Friday 19 October 2018

Autumn in all its glory

I do love to see the trees in their Autumn glory but then, when we have a few windy days, suddenly the road verges are thick with leaves in all colours from pale yellow to deep flame red and we get a different kind of colourful Autumn and I love that too.   Certainly it is well on its way now and the nights are really drawing in.   Tess and I went on our last walk at six o'clock this evening and it was almost dark.   Another fortnight and the clocks will go back and we shall have blinds drawn by about half past four.   Still, not all that long to the shortest day is it?   And my front lawn is covered in tiny little toadstools - darkish brown and quite attractive - don't know what they are.

I had to smile at the Headline in 'Bricks and Mortar' a supplement to The Times each Friday.  It was for a really beautiful house for sale in Bath.
The Headline read 'A Restored Gem in Central Bath' and I couldn't help but think of Tom and how down in the dumps he was feeling the other day.  Perhaps he is feeling more cheerful now!

I didn't go out to lunch today as friend W has friends coming this evening for the week end, but she has kindly invited me there to lunch tomorrow and I know exactly what we shall be eating and it will be a feast indeed, so I am really looking forward to that.

Until tomorrow.


  1. It's been another glorious day here again Pat, warm in the sun this afternoon. I've been weeding and manure mulching one of my rose beds today and have ordered two bushes of a new 2018 David Austin rose - "Tottering-by-Gently. That'll bring me up to 34 David Austin roses spread over 12 varieties.

  2. Enjoy your feast tomorrow. We've been enjoying the warm sunshine and catching up on all the outside jobs which need doing, and mentally listing yet MORE which must be done before we go back on the market in the spring.

    The evenings are drawing in so quickly though, and like you, I was thinking that the clocks will be going back in next to no time and no lingering outside in late afternoon, or sitting on the patio in the sunshine with a cup of tea!

  3. Our Fall has finally come and it so wonderful. Cool mornings and evenings with bright clear sunny days.
    We do not have Fall/leaves like you do but there is a change we desert people can see.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  4. It is 3 p.m. here when the cut off point occurs. The temperatures plummet and the dark creeps in. Not quite there yet. But I can feel the nip of cold now. I like the fact our seasons are so different.

  5. After a lovely fresh start, the day turned quite warm again and everywhere looks beautiful. I love trees at all times of the year. They look beautiful in their autumn colours, lovely in silhouette against a winter sky, so pretty in spring when they just begin to green up, and splendid in full summer array.
    I have always been enchanted by toadstools, lichen and mosses from childhood. There is something magical about them.
    Enjoy your day out tomorrow and I hope it will be another lovely autumn day for you.

  6. We've had some amazing weather this October and its been lovely to get out and about and see the colours changing all around. I don't like it when we change the clocks, I believe they're still debating whether to leave them once again.

  7. What's wrong with 'Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness', Weave?

  8. The weather has been lovely again in the Midlands today. I love the two-stages of autumn that happens with trees too: when the leaves turn colour, and then when they drop and all the colour is transferred from up high to the ground. Good to have your camera at this time of year.

  9. It's our nearby village's Chestnut Fair today; always a sign of seasonal change. Yesterday at mid-day we witnessed a strange passing mist of chilly air; it soon went, then was sunny again. In the early evening we saw the first of the huge V formations of Cranes flying high overhead; heading South for Winter.

  10. I imagine your friend W as a strident woman with a loud voice living in a big house.

  11. I'm still dreaming about yesterday's breakfast . . . you have an amazing appetite, but it's obviously doing you good. Hope enjoyed the latest gourmet experience.

  12. And here downunder I’ve been posting photos of blossom and wisteria in full bloom. The first callistemon (bottlebrush) is out and we are alternating blue sky days and some bringing much needed rain. I do love the seasons and it’s always interesting tracking the opposite one in the other hemisphere. Jean

  13. Glasgow weather update: cold, wet and windy, you won't be surprised to hear. Not so many toadstools here any more - although it's hard to tell with all the fallen leaves and the days shortening. The fallen leaves are definitely thickening. Lots more birds appearing in the trees outside our window though, which is nice. Hope you have a lovely Sunday lunch tomorrow - Ula has a friend's 2nd birthday party.
