Friday 2 November 2018

Sitting room and other things.

Well, as promised, here is a view of my newly decorated sitting room.   As my son rightly said - 'more you Mum than the way it was before.'  It is certainly much more restful now that there is no patterned wallpaper to distract my eye.

Now to other things.   Lunch today was delicious at our usual venue.  Celeriac soup (fantastic, I shall certainly have a go at making this) followed by chicken, ham and leek individual pie with multi coloured carrots (most attractive on the plate ) and a tub of chips.  Coffee to finish and all the time a wedding party was assembling (the venue is licensed for weddings).  We had to leave before the bride arrived but we had a good view of the guests who came into the bar part of the restaurant for drinks.   It was a chilly day but the guests (all seemed to be under thirty) were all in quite flimsy dresses (men, thank goodness in lounge suits and not ill-fitting hired morning dress) and absolutely
unbelievable hats - how fashionable they seem to be this season for weddings.   As friend W and I remarked on our way out to the girls on reception, we would never wear clothes like this these days because we never went to weddings any more = it was more likely to be funerals. 

My friend and neighbour H came round later in the afternoon to view my sitting room decorating and we had a cup of tea and discussed the fact that in the Chinese zodiac we are both monkeys.   Do we have similar characteristics in our make up?   I am just off to have a read up about it on the internet and will report back.   Apparently we, as monkeys are light-hearted and tend to be pranksters - not sure that this is me - shall have to think about it.


  1. That's lovely Weave, but where's the old print of Guildford???!!!

  2. It looks beautiful Pat. I bet it makes a big difference. Donna@gather

  3. Your room looks lovely, Pat! And I love Harlequin next to the painting by your first husband. At least, I think it's Harlequin? I love the colour of the walls. We have patterned paper in our hall, but it's a traditional Colefax & Fowler trellis paper (sadly, they no longer make it) but our sitting room has plain walls, painted in Farrow & Ball's estate emulsion in a discontinued shade called Gervase Yellow, which changes with the changing light in the room during the day time. But you have a lovely room in which to sit in comfort now.

    As for you being a monkey, I am also a monkey according to the Chinese calendar! I'd not thought of myself as a prankster, though!
    Margaret P

  4. What lovely paintings and drawings you have. The room looks very calm

  5. It looks like you've returned to your colours at the farmhouse. Has the kitchen turned to custard?

  6. It looks fantastic. Love your husband's painting.

  7. Very nice. You have some lovely paintings. Do you know the local artist Janet Rawlins?

  8. It looks lovely.I would love to see what pictures you have on the walls.I love your lamp over your chair.

  9. It looks so pretty and relaxing. You do have some lovely artwork. Isn't it nice to get this done before the holidays! Thank you for showing us the pictures of your newly decorated room.

  10. Love the colours and all your art work. A beautiful peaceful room. Enjoy.

  11. I like the "café au lait" colour on your wall. I also like the sage green chair. Those are my kinds of colours! I now have to go look up celaric (did I spell that correctly?) -Jenn

  12. Your sitting room looks beautiful and the plain walls show off your paintings far better than patterned wallpaper ever would, and are more relaxing. I can think of you now, sitting in your pretty green chair, reading - perhaps choosing poems for your poetry afternoon.
    Those wedding guests must have been freezing in their flimsy dresses, rather like some of the outfits worn at races on an inclement Ladies' Day!

  13. Keith and I are both Dragons (and apparently NOT good marriage partners,but I disagree).

    Your sitting room looks lovely and I'm sure you're delighted with it. Lovely that your first husband's painting is in pride of place.

