Tuesday 3 July 2018


It is hotter here today.   That cool North Easterly breeze from the North Sea no longer seems to be reaching as far inland as the Yorkshire Dales.  
All the plants in the garden are beginning to look seriously short of a drink - watering them is just not the same as them growing in a humid environment.   I start off the day feeling quite perky, have a walk with Tess in the 'clean' early morning environment and from then on I gradually wilt. (Pretty much like the plants in my garden I suppose).

Bank, early morning essential shopping, then back home for half an hour before back into town for lunch at our Tuesday spot.   We are lucky to have a building called TOSH, which stands for 'The Old School House' in our little town.   It was once a small R C  Primary School and is now used for various activities and is such a useful amenity for the town.   We are very lucky.

A lot of the U3A classes are held there, many of the local organisations like Probus use it for their meetings Venue, and various classes - Yoga, Tai-chi and the like make use of it too.   Every Friday evening there is also a Film shown - all of them are really up to the minute films.   There are various clubs for the over sixties where folk meet and have speakers or play things like Dominoes - there is usually something going on.   Every other Tuesday A and her friend cook and serve a meal and around a dozen of us usually go.   There is lively conversation and A is an excellent cook.   Today it was quiche with delicious new potatoes and salad, followed by mixed fruit (apple, rhubarb and red currant) crumble and ice cream. And all for the magnificent sum of five pounds.  You can see that we really are a thriving, buzzing little town.


  1. Pat your town does sound like a lovely place to be. Our little town in Arkansas turned out to not be so little.. It is actually three towns growing together and the traffic is a nightmare.. Wish we would have known that before we moved.. But hubby loves the lake and fishing.. and i enjoy the deer and animals and its usually quiet where our house is.. Stay cool dear Pat.. hot and humid here too.. uuuughh.. Ready for Fall! Hugs! deb

  2. Much cooler here on Sheppey today. It has gradually clouded over, the ENE wind is still blustery and seeming colder with no sun, I've just shut the windows. A cloudy day is forecast for tomorrow, but the hot weather is forecast to return for the weekend.

  3. I really wish we could retire to Leyburn,we both love it.We are having to move to another part of the country to be near family for health reasons.

  4. Boiling hot, 80 in the shade. Have done nothing. Your community is just that! Lovely.

  5. 29 Celsius here today and wall to wall sunshine, even though the weather app on my phone says "cloudy" - so much for the accuracy and reliability of such apps!
    I make sure to fill the bird bath on my kitchen windowsill every morning, as I know the birds in the gardens around my house need water, and there is not much around for them to find naturally.
    Also, my potted basil and a few other potted plants need water sometimes twice a day, as they are exposed to the sun for half of the day. It is amazing how quickly wilting basil recovers when watered!
    Your town does indeed sound a great place to live, no need to be alone unless one wants to.

  6. Ooh I think I shall have to make a quiche now. Sounds delicious x

  7. That sounds amazing and what better way to support eat other than over a delicious meal and all for £5! Brilliant.

  8. It sounds like you are living in just the perfect place, with lots happening and folk to meet up with.

    I know what you mean about wilting. At one point today I was so hot and sweaty I put my head under the cold tap! Very refreshing . ..

    Have you been listening to the Reeth lectures? There was an interesting one about wars today. Quite thought-provoking.

  9. That meal sounds delicious and like a fun outing with friendly people.

  10. Your little town is a town to be proud of.
    I am rather tired of wilting and it seems to be building up. Going out early is definitely the best thing to do. I've just watered my few plants and it doesn't seem to have cooled at all. Never mind, we don't often have a proper summer!

  11. It's wonderful that such communities still exist and flourish. Two friends of mine recently moved to the Dales and they are enjoying it very much.

  12. I took Rick out at half six this morning, it felt wonderfully fresh.

  13. It sounds like a lovely place!
    The meal has me looking forward to supper. Although, just moments ago I was declaring it's too hot for eating. (or anything else for that matter)
    I'm glad you mentioned wilting plants. I should water ours before they are baked.

  14. Wartering my own little collection once a day, grass everywhere is scorched, cricket grounds are like straw. Would never have thought back in April

  15. Thanks for your comments everyone. We all seem to be suffering from too much heat - plants and people.
