Saturday 27 October 2018


Very heavy snow shower first thing this morning.   Bitterly cold now but bright sunshine, so warm inside.   My decorator is here and I am sitting here surrounded by all my ornaments, pictures etc. trying to find jobs to do and at the same time keep out of the way.

Nothing much to report as nothing much is happening.   Already the sitting room looks much more my kind of room - gone is the ugly wall paper and in its place lovely Natural Hessian colour on the walls (apart from the brown end wall).   My cleaning lady is coming on Monday morning to help me put all the stuff back in situ.
I am sitting here tired of doing nothing.   Shall go and make myself a cuppa.


  1. Cold here on Sheppey, only 2 degrees on the reserve at dawn. Sunny, windy and dry here now 15.30, and c.9 degrees. Just planted another 64 tulip bulbs and back aches. A glass of wine now in a conservatory that is registering 80 degrees in the sun, then a shower, then dinner then Strictly on the TV if I can stay awake through it.

  2. Cold and rainy. Possibility of flooding in the south, mainly Carinthia. The Grossglockner pass is now closed to traffic - Snow! I think I'll open a bottle of beer. I already had a couple of cuppas. I think I'm turning into a tea-belly ;-). It says in the paper that a lot of people are refusing to turn their clocks back tonight.

  3. "...tired of doing nothing".
    Indeed, doing nothing can be exausting. The same applies to keeping quiet, not talking much. I always do something; in fact, I do everything but.. I like my silence; it allows me to be more with myself ,my thoughts and feelings. When you're after retirement age you want to 'catch up with yourself', not run away from yourself, and not waste your remaining time on silly talks.

  4. Thee is something peaceful about falling snow, but it should be coming in January instead of October.

    I can't imagine you being happy with doing nothing.

  5. That bodes ill for the winter - after such a lovely warm and sunny autumn too (we won't mention Storm Callum in these parts!) It was just as well you got your Polyanthus in straight away.

    Glad you are happy with the way the decorating is making the room look. Nothing worse than having to live with Somebody Else's Choice of Wallpaper!!

  6. Mighty chilly even down here this morning. A cup of tea solves many of life's problems!

  7. We are finally getting so cool weather bit goodness no SNOW this early.
    Happy that the decorating is finally making the room more you !

    cheers, parsnip

  8. Oh my goodness, snow in October! We, on the other hand, have had a lovely sunny day, bright blue skies, but a chilly wind. But then we're not 'up north' but in the soft south, in Torbay, where Victorians used to spend their holidays when they couldn't go go 'the continent' because of the Napoleonic wars!
    I hope you will post photos once the decorating is finished!
    Margaret P

  9. I used to feel like that when the plumber was here. Glad you will have your cleaning lady's help to restore order next week.
    We had a hail shower but no snow - thank goodness. It is cold though, and I shall be glad to get my electric fire replaced on Monday as it is not working. Not good timing. I have a radiator in the hall which is just outside the living room door and if I was really cold I could go down to the communal lounge.

  10. Bright sunny day in Essex but considerably colder.

  11. Sounds like you had a wintry shower.

  12. I dread waking up to snow. NOT my cup of Tea.

  13. Bright sunny morning here (Sunday) but a sharp breeze and rain drops on the window tell me that there has been a shower. I shall get dressed and then take Tess for a walk before the decorator comes at 9am. I shall go for Sunday lunch as usual as he is happy to be left slone (probably pleased to be shut of me)and I shall not have to cook then. 3 Polyanthus in bloom this morning!!

  14. I now feel guilty about not being tired of doing nothing. Cold, innit?

  15. My goodness, snow!!! It has been sunny here in South Devon, but we are one of the warmest places in the UK, although you'd not have thought so last winter with the falling temperatures that we had then. Keep warm!
    Margaret P
