Tuesday 8 May 2018

Following on from yesterday's post I have decided to ask my handyman to paint my handrail with dark green cuprinol.   I think it will blend in with the garden so much better.   My son came round last evening and watered some of the new plants for me and climbing up the steps to the top of the garden was so much easier with the rail,and I felt much safer.

The temperature has been falling steadily all day today and now, at tea time, it is quite cool and there has just been a sharp shower.   It did strike me that even a short, sharp shower does more good than all my watering with the can.   Something to do with the atmosphere and the way the plants soak up the moisture I think. 

More honey bees to rescue today .  I wonder if there are hives nearby.   The area around my bungalow has literally thousands of dandelions - perhaps they are attracting the bees.   The dandelions are just beginning to throw out their seeds so there will be just as many if not more next year.   They are such a lovely colour, what a pity they are judged as weeds.

It is nice to see the swallows back.   No swifts yet but after this warm week end they should soon be around.   But to see the swallows gliding around in the thermals is a start - Summer is just around the corner.

Have a good evening.


  1. I think the rail will look great in green. It has heated up fast here and I don't think we'll see anymore cool temperatures until fall.

  2. You need a hose so you can stand at the bottom and have fun aiming the water as far as you can get across the garden whilst standing still and making arches of water through the air. Life is for having a bit of fun. x

  3. I do enjoy your posts. Following your everyday life is such a pleasure.

  4. Rachel I have a long hose and a tap connected in the front garden (the previous people used it to clean their four cars!) but it wont quite stretch round the back. The bathroom is on the back so I am thinking of asking a plumber to fit me an outside tap somewhere there.

    As you have heated up Donna so we have cooled down to 'normal' (pretty chilly)

  5. I'm guessing it doesn't need watering today!


  6. I think if I was doing it I'd paint the rail a colour I could see in the dark. Having said that, my rail is green! So I'd better shut up.

    The Eurovision Song Contest first semi-final tonight. I wish Terry Wogan was doing it!

  7. Saw the first swallows yesterday (and heard cuckoos and owls hooting for the first time in years thanks to my new hearing aids!).

  8. At least 27 C here today as we were giving the balcony rail its second layer of paint. Tomorrow is still forecast to be summery, then a drop of at least 10 degrees on Thursday.
    Swallows and swifts are such a joy to watch, aren't they!

  9. 20.30 here on Sheppey as I write this and there is a magnificent sunset and it is still 22 degrees and humid after a hot day, a few more weeks of it please.

  10. Sackerson - your watering last night was hardly thorough!!
    Gwil - Rest assured I shall never, never, never go up there in the dark
    At 8.34 here this evening it is very chilly to say the least.

    Thanks everyone for commenting.

  11. I used to leave the dandelions for the bees until they had flowered before digging them up. They provide valuable bee food early in the year.
    Much cooler here today also, but still pleasant though I was glad of a jacket.
    I think a green handrail will look very good in your garden, and an outside tap is a boon. My husband wanted to pass the hosepipe through the kitchen window and fix it to the cold tap. I didn't trust that idea and didn't fancy a flooded kitchen, so we soon had our outside tap.

  12. There is something magical and restful about swallows and watching them circling looking for dinner.

  13. It has really cooled down hasn't it. As I put out the bird food this morning almost felt ice in the air but still lovely and sunny. Looking forward to a bit of rain to water all the new plants.

  14. Handy Hint: Be careful that the painted handrail does not shed rainwater onto plants. Cuprinol will kill the plants. I know they changed the recipe a while ago so it may not, but it is worth checking.

  15. Weds 16.50 here on Sheppey and another hot and humid and lovely day with plenty of sun.
