Sunday 20 May 2018


Our habit (four of us) of having a permanent booking at the local golf club restaurant for Sunday lunch means my morning is totally free.   And what a morning it is - a Summer's day.

Up with the lark so that I could walk Tess before it was too hot for her.   As I write this she is laid flat out on the patio outside the window in the full sun. After a while she will get up, walk the width of the patio to the shade of the bungalow and throw herself down to cool off.   After five minutes repeat.

How have I spent the morning.   I watered all the pots in the front of the bungalow (faces due South so they soon dry out) completed digging up the bulbs - just the tulips were left and they came up easily.   I shall watch the long range forecast on BBC Country File this evening before deciding whether to plant my geraniums or leave for a good rain.   Yes, I know I can give the plot a good water but it isn't the same.

Now, at 10.38 by my computer, I shall do the bit of ironing that is staring me in the face and then I shall have a leisurely shower and dress for lunch ready to collect friend W at lunch time.   Salmon I think today.


  1. Isn't this weather great! Re gardening, I have a large patch of mint which - so far - has not shown itself, whereas the nettles are thriving. Is it normal for mint to be so late?

  2. Sad to say, it is a chilly and grey morning here on Sheppey, pretty much as was forecast. I was out on the reserve at 6.00 this morning and it wasn't terribly warm.The next six days are forecast to be sunny and very warm and so I hope that comes true. Unfortunately, like many, never happy gardeners, the beautiful and much longed for weather is now causing my clay soil to already start cracking up in the flower borders.

  3. Sounds like a Sunday that deserves its name! Enjoy your salmon and t
    he company of your friends; I know you will.

  4. "Now, at 10.38 by my computer, I shall do the bit of ironing that is staring me in the face..."

    I read this wrong and thought you said you would be ignoring. That sounded like a great, peaceful day to me. Ha ha! Lots of things need ignoring in our world! ;-)

  5. A nice start to your day. We slept in, for the first time in a very long time. For some reason we were both so tired; perhaps the last few weeks while Larry recuperates from knee replacement are catching up with us. Lots of garden work here yesterday, potting flowering plants, putting in more tomatoes and peppers, and the lower garden got tilled by a neighbor so that large plot will need to be planted this week. I hope the rest of your day is as nice as your morning, Pat.

  6. A good way to start the day.

  7. What a wonderful, peaceful, beautiful, full life you have! I always enjoy visiting your blog & reading of your day. (If I wrote of my days, people would cry or laugh in disbelief). You're a great writer, rather like Dame Agatha Christie, one of my favorite British writers. I hope your lunch was delicious!! xo

  8. You are so right about a shower or rain being more beneficial than tap water. You can almost hear the plants saying thank you when it rains after a dry spell.
    Your plans for the day sound most enjoyable - hope the salmon was good.

  9. Sounds like a perfect Sunday. I hope you enjoyed your lunch.

  10. What a perfect Sunday. The walk with Tess sounds lovely !
    Have a wonderful lunch Salmon sound so good to me. Is it caught locally ?

    cheers, parsnip

  11. Sadly Parsnip I think it is farmed salmon, but it is always beautifully cooked and the chef, who is French, makes the best Hollandaisse sauce.
    Yes Derek. my garden is really in need of rain. Because it is all newly planted up (the people who lived here before didn't do anything with it at all, they were not gardeners), I have really had to keep watering it - quite a job as it has steps.
    Tom, I shallbe amazed if your mint has deserted you as it grows like a weed. But
    all the mint around here seems to be going like mad.

    Thanks all for your comments.

  12. There are many times I wish I was a dog. My pups are also snoozing in the sun while I weed. Later they will supervise while I scrub the kitchen floor. They will expect a walk later, oblivious to my sore knees.

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