Saturday 20 October 2018


Lovely lunch with friends today, just as I expected it would be.   Then after lunch N took Tess for a nice long walk while we 'girls' sat around dozing after eating too much food and drinking too much wine.   At half past five Tess and I returned home.
Since then I watched Strictly Come Dancing with half an eye - except for the one or two couples who were outsstanding tonight and am now about  to go to bed. 

Yet another lovely Autumn day.   I don't know how long these lovely days will go on for.  I noticed on my walk this morning that the silver birch trees have now lost all their leaves and that the Siberian Crab Apple tree in one of the gardens near to my bungalow has just about shed all its plentiful fruits onto the footpath.   And now early in the morning there is enough frost to show just how many cobwebs there are in the hedges and trees.   Sitting at my friends this afternoon there were at least a dozen Goldfinches on her niger seed tucking into their favourite food.

Autumn really is such a lovely time of year isn't it?


  1. Yes Weave. I know people who are knee-deep in crab apples.

  2. You sound like a bunch of teenagers Weave.

  3. Fall is really wonderful season for us desert people too.
    The cooler weather is much needed.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  4. The weather is absolutely gorgeous, the transitory colour in the leaves sharpens the arrival of winter though.

  5. Autumn is lovely when the sun shines.

  6. All these lovely sunny autumn days are a real treat.

  7. I'm glad that you are having such a sociable time but, as someone said in a recent comment much of it has to do
    with your interesting personality.
    Autumn is a lovely time of year.
    When I was younger I used to dislike it intensely because all I could think of was the hard winter ahead.( I grew up in the
    Penninines but in a different county.)
    Now I relish the colours and the mild weather before the winter storms. This year the blackberries are still marvellou, not a bit flyblown yet.
    We picked 41/2 lbs yesterday in less than an hour.
    It made me realise labour intensive gathering food is, let alone growing it! Sue

  8. Yes Rachel, we do try to act that way - getting old is no joke so any frivolity is more than welcome!

  9. Autumn has become my favourite time of the yea, and it is particularly lovely this year. I can not help enjoying the sunshine and beautiful colours in spite of knowing that the lack of water is increasingly worrying.

  10. Autumn for me is depressing, shorter days, longer and colder nights, too much darkness. It means that dreaded winter is just round the corner, much better Spring with the prospect of Summer.

  11. How lovely to have so many goldfinches visiting one's garden. Even down here quite a few trees have shed most of their leaves. I used not to look forward to autumn but this year I seem to have embraced it and enjoyed the best of it. I love to see spangled cobwebs on a frosty morning and although I hate dangers of freezing fog, it does make things look magical.

  12. Autumn's like this are good but I like Summer best of all, especially long hot ones.

  13. I love this time of year, especially when the sun shines, as it has been recently. I particularly enjoy taking my camera out on walks and photographing the seasonal colours. This week, like you, I saw some fallen crab apples, and they brought to mind the line from Keats' poem, 'To Autumn': 'season of mists and mellow fruitfulness'. For me, it's the grand finale before we hunker down!
