Friday 9 November 2018


Proper breakfast and proper lunch today and no ill effects - seems I am over the worst and on the mend.

It is an absolutely awful day here today - thick, wet mist, strong wind (I know, how can the two go together?) and cold to boot.   Friend W brought Tess home - she has kindly had her there for the last two nights and taken her for a walk before she has brought her back each morning.   Not sure how keen Tess was to come back because both nights she has slept on the bed.   Last night W says she took up so much bed that in the middle of the night she had to push her further over.   And, to add insult to injury, she was dreaming, whimpering and snoring all night. 

 The man building my fence has been here all day in this horrible weather and has pushed on through it.   It is all looking very  professional and will look brilliant when it is finished, but I do wish he hadn't worked in such awful weather - he is by no means a young man.   I would take a photograph but at a quarter to four it is almost dark so any photograph would be meaningless.

Here's hoping for better weather tomorrow.


  1. Pleased to hear you are so much better.
    No rain here - just windy and dull

  2. Very windy here too. Glad no more of the poorly tum.

  3. I'm glad you're feeling much better now. The weather has been grey and threatening all day here. I think we're due for some strong winds tonight. X

  4. What a diamond of a friend W is, I can see why Tess might not want to come home. Nice to know that you're getting back to normal again. We're due a very wet and windy night here through the night.

  5. Good to hear that you are feeling better. Sounds like Tess has enjoyed her little holiday !

  6. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better. How wonderful that you have such good and helpful friends. Your fence sounds like it is coming along quite well. Take care Pat.

  7. So glad you are on the mend. Those bugs are horrid but at least they are soon over.
    It is very wet and windy down here too, and those mild days which were so pleasant seem to have disappeared. Well, it is November.

  8. Goodness I missed some posts.
    Glad to know that you are feeling better but sad to hear your weather is so bad already.
    We are just starting our Fall and it is wonderful.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  9. I awoke to our first snowfall in northeast Ohio. And it has stayed, not melted away, though it is not much snow at all. My grandson Stephen is overjoyed and wants to ski tomorrow!

  10. Glad you are brighter! Shitty day here too

  11. Yes, glad you are better and back to normal food intake. Our forecast predicts some rain this weekend - and boy, do we need it!

  12. And I am really glad you are recovered and feeling better, and sorry I did not mention this in my first comment!

  13. Glad to see your comment tonight and know you were better. Good day here in the east.

  14. What a good workman, but working in this rain can't have been good for him, so hope he doesn't suffer any ill effects. Meant to say that I also watched the Prince Charles prog last night, and enjoyed it. Hope you are feeling much better.
    Margaret P

  15. I can hear it getting wilder outside as I type this. Luckily not too cold though

  16. I seem to have somehow missed that you have not been feeling well Weave, but I'm glad you are better. X

  17. Wonderful to know you're feeling better. Stay well, safe and warm - winter's upon us once again! Tess must be so happy to be back home with you at night.

  18. It always sounds OK to invite your dog onto your bed if they're feeling upset, but they do tend to hog the bed and make awful noises. Better to be nasty, and insist they stay in their own beds.

  19. So glad you are feeling better - it's wild and wet here again today!

  20. So pleased you are feeling much better Weaver. Here in SW Scotland it poured down all day yesterday, and so dark and dismal. However today is quite pleasant.

  21. Glad you are on the mend :) There are still some people out there with incredible work ethics; the other night I had a plumber call me at 9 pm to ask if it was too late for him to stop by and do my small job! He was in and out in a few minutes, and told me that was actually an early night for him!

  22. Good to hear your illness was short-lived. Will Tess insist on sleeping on your bed tonight? Sounds like she enjoyed her sleep-over at your friends! I would love to see the finished fence, when the light is better! -Jenn

  23. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. I will look forward to seeing the finished fence.

  24. Pleased you are on the mend. Your fence maker may have worked himself into a state of warmth in his jacket. My brother could do that.

  25. Good news that you feel better and are eating. Good to have a decent gardener who can turn his hands to anything.
