Sunday 15 July 2018

The down side.

I have discovered the down side of growing courgettes in gro bags.   They drink very thirstily and they dry out very quickly, so I am having to carry water to them at least twice a day otherwise they droop.   Watering and feeding means they grow quickly and numerously, so I am already inundated.   Made ratatouille, gave some to my son tonight, intend to give my neighbour some tomorrow - and still they grow.   I also have two runner beans growing up a couple of evergreen trees so that now the trees look as though they are flowering.   Whether I get the odd runner bean remains to be seen.

The forecast extreme heat never really materialised here today because there has been a nice cooling breeze all day.   Lunch out was very pleasant - salmon goujons with salad and chips, followed by blackcurrant sorbet.   Tess was very pleased to see me home, although before I went I took her very early this morning down the farm lane for a nice long walk and when I returned I took her for another walk round the estate here.

Well the Wimbledon tennis is over, the World Cup is over, the Tour de France is progressing well - now tomorrow the Golf begins.    Before we know where we are it will be time for footie again!


  1. We are having the same abundance with cucumbers. So many! I have 24 quarts of pickles in progress today to add to the 20 or so we made earlier in the week. And still they come!

  2. I have never dared plant courgettes as it's not a vegetable I like and I am scared of being inundated with them. But I have just watched a cooking show with several recipes I think I could tackle. Maybe next year!

  3. Good Luck with all the extra veggies.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. I often slice them at an angle, and lightly fry them in Olive Oil and Garlic butter, let them cool, and have them with a lunchtime salad. They are surprisingly delicious.

  5. Apparently out in the wider world, there are recipes for cooking courgettes in different ways, including cakes but Cro's recipe sounds good.

  6. My sister has a potted cucumber plant on her balcony (it is a small balcony), and she has already started giving away some to me, her friends, neighbours and colleagues - amazing how much one small pot can yield!
    It has not been as hot here yesterday as was forecast, and during the night, we had some very welcome rain. Having all the windows open now means nice fresh air is coming in (as fresh and nice as it can be in town).

  7. I never realised that courgettes need so much work. We use them quite a lot, but I don't think I'll ever grow them myself. Keep on buying them in the supermarket when they are 2 for the price of 1.
    Enjoy the day!
    Dutch regards

  8. It's amazing how prolific some plants can be. I remember one year when I picked loads of French beans then later it was runner beans which are my favourite. I had grown them pots big enough to take 4 or 5 plants each. Hope you find homes for all those courgettes! I grew mine at the end of the patio and they almost took over, trailing about all over the place.
    I am relieved that it is going to be cooler this week. It really was getting a bit much.

  9. I like grated raw courgette with a sprinkle of lemon zest and juice and black pepper. Nice in salad. By the time we get back to our garden in France I'm sure it will be full of marrows.

  10. I always used to grow just one courgette plant in my mother's garden as she was very fond of them, and of the marrows which they frequently grew into. I always suspected that her enjoyment of them was not so much in the eating as in being able to give them away!

  11. A lovely vegetable is courgette, brought some home from my partner's this morning and will enjoy them lightly fried.
    Yes, the World Cup is over and hopefully England will accept that winning just three matches out of seven played doesn't make them much different to previous England teams. Wimbledon was very good with a terrific match between Djokovic and Nadal proving what real fitness means.

  12. Thanks Cro - I shall try that at lunch time today.

  13. We call them zucchini. After the first year I never planted them again. Neighbors come in the dead of night and abandon them on your doorstep. I swear zucchini will come up and knock on your door themselves. Little yellow summer squash, on the other hand, are well behaved and equally tasty.

  14. Grated courgettes added to a muffin recipe are lovely too.

  15. make some zucchini bread with your extras... courgette=zucchini. The bread freezes well in loaf form and you can make it even when the squash gets huge ( leave out the seed parts when no longer tender).
