Monday 16 July 2018


Busy day today.   This morning is our monthly Book Group.   Luckily we meet in one another's houses and this month's house is a stone's throw from my bungalow so that I can happily walk there.   The book - ' The Leopard' by Guiseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa'.   Translated from the Italian, it was first published in Italy in 1958 and this edition, published by Vintage Classics, was 2007.   I have really enjoyed reading it and considering that it is a translation I think the humour and the metaphor have translated very well indeed.   This morning's discussion should be interesting.

Then this afternoon an hour's ukulele practice with our group - always great fun.   So a busy day.   Already, at 9.30 I have whizzed round tidying the house (my cleaning lady is not coming this week) and taken Tess for a twenty minute walk.

Outside I see that the morning sky is so very different from how it has been for the past few weeks.   Let's say it is 'ominous' - big, black clouds are looming.    And yes, we are in desperate need of the wet stuff.   In the back of my car I have my water butt and my next job is to take it out and stand it on the back patio and then ring my gardener inviting him to come and fix it for me.
According to the weather man the rain will be fickle, falling where it wishes to fall and missing other places.   Well we were lucky on Friday so let's hope we are lucky again today.



  1. It is good to have the day planned out, it concentrates the mind. If you want something done ask a busy person, as they say. Me, today, I have nothing planned and therefore have done nothing. Enjoy your busy day.

  2. After looking at the www I learned wat a water butt is ;-)
    Good to have one.
    I admire you for living such a busy life, with your circle of dear friends. You are an inspiration for others.

  3. Here on Sheppey this morning it is already 28 degrees and cloudless, so another scorcher today. No doubt the minute you get your water butt in position it will pour with rain and fill it but that's certainly not going to happen down here in the short term but good luck to you.

  4. It is 28 degrees and cloudless on the coast of Essex too. I wish our skies were ominous, its so hot. We are normally spoilt on the coast having a lovely breeze but it feels like its come straight from the Sahara.

  5. Enjoy your busy day. We have light rain here, clearing up this evening. The gardens are appreciating it. X

  6. Another busy day for you.In Richmond this morning got very wet,out of the habit of bringing raincoats.Arrived back home to find no rain had fallen!

  7. I must learn to whiz around and tidy my house! Sounds so much more fun than "clean the kitchen!"

  8. We have been lucky to catch two such fickle storms this week... not much... more a SunShower than a drenching that we need but i did get some lovely pictures if you take a peek at the blog.. We still have a chance to catch more the next couple days.. fingers crossed for you and me. :) I'am rereading The Strain by Guillermo del Toro... I love the creatures that he creates for movies and now he has written a book in conjunction with Chuck Hogan... I think the trilogy is well done if you like books about They did make a TV series of the books but it was short lived..

    Enjoy your book club Pat and i hope your butt goes in with no problems and may your muse tickle your fingers at music class.. :) Hugs! deb

  9. It is wonderful to have like-minded friends to fill fill your day with company and fun. You are blessed and your move to town was a very good choice.

  10. I wish you luck with your clouds. We have had fairly ominous ones but only a handful of spots of rain, though it feels blissfully cooler. I hope you get your water butt fitted in time for the rain. You've had a busy day but a very pleasant one by the sound of it.

  11. The water butt is a term I've never heard of before. What in the world is a water butt?

  12. Red - a water butt is a tank to catch the rain water from the guttering on the roof so that I can water the garden with the water collected. I will post a photo when it has been connected.

    Thanks Rachel. I have enjoyed my busy day but am tired now. Have just managed to take Tess for a third walk - good for both of us.

  13. The weather man has just said no sign of rain for us here, this side of next week, so filling the water butt up with the hose again.

  14. I just saw your reply to Red so question answered.

    cheers, parsnip

  15. Known as a rainwater tank or rainwater barrel in North America.
