Friday 26 October 2018


This afternoon, after a morning of doing bits of shopping, meeting the gang for coffee, and then lunching at our usual venue (three of us today - W, M and me) then going round a craft exhibition where both M and I bought lovely scarves which twist into a 'fashion' shape, I came in and decided that I really had better go straight out into the back garden and plant the twenty sturdy Polyanthus plants I had bought on the garden stall on today's market before the cold weather arrive.   Polyanthus are hardy plants, these were very good looking and I thought they would be better in the ground than left in the individual pots.

I did not feel like doing so.   I felt like coming in and putting my feet up.   But jobs awaited me.  Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock the decorator arrives to start work on my sitting room.   All week I have been removing books (lots), ornaments, cushions, rugs, everything except the larger items of furniture and the pictures.  I took down one picture but I had to stretch up too far and then when I got it off the hook it was too heavy, so I have left that for the painter in the morning.

The work coincides with a forecast of a very cold weekend which is unfortunate, although as long as it is sunny the sun will shine into the room and that should help.

All week there has been sunshine and my room has been beautifully warm and the central heating has hardly come on.   It is important to keep it warm this week end to help the paint dry.   Here the sunrises and sunsets have been spectacular.   Friend W took a couple of photographs which she has just sent me. Sadly they do not transfer well from her phone to my computer so I just hope you have had similar ones where you live if you are in the UK.


  1. A south facing lounge or living room window is a blessing when the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness or whatever it is is upon us. Be careful stretching up. I had to have ten physio sessions after the last time I overreached. Most accidents happen in the home is no idle whimsy. It's a true fact. Be careful in there!

  2. I get sun from early morning to early afternoon on my windows which is very nice. Good luck with the decorating - it will be worth all the inconvenience when you sit and admire it when everything is back in place.
    I love polyanthus and left lots in my garden when I moved. Hope you haven't tired yourself too much after such a busy day by planting yours.

  3. For once your weather is better than ours. I want a decorator but need to source emulsion paint that does not upset my lungs.

  4. Thank you Gwil for that timely warning. I have a permanent six weekly appointment with my Physiotherapist for a back problem anyway so am careful, but I do feel twinges this evening so am just hoping I haven't overdone it.

  5. Polyanthus are good plants, we have quite a few in our garden that the last owner planted, a very cheery yellow.

  6. Wish we could have over wintering plants. Not even pansies, which I have seen blooming at Christmas in the UK, survive the winter here!

  7. I wasn't sure what polyanthus was, so I looked it up. We would call them primroses. Very pretty - did you get a variety of colours? -Jenn

  8. Seeing your comments about the decorator due and the expected cold weather that is forecast, it begs the question, why not wait till the Spring to do your decorating, the last photos I saw of the inside of your bungalow it all looked very nice.

  9. Sometimes I love polyanthus other times I hate them, but they are such good hardy plants in winter. Will you migrate to another room whilst the painting is going on? And on the coldest weekend so far.

  10. No Thelma, Weave is going to dance about around the paint pot and the brushes and get in the way of the decorator all day. She's been planning it all week.

  11. Beautiful sunrises and sunsets here, too,,but this weekend is forecast to be grey and cold with hopefully some badly needed rain. I hope you have not overdone all the physically demanding jobs and gave yourself enough rest, too.

  12. 20 plants! My, that was a bit of work. The decorating is so exciting! Can't wait to see photos :) It's too bad to be banned from your main area to relax and be cozy on the cold days you're expecting, but the results will be worth it! I'm sure it will all only take a couple of days, and there will be plenty more cold weather to look forward to, I'm sure, LOL.

  13. I hope the painter makes quick work of it so that things can get back to normal as soon as possible, at least modern paints do not smell as bad as they used to. Three of you on the loose in the shops and cafes of Yorkshire - sounds like a remake of Last Of The Summer Wine! :)
