Friday 30 November 2018

Not for softies.

Old age of course I am talking about.   When a really nice young man from the Co-op  kindly wheeled my shopping across the zebra crossing to the boot of my car and packed it all in the box for me, we were chatting as we walked along and I suggested he made the very most of being young (and handsome with it) because it is no joke getting old and you don't realise it until you get there.   He just smiled.

Today proved just how true it is.   When the wind blows from a certain direction it blows straight down the Market Square in our town and consequently straight down the main road.   I needed to cross the Main road at the crossing (market day and very busy) and stepped off the kerb when the pedestrian light turned to green.   The wind caught me and had I not had my stick to firmly anchor me to the ground I think I would have 'done a Mary Poppins' and probably ended up somewhere near the church at the bottom of the hill.   And not having an umbrella to use as a parachute as she did I would probably have fallen and broken something vital.

However I managed to arrive safely at the bank, get home, unpack my shopping (friends coming for the week-end) and drive down for lunch out at our favourite Friday restaurant.   Super and very quick starter of pecans, dates and pear and a bed of leaves  with a light dressing; well worth bearing in mind for the future.   Then it was home to make the meat part of tomorrow's Shepherd's Pie so that there is no rush in the morning when all I have to do is cook and mash the potato topping at my leisure.

There will probably be no post for a couple of days when they are here so have a nice week end everyone.


  1. A lucky escape for you Pat! I find blustery wind is very hard to compensate for, particularly as my muscle-mass ha been eaten away by this illness. I also feel the cold more so have had to get really good heating installed, and I make the decision about outings based on the weather much more than I used to. Enjoy your visitors. I hope the weather improves for the weekend.

  2. My Chariot frequently departs in the gusts of wind. Have to remember to apply both brakes, not just one as it sets off in a circle. You got to laugh.

  3. Just having a giggle at the thought of you floating down the main street and of Jill above with her chariot spinning round in circles with her attached.
    Have a lovely weekend - Shepherds Pie is just right for this blustery cold weather.


  4. Your reflexes and your stick have saved the day. That's good news. It was so windy and bitter cold this morning the squirrel sat in the bird box and wouldn't come out until the wind had died down. Normally he hangs upside down from a branch and reaches in with his hand and fishes around for a seed or two and then he's on his way. i think he thinks he's a monkey!

  5. My Mum made the best, at least for me, Shepherd's Pie. Now I want to make one !
    Do you have the cane that has the four legs instead of one ? It helps.
    Have a great visit,

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  6. I'm so glad you had your stick with you and were able to use it! A strong wind can cause all sorts of problems even with a stick. Enjoy your visitors and stay warm!

  7. Uneven pavement and wind gusts have taken me unaware recently. All I can do is stop and get to rights again, and I hope no car hits me.

  8. Lucky you, have a wonderful visit and keep safe.

  9. At the smaller town I used to work until 2010, I often went across a railway bridge on walks during my lunch break. When it was windy in other places, it was REALLY windy on that bridge, and more than once I had to hold on to the railing for fear of being blown about.
    Making the most of one's younger, healthier, more energetic years - yes, so very true, but did you think along those lines when you were the age the young man helping you was? It is probably one of youth's typical features that we can not imagine ever getting old.

  10. PS: That starter you had for lunch sounds lovely! I often have nuts and fruit in my salads. For instance, one I made on Tuesday night was mixed leaves, goat cheese, almonds and cranberries.

  11. Have a good weekend, and keep holding that stick. I have decided that when travelling I shall use a rucksack, and a song immediately comes to mind ;)

  12. I can imagine that the wind blowing down your high street can be challenging.
    Yesterday we were talking about the market square in Buxton during the winter.
    It was bitter up there but every Saturday the stall holders were there.
    Occasionally the snow defeated them but normally, even if they had to shovel snow first,
    nothing deterred them.
    Have a lovely week end with your friends.

  13. I agree with the Librarian's comments on being young and getting old. I never gave getting old a thought when I was young, it's only in the last five years or more that I have realised how hard and painful it is.

  14. The wind has certainly been a problem for so many of us this week. I am sometimes quite pleased to be 'well built' to help anchor me to the pavement! I think it was Bob Hope who said "Old age is not for wimps".
    Your lunch out, as ever, sounded very appetising, and have a lovely weekend with your visitors.

  15. Some big gusts of wind here yesterday, knocked a load more apples down. Take care, we don't bounce well as we get older.

  16. I had a mental image of you airborne, making your way across town! I'm glad you remained grounded. I can guess the polite young man has not considered his old age much. I certainly didn't when I was younger. After spending time with my mother-in-law who has dementia, I've been thinking about it a lot. -Jenn

  17. How fortunate you are, Pat, to have guests so often. I love to entertain, but it is more about visiting now than being visited.

    The most important thing to do when we get older is to stay vertical. It is not as easy as we once thought.

  18. So glad you didn't 'take off' Pat! I must say, though, how fortunate you are to still have a bank in your area! We used to visit a large village in Torbay because we preferred it to our own town, and there used to be several banks, including Lloyds and Barclays. Now there's just a TSB where LLoyds used to be, Barclays having recently closed. It looks so sad, the bank house now with a For Sale board up outside.
    The starter of pear, pecan and dates sounds lovely. I could eat that now. Tasty but without being too filling. How lovely that you go out so often, Pat. I have just joined our local golf club as a social member (husband goes as my guest, it's cheaper that way!) and the meals there are lovely and excellent value-for-money.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  19. A lovely post.
    Yes very glad you did not fly off into the ether.
    And kind of the young man - but it. must have made him happy too.
    Most people like being helpful.
    Hope your weekend is a great success.

  20. Thanks everyone. Today has been glorious and Springlike.