  14. So enviably tidy! I have a pretty disorganised life!

  15. Tom - the print of Guildford is in my computer room.
    Galant - yes, it is indeed Harlequin - so important in the Venice festivals.
    No Rachel the kitchen has not turned to custard = and will not because it is mostly tiled and as it faces South and is in full sun I think the custard colour might overdo it.
    Sue - I do occasiionally see Janet Rawlins's work but don't know her.
    Busy busy bee jay - a friend gave me the lamp = it is useful when I am reading small print.
    Jenn - celeriac is a root veg that tastes like celery.
    Sorry Si but I can't stand to be in disarray - I always have to be tidy - too tidy in fact - almost a fault.

  16. We're all monkeys, aren't we?

  17. It looks lovely, very restful. When you have lovely paintings plain is always better.

  18. What a lovely restful room, Weaver. I really like the wall colour, and your furniture looks just right with them. I use celeriac as a substitute for potato often, but I must try it as a soup. I can't eat potato, so one that mixes the two won't work for me. I'll bet you're relieved now the upheaval of decorating is over. And it was definitely worth the performance.

  19. Oh such a beautiful color. Looks like a wonderful place to sit and enjoy.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  20. I do think that 'traditional' (no fat ties or silly waistcoats), well fitting, morning dress is always best for weddings. Sometimes I look at wedding photos and wonder what the party will think of themselves in 20 years time. What may seem to be trendy one day, can seem awful the next. Good traditional dress, especially for the groom, always looks good. My own parents wedding photos look as good today as they did all those years ago.

  21. p.s. You can wrap a whole Celeriac in foil, and bake for 60 mins (whilst roasting a chicken, for example). It becomes soft and delicious, and any leftovers can go in that soup!

  22. It is a beautiful room, warm and inviting. Thank you for showing us the oictures!
    Your lunch sounds very filling - what was for dessert?

  23. Lovely restful room Pat with all the paintings as well. I used to make a celeriac salad with apple, both grated and then tossed in a mayonnaise dressing...

  24. The sitting room looks so charming and restful and cosy!
    Excellent color scheme!

  25. A very comfortable looking room Pat and the colours are great. I imagine that you are feeling very proud of yourself as an interior designer !

  26. I am a monkey too and like youvim not convinced! The living room looks much calmer and serene.

  27. Your sitting room is very pretty; I love the colour scheme of taupe or mushroom (there are so many names for colours) - very calming. I prefer plain walls too, as you can put pictures up without the walls competing for attention. The Chinese zodiac has some interesting animals, doesn't it; I'm from the year of the Rat. Wonderful!

  28. I note that everyone is using the same words - calm, restful, cosy, comfortable, lovely; all the things a sitting room should be! Good job :)

  29. I'm sure that you and Tess will feel very comfortable in the sitting room now that you have made it truly yours.
    Did you prune any books or are they all favourites that survived pruning when you moved?

  30. I pruned almost a thousand (mostly art) books before I moved. Now my book shelves are full again and I am considerting buying another bookcase as my book club book is bought each month and I often buy a poetry book too.
    Sackerson - having known you since the moment of your birth I could say that the statement is definitely true in your case in spite of you age now.

    Thanks everyone.

  31. Your room looks very peaceful, but also full of interest. It is important to make the spaces where you spend time feel truly your own.

  32. It's all very cosy. I noticed the doggy cushions!

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  34. Seeing your comment about buying another bookcase, I found them too small and found it better to build by own as I have so many books. Therefore in my study I put shelving all across one complete wall and then did the same in my lounge, either side of the fireplace. I'm now home to several hundred books. Your room does, as you suggested, look look ultra tidy. I have the same cushions but with a Jack Russell on.

  35. On books - since my move, my collection of around 2,000 books has been in paid storage (I used to have an entirely bookcase-lined library for them) and, oh, how I miss them! I have not one bookcase in my new much smaller house, nor really any good place to put any, though I am planning to convert one shallow closet in the small upstairs hallway into a bookcase. But that won't hold many. I was thinking that if I don't make the commitment to add on to the back of this house soon (which I would really like to do), I just need to let them all go. No sense in continuing to pay to just keep them in boxes. I would be heartbroken, but I guess it's silly to be so attached to such things...

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