son's buffet on Boxing Day but everything is ready to take out of the fridge or freezer when I return from friend W's tomorrow tea time.

I did what I always do on Christmas eve - poured myself a glass of sherry and sat down and watched Carols from Kings - the start of Christmas for me.   My dear friend Jean, who has been dead many years, used to spend Christmas with the farmer and me (and her daughter, who is my God-daughter) and together we always watched it.

There is something magical about Christmas eve when it gets to this time (11pm) whether one is a believer or not.  When I was drawing the curtains at around half past four this afternoon Father Christmas, in full, authentic regalia, came walking up the road opposite.   Where he had come from and where he was going I have no idea but I did wish I had had my camera handy.

Whatever you intend doing this Christmas enjoy every moment of it.   I shall not put a post on now for a couple of days as I shall be too busy - but Happy Christmas to everyone.



  1. Thank you Pat, and the same to you. We've had a good evening and are now retiring to bed with 5% battery remaining and a list wire to pug in. Otherwise all oK. Schlaf gut! (Sleep well).

  2. Why spellchecker thinks it knows better than the human mind I've no idea. It changes my sentences to nonsense. Ah well. Tomorrow is another day,

  3. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year from B.C.

  4. Happy Christmas and New Year. It is a hard white frost here too looks quite beautiful.

  5. Merry Christmas Weaver,hope the next year is a good one for you.

  6. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Pat, and to Tess of course! Wishing you a Healthy and Happy New Year.

    Sweet's too early for bed here. Cold but clear for the moment.

  7. That music from Kings was the last from the chorister who has been doing it for 37 years. Even more emotional than usual. Happy Christmas Weave.

  8. Merry Christmas! We are not yet at the end of Christmas Eve (it's about 9:30 pm right now). We do still joke that the animals can talk at midnight. Our big gathering is on Boxing Day as well. -Jenn

  9. Wishing you a Happy Christmas Weave. X

  10. We always listen to the re-broadcast of the Lessons and Carols from Kings on Christmas morning. Wishing you and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Weave!

  11. I thought the Carols from Kings yesterday was one of the best in recent times. Plenty of old favourites, one or two dodgy arrangements, and a fabulous baritone soloist. As usual I sat mesmerised. Have a good day, Weave; I know you will. Cro x

  12. Merry Christmas Pat, enjoy your holiday, friends and family!

  13. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!
    Oh, I so love the idea of you looking out of your window and seeing Father Christmas - and you not recognising him as this or that neighbour and not knowing where he came from and where he was going. To be honest, it made me well up, as it so reminded me of that magic Christmas feeling I had as a child. It is not entirely lost, but it certainly feels different today.
    Yes, there is something about late Christmas Eve. When I walked home from my parents' at 10:30 last night, the moon was very bright, but my favourite star constellation (Orion) was clearly visible nonetheless. I walked past houses and gardens decorated and lit up, spotted some people quietly sitting in their living rooms, reading or with a glass in hand and talking.

  14. Happy Christmas Pat.

  15. Happy Christmas. Relax and enjoy, Weave x

  16. Kings College Carols were wonderful - enjoy your day.x

  17. And a Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  18. Merry Christmas to you and all your family and friends!

  19. Happy Christmas! Have a lovely time with your dear family and friends.

  20. Happy Christmas Pat, it was very cold last night here, frost coating all the cars

  21. Enjoy your Christmas with family and friends Pat.x

  22. Pat, I hope you have the merriest Christmas and the best year to come. Donna@gather

  23. I Listened to the 9 lessons on the radio with the carols. Lovely. Merry Crimbo to you x

  24. Merry Christmas Pat, from a rather warm Sydney!
