Thursday 8 November 2018

Fencing progress.

In spite of the weather turning from bright sunshine to wet mid way through the morning, my gardener continued to work in the rain.   All the fencing is now here ready to be assembled and this afternoon the two end fence posts have been concreted into place and propped up to dry overnight.

No post yesterday as I went down with some kind of sickness and diarrhoea bug on Tuesday afternoon.  Friends have been brilliant and at the moment friend W has taken Tess to stay there overnight so that I don't have to take her out first thing in the morning.   Yesterday evening my son called out the 111 doctor and she gave me a good examination and said she thought I was on the mend.   Today I am much better although weak after a couple of days with absolutely nothing to eat.   Thank goodness for my son living near and for my good friend W.   Tess adores her anyway so I am sure she doesn't mind sleeping there. (especially as she has the run of the house, whereas here she sleeps in her crate).

I am hoping to stay up to watch the 9pm programme on Prince Charles.  I am a great admirer and feel over the years he has been much maligned.   It will be interesting to hear what his nearest and dearest have to say about him - after all they know him much better than any of us do.



  1. Hope you feeling better soon.Keep warm and rest.

  2. So sorry to hear you have been ill Pat, I hope you will soon be back to normal, and I'm very glad you have been well cared for.

  3. Glad you are on the mend Pat. I too love Prince Charles and think he has been much maligned. Good for the gardener. I am waiting for mine to come for the major cleanup of the gardens next to the lake. After tonight, it shall all be dead and an eyesore. Donna@gather

  4. Hope the recovery continues. Good you have friends and son nearby. x

  5. I was concerned when we didn't hear from you. I'm so glad you have people to help you. Take it easy and rest until you are stronger.

  6. And I’d been hoping you’d gone on an unexpected holiday! Sorry to hear you’ve been ill. I hope you’re on the mend, and regain your strength quickly..

  7. Damn. I thought you had taken up sword fighting for a minute, Weave. I am an admirer of HRH Charles too. Some idiot journalist accused him of 'meddling'. What a cheek. I met him once, and all I can say is that he had really warm hands on a cold day. Well, one of his hands was warm anyway, I don;t know about the other.

  8. Good to read you are on the mend but I know it takes a day or so after the bug to feel yourself again.

  9. Charles always says what needs to be said. He was also often ahead of his time. He and his sister are very hard working, and receive little praise. I've always liked him, although his choice of a 'first' wife was a bit silly.

  10. His choice of a first wife was made for him in my opinion, like everything in his pathetic life he does what "mummy" says. A totally awful man who hangs on to Victorian protocols to the detriment of the royal family, if only we could bypass him and install William as the next King.

  11. Hope you are feeling better today Weave. Charles programme was good. I hope you were able to see it.

  12. Sorry to hear you were ill, but you are right, it is so good to have dear friends and your son close by and I hope you are back to proper food now.
    Like Tom, the thought of sword fencing crossed my mind when I read the headline of this post, but of course I instantly remembered that you had been telling us about the removal of your hedge and that your gardener was going to put up a fence in its place.

  13. Get well soon and be careful with the sword fighting.

  14. It's good to hear that Tess has a safe haven when it's needed but am sure that she'll be ecstatic to see you when you feel fit enough.
    Indulge yourself from a day or so. Enjoy watching yet another part of your garden being transformed and the fact that your sitting room is finished.
    Like others have commented I had hoped that you were doing something exciting like a trip to the North Pole to see Father Christmas!!!!!!
    Take care of yourself. We have a glorious sunrise developing this morning despite the wind so I hope you can bask in the sunshine today.

  15. Hope you feeling better by the time you read this. It is that time of year again - one blogger has just reported her DH has the flu too.
    Tess will feel she has just been on a little winter break!

  16. Like everyone else good wishes on getting better. I have a streak of admiration for Charles, but just a streak. He has written in 'Resurgence' magazine, he has noble aspirations somewhere beneath that rather arrogant attitude to life;)

  17. Hope your recovery is continuing and that with Tess back home it will be even speedier! Charles came over very well so hope you can catch up with programme !

  18. Do hope that you are recovering ! I like Charles too and the programme showed his good sense and also his humour. Hope the fence building went well - not the best of weather for it.

  19. Yes, I was able to watch the Charles programme and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was good to hear both of his sons speak of him in such loving and praising terms. I am even more of an admirer now. He cannot help his birth and his upbringing in such a 'royal' way and still only being heir to the throne at his age means he has had a lifetime in waiting and in my opinion he has spent it as wisely as he has been able. The Princes Trust on its own is a brilliant organisation as well as all his conservation projects. Well done to him I say.

    I am well on the way to recovery now thanks and have actually eaten today.

  20. The nicest thing I can say about him Pat is, thank gawd he's had a lifetime in waiting, nothing causes me to rage more, than when he appears on the TV.

  21. So sorry to hear you haven't been well, Pat, and I hope that you are now over it as you read this (or hopefully, will read this on Saturday, perhaps) on Friday night (just watch Would I Lie to You? which we enjoy.) And what a kind friend to take Tess and look after her for you. Get well again soon,
    Margaret P

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