Wednesday 28 February 2018


Another heavy fall of snow overnight.   By tea time yesterday, when it was beginning to freeze again, some of the snow had gone.   This morning it is even more wintry.   But at present the sun is shining directly into my sitting room and kitchen windows and thus warming the bungalow a little.

Today should have been our Poetry meeting but sadly friend W has had to cancel it.   Nobody would be able to get through (some of the group come from Richmond).   In all the years it has been going this is the first time it has been cancelled.

Friend S can't get her car out to come and take Tess for her usual Wednesday walk, but friend J has rung to say that she will take her this afternoon. Thank goodness for such helpful friends.   Tess took one look out of the front door and refused to go into I actually put her on the front step (twelve hours since she had done a wee).

My son has just rung to say that he can't get his car out of his drive - and in any case he lives down an un-made-up lane which is also impassable.   Our local Comprehensive school is closed.

But, I have to say, sitting here in the warm with a cup of coffee and looking out on the wintry scene is rather pleasant. (the only thing missing is today's Times which hasn't arrived yet).


  1. We've cooled off, but no snow thank goodness. You do seem to be blessed with some lovely friends.

  2. We've had more snow over night and it's just started snowing again. It's much colder today and the wind is stronger. We have just done a 6 mile walk and I'm just thawing out!

  3. Lots of snow overnight and all morning..............totalling about 6 inches. Not going anywhere so that's OK.
    Stay warm and safe

  4. Very bad here
    Deep overnight and has snowed most of the morning. Blizzard at the moment.

  5. Snug as a bug in a rug. Except the paper.

  6. Schools are closed here too so we've been playing out in the snow this morning. It's good to read you're safe and warm. I hope your newspaper has since turned up. X

  7. A wee bit of snow here and meant to be more tomorrow but it is so cold with a biting wind.
    so glad you have someone to walk Tess and can stay tucked up at home !

  8. I'm always curious at why schools close so easily these days. It can't surely be to protect the children from any harm because most seem to then spend the day throwing themselves down icy slopes on all manner of things and risking life and limb.

  9. A wee flurry of snow yesterday, none today. I think if you're ready for it, full provisions etc, it can be a nice time to just snuggle down and enjoy a quiet time.

  10. Sad that you have missed your poetry meeting and Times crossword, but pleased that you and Tess are warm indoors and content to be there. We had a little snow yesterday and a few flurries earlier today but everything is functioning as normal.

  11. I haven't been out since Monday when I stocked up. My friend is supposed to be flying from Leeds Bradford tomorrow to join her husband in Dubai, the airport is closed at present. However I'm just glad we no longer live in Scotland, we'd be on red alert. Keep warm and safe.

  12. We had rain at night and snow in the foothills and mountain. So pretty today.

    cheers, parsnip

  13. Yes we are certainly in the grip of that beast from the east = pretty much all over now.

  14. Although our winters used to be a lot more snowy than now (and that is not just my impression, weather statistics prove it, too), there was not a single day in my childhood and youth when schools here were closed because of it. Neither have I heard of any days off due to snow in the past 30 years or so. People are simply expected to deal with it, to go to work and school as usual, and somehow, they do.
    I hope your paper was delivered eventually!

  15. Our snow is arriving tomorrow apparently. Perhaps Friday too. I am glad you are having dog walking help and keeping warm inside. I have to say, my long daily walk is on hold whilst it's this cold as it does my asthma no good.

  16. Unfortunately what the Librarian says happens in her country, doesn't happen here. Schools begin closing on the first day of snow which then has the knock on effect of parents having to not go to work due to having children home from school.

  17. Although most of Scotland on red alert we have no snow here yet down on the Southern peninsula - though it is bitterly cold - thank goodness we have central heating in the caravan.

  18. Hope you have a good book to read. I have just finished "Belgravia" by Julian Fellowes and have been recommending it to everyone.

  19. We have flurries predicted, but no big snowfall like you Brits are getting--and I hear Ireland is inundated too. What strange weather! Stay warm and safe, Weaver.

  20. Got up this morning in Sheppey to dry dry roads and a forecast of light snow showers, Currently we are into our third hour of blizzards with a 40mph wind causing mega drifting across roads.

  21. blizzard like conditions here, but the Carvery meal in the pub this evening is still going on, though I expect there will be a reduction in people. Tractors are also whizzing past so I expect the animals are being well attended. Must be a blow to all those farmers expecting their sheep to lamb.

  22. Thanks everyone. It seems that now we are almost all affected, a bit of the Dunkirk spirit is emerging.
