Tuesday 27 February 2018

Where is the Beast?

Well, where is the Beast from the East?   Alright, so we have about two inches of snow, but no strong winds, and mostly bright sunshine and the temperature is on or around nought.   Actually quite a pleasant day.  Now and again a blizzard comes our way but it is gone in an instant and then the sun prevails again.   I hesitate to speak too soon though as Wednesday and Thursday are expected to be worse, so perhaps we shall see him tomorrow with all his ferocity.

 I had to go into town to deliver a letter and friend W rang to say 'shall we go out to lunch?' so we combined the two and went to The Bolton Arms in our little town.   W had liver and bacon with mash and mushy peas and I had gammon, pineapple, egg and chips with peas.   Both were delicious.   There was an enormous log fire burning in the grate, the sun shone on the market square and the whole place was a buzz of people coming and going.   We had a really pleasant couple of hours.
So thank you W for suggesting it.

John talks today of the value of friends.  I was reminded of this today when first of all friend J rang to tell me not to take Tess out in the snow as it might be slippery and that she would call and take her over the fields with her dog Meg.   About a quarter of an hour later friend E knocked on the door to see if I needed any shopping  as she was just about to walk in during a sunny spell.   And she had hardly gone when W appeared in her car to take me in for lunch.   Oh yes John, I know all about the value of friends.

The Beast is supposed to strike again tomorrow and Thursday with increased ferocity but the amber warning patch seems to be moving further North so hopefully we might miss the worst of it.  I shall keep my fingers and everything else crossed.



  1. As we have already E-mailed each other about Pat, The Beast struck us here in Kent with some ferocity this morning. Non-stop blizzards deposited around 6 inches of snow and left us with roads and motorways blocked and the Isle of Sheppey where I live, cut off from the mainland for a while. This afternoon has been quite sunny but most of the snow, except on the roads, remains and with a severe frost forecast for tonight it's gonna be dangerously icy tomorrow.

  2. So pleased you have plenty of good friends to come to your aid should it be necessary. I have my family near by to give help. So far it is very cold but not too windy, and only the odd flurry of snow. Plenty of time for that to change though. At least it has stayed dry for several days now and the sunshine has been lovely.

  3. Darn Sarth. Waiting for it to hit here. Our day sounds much like yours.

  4. How good you have a circle of friendship that I imagine you have grown over the years. Some old friends, some new and I think they all rightly treasure you. Now I will look up what gammon is LOL. Apparently it is a food item.

  5. Lots of snow here on the coast of Essex and it's going nowhere. Roads completely blocked this morning by a 17 car pile up. We have had sunshine but it's not making the any difference to the snow which is bound to freeze as temperatures drop tonight.

  6. Good friends are indeed a blessing.

  7. How lovely to have such wonderful friends.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. Ugh liver!

    We've had flurries all day but nothing has settled. Which ios good as it is forecast to freeze tonight.

  9. I love how you are so busy and get lots of friends visiting now you are in the town. Stay warm if The Beast arrives!

  10. Pineapple and egg with your gammon you are obviously a valued customer!

  11. Keep warm and indoors. I am hoping it is light snow in Yorkshire, as eldest daughter has to go to work (Bradford) for an essential meeting, and I shall worry about her if the weather is bad.

    We are in an amber area for Thursday/Friday here. So far just "snow drizzle" but it is bitterly cold with that wind.

    It sounds like you have some wonderful and very thoughtful friends. Mine are spread about a bit but my nearest one is a gem.

  12. Keep your friends close to your heart. We are getting a rainy couple of days now, so much better than the snow we had earlier.

  13. Plenty of snow up North, but sun and blue sky here. Very could, though, at -12C last night and not getting any warmer than -6 all day. Even colder tomorrow!
    Liver would not be my choice, but lunch with a friend is always a good idea. Lovely how in your circle of friends you look after each other.

  14. Gammon, pineapple, egg, chips and peas. And hopefully washed down with some good Yorkshire beer.

  15. I googled The Bolton Arms but it seems to be in the middle of nowhere. Maybe I got the wrong one.

  16. You and your friends are keeping the village inns in business. Good for you because without steady income, they die and that would be a tragedy since you have only recently moved there. Keep going as long as you can and encourage others to join you.

  17. I've just been listening to LBC, and apparently it's chucking it down in Leicester Square.

  18. We have had more overnight. Looks like I am stuck in again.

  19. well the beast is definitely roaming round our part of North Yorkshire. Thick snow outside, and the birds are desperately looking for food.

  20. Same as Rachel for me on Sheppey today and it's currently -7 degrees, but the sun is now starting to loosen the chill.

  21. Chris - you did indeed get the wrong Bolton Arms. Lord Bolton is a landowner round here with a big estate so there are several pubs named after him. Ours in actually in the middle of our little town.

    Even more snow today. Stay in and keep warm.
