Monday 21 May 2018


One of the things about living alone is that, certainly as far as I am concerned, it is difficult to bother with cooking for oneself.   Jacket potatoes are my staple lunch food when I am not eating out.  They cook in my Remoska so don't use much electricity and come out crisp-skinned, not soft as they do from the microwave.   I split them in half, add a knob of butter and then some kind of filling - often cheese, or any kind of tinned bean, or tuna and sweetcorn mixed - there are plenty of choices.
I am not much of a meat eater so never think of cooking meat for myself.   Fish sometimes - maybe a piece of salmon with veg or a sea bass with veg (both pan-fried).

Tea usually consists of something like a sandwich, a salad with cheese or hard-boiled egg.   Breakfast is always weetabix and a banana - never varies really.

  • So it is good that I have visitors coming for a few days later this week and shall have to make an effort to cook something a bit more complicated.   Friend W is coming to supper with them (they are the friends we often meet in Kirby Lonsdale).  We shall of course all go out together for a meal too - !


  1. I am so glad that you never seem to lose your petite Weave.

  2. I mean apetite, of course. You are petite enough as it is, I imagine.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It is difficult to cook for one isn't it? It will be fun for you to have visitors and have the opportunity to do more varied meals. I'm sure you will have a lot of fun visiting with your friends. You will be able to show them all the progress in your garden!

  5. Sounds like a lot of cooking/preparing to me Pat. Toast is cooking for me. Glad company is coming.

  6. Almost nothing beats a good jacket potato!

    I cook a fair amount of pasta & that seems easy for one or two persons.

  7. I have found that cooking for two is not easy, so cooking for one would really be difficult for me. We end up eating lots of leftovers, which fortunately neither of us mind--and it keeps my cooking time down to a minimum. Your potatoes sound delicious, really; I'd probably just eat eggs.

  8. Salads, chicken, salad, salad, salad, eggs and like you a baked potato in a very hot oven so the skin is crunchy with soft inside.
    Have a wonderful visit with your friends.

    cheers, parsnip

  9. I'm the opposite Weave. When I'm alone I tend to eat all those things that my wife doesn't particularly like; and I do so in profusion. Whelks are a good example!

  10. I have cooked for no more than one and sometimes two for my entire adult life without problem or recourse to baked potatoes, pasta or ready meals. I eat mainly meat and fish. I light a small BBQ for cooking at least twice a week and do not possess a microwave. Cooking for one is no different to cooking for any number, you adjust the quantities accordingly. I eat sandwiches for lunch and cook for tea. 48 years of a packed lunch is a difficult habit to break.

  11. Well you get The Times Pat, and all those food porn photographs of what looks like gorgeous food must stimulate the senses but then check the ingredients and you can't find them. So I think we all stick with what we know, though I have bought a couple of vegetarian cook books to expand what I like.

  12. I bother even less cooking for myself, but then I eat at my customers' canteens most days at lunch time and thus I do not need a hot meal in the evenings. It is mostly salad or bread and cheese for me at around 8:00 pm, and breakfast never varies - always my preferred brand of muesli. I do eat some fresh fruit every day.
    When O.K. is here or I have other guests, I enjoy cooking and serving something nice.

  13. Simple but tasty food is what I like and a jacket potato is one of my favourites. X

  14. I don't mind cooking for one but trying to shop for one is a nightmare. I always end up with far too much of everything. And don't talk to me about supermarket 2 for 1 offers!

  15. I could happily live on baked potatoes. I miss my remoska. I had one for years. My mother in law lives alone and cooks herself a full roast on Sunday if she is at home. Also a full English as a once a week treat. Some people can’t be bothered. Your choices are just what I would choose.

  16. I do a lot of rather strange stir fries for myself which are quick, easy and tasty. When I want something warming I make a large casserole with beef, pork or chicken with lots of vegs, then portion it up to freeze for later. I seldom eat out so it is always nice to know that there is a 'ready' meal in the freezer so I feel as if I have had a day off. Enjoy your visitors.

  17. I rely on sandwiches, jacket potatoes, soup in individual portions pulled from the freezer and pasta, lots of pasta when I'm here on my own. I zap a potato in the microwave for a couple of minutes and then finish off in the Remoska when the Aga is switched off, that way they are nice soft in the middle with a slightly crispy outside.

  18. I adjusted from cooking for four, to three when our daughter was away at university. Now she's back for the summer and it's back up to four (or more if boyfriends / girlfriends are over). The way food is packaged (especially meat), it is designed for four, or two. Do you have a freezer, so you can package up and freeze extra? -Jenn

  19. A baked potato (with butter and salsa) is my go to dinner when I don’t want to cook or go out. It is full of potassium and is very satisfying. I do that at least once a week.

  20. Cooking for myself is my nightmare scenario. It's a long time since I did it. Almost invariably i ended up with whole meal toast spread with marmite and topped with warmed up tinned tomatoes or sometimes for a change I'd have a supermarket pizza. You put me to shame.

  21. You are joking of course Tom. To start with I am 5foot nine tall, so there is nothing petite about me! Do keep my weight down though - don't want to walk about looking like an elderly lady (even if I am one).
    I agree Rachel that the habit of packed lunch is difficult to break. I don't care for much meat unfortunately - do love fish but not every day. I always eat my main meal at lunch time unless there are visitors too.
    Thelma - what I find with those recipes they usually have one ingredient at least which means buying a bottle of something I have never heard of . I use it once and then it moulders in the back of the cupboard until I eventually throw it away. I love veggie food.
    Yes Jenn, i do have a freezer and I make full use of it - as Heather suggests.
    Gwil - I have to say marmite toast topped with tomatoes sounds a nightmare to me.
    Thanks everyone.

  22. Sounds like my sort of meal when Laura is out. Except, I cook noodles and a vegetable.
