Sunday 4 November 2018


Sometimes I switch on and go to new post without the slightest idea what to write.   Today is one of those days but I make it a point in the day when I really try to write something as a form of discipline.   It is easy to become aimless as one ages and I refuse to get like that.

It is friend W's birthday today and instead of our usual four out to Sunday lunch we were seven - a jolly gathering.Then coming in and immediately taking Tess for a walk walks down my lunch (salmon today followed by lime and coconut sorbet) and means that I can come in, shut the door, turn up the heating and settle down for the rest of the evening (and watch Countryfile and Strictly Results of course). 

The week ahead is set to be much milder than last week so maybe a few remaining planting jobs outside might get done.   Now that I have been in my bungalow more than a year (just),things really seem to have settled into a pattern.  The next job to tackle is the boundary fence - the dying hedge needs taking out and a fence building.   I have it in hand and am waiting for the fencing man to call and see me.


  1. I totally agree with you about the discipline of writing a blog post. Somedays I feel like staying where I am, but knowing I have to write a blog makes me go and do something to write about.

  2. Hope Tess isn't disturbed by any fireworks tonight or tomorrow. Rick was terrified earlier when some went off in our village.

  3. Your discipline does you credit. I am afraid I have become a very slack blogger and it must be many weeks since I wrote a post.
    It will be good to take advantage of milder weather for planting. I have no such jobs to tackle, but my windows need cleaning so I had better get busy.

  4. I'm blogging slightly less than usual since having hurt my foot. It sort of feels there's not much else to talk about and I'd hate to sound like a broken record.

  5. I used to write 3 days a week post but have dropped to two or just one.
    Have lots to write about but the energy is not always there right now. Even short posts take me a long time.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  6. Boundary fence? Trump will give you a hand.

  7. I always enjoy your posts, Pat, so please keep writing. I am always disappointed when I go to the list of blogs I follow and find one of the regulars doesn't have a new post. I am one who doesn't write every day - sheer laziness, I'm afraid!

  8. You are an inspiration with your discipline and plans. I stopped writing my blog due to health issues and haven't got back to it even though perfectly capable now. I confess I left people hanging but wonder if I would have any readers if I went back. On Sundays we get A New Life in the Country on Canadian TV. It is a treat for me especially if it is set in Suffolk or Norfolk, my old stomping grounds.

  9. Lime and coconut sorbet sounds delicious!
    Sometimes I have a specific topic in mind for a post, and then I start writing and end up with something rather different.

  10. Sometimes I am too tired to write a blog, though line up things to talk about, I need your discipline.

  11. I don't write every day (I should, but some days are hectic here, now I've gone back to work, so to speak).

    Lunch sounded sublime and a jolly time was had by all by the sound of it.

    How snug it sounded to come home and shut out the world and just be warm and enjoy what's on tv. I can never understand people who get sniffy and won't have a tv in their house and say how awful it is - I have learned so much from documentaries, enjoyed films, been drawn into period dramas and even fallen in love (Poldark and Outlander!!) Now, there's an idea for a blog post . . .

  12. You are certainly not aimless Pat.

  13. Nothing is ever planned, no blog plan, no lists.

  14. Only write blogs when I have something interesting to say, I keep my mind active by reading the newspapers, reading books or writing articles on the Facebook Sheppey History Page.
