Wednesday 9 May 2018

A day out.

Well a lunch out - the next best thing.
Over to Sedbegh in Cumbria, on the edge of the Lake District, to meet my God-daughter for a lovely lunch.   A Yorkshire Platter which, believe me, leaves absolutely no room for a crumb of anything else.   A board holding a very large, home made sausage roll, three slices of home cured ham, a wedge of Harrogate Blue cheese, brown wholemeal bread, butter, piccalilli, salad and cole slaw - I shall eat no more today.

Beautiful scenery, lovely lunch, good company - what more could anyone wish for.   And I defy any one to find a more beautiful drive than that over the Pennines from here to the Howgill Fells.

Rain is promised for 5pm or thereabouts.   That falling on my garden will make my day complete.


  1. It sounds perfect Pat. Here the rain has just started to fall. The garden will be thankful for it, and now the damp earthy smell is hanging in the air. X

  2. Lovely places. Memories. Glad you had such a lovely day out.

  3. Do you not find that sometimes the plate is embarrassingly over full? I think I would.

  4. What a wonderful day out and you got to visit with your god-daughter!

  5. I've seen one of those before on television. I think they called it a ploughman's meal or something. It looked wonderful. I thought the one I saw might have been a breakfast as it had hardboiled eggs and bangers too. Your day sounds wonderful and I am so glad you found it so.

  6. I agree, the journey from Kirkby Lonsdale to Sedburgh and over to Kirkby Stephen must be one of the most scenic routes in the country on a sunny day and rarely very busy with traffic.Glad you had a lovely meal and day out with your god-daughter.I wish I had your appetite,that platter would suffice me for several days!

  7. That was a nice looking snack that you had lunch time. Unfortunately a spell of rain is forecast here first thing tomorrow morning to spoil several days of hot and sunny weather that I'd hoped would continue for a little longer. Beginning to feel depressed all ready.

  8. tGood job I have already eaten - otherwise the description of your lunch would have made me really envious! We need some rain; April and the start of May have been much drier than what nature needs, and it has been e hottest April since records began.

  9. Sounds like the perfect day. I am trying not to think about your lunch as I am struggling to lose a bit of weight. I have dieted on and off for much of my adult life so I know it doesn't work and I have decided to alter my eating habits. I still enjoy my food but my menu doesn't include delights like giant sausage rolls, and I am starting to drool!

  10. That makes a Southern "Ploughman's Lunch" seem a bit pathetic (bread, cheese, pickles and a smidgen of salad). That certainly would keep you going all day. Glad you got the rain your garden needed.

  11. I could have eaten two or three of those!

  12. This sounds like another perfect day. Blue sky and good food and rain in the forecast!

  13. Eeee; a grand day out. Bovey Belle must go to very different Southern eateries to me; that smidgen of salad would never appear with any Ploughman's I've eaten. Far too healthy!

  14. At the Cats pub in Essex, we had an enormous platter, especially the cheeses and of course Branston pickle, plenty of salad as well, just under a fiver.

  15. I am impressed with your appetite, Weave.

  16. Penhill - I agree that the journey you describe is beautiful. But mine straight through Wensleydale, through Hawes, along past Garsdale village and over the river Rawthey into Sedbergh past the Southern edge of the Howgills is even better I think.
    Living in such a beautiful area we are spoilt for choice.
