Thursday 15 February 2018


I think the shooting of America's school children has loomed large in all our thoughts today.   At tea time on the News we learn that he has been planning the shooting for some time and has not kept the fact secret.  I think over here we find it almost impossible to understand.   Certainly I do - that there can be so much hatred for one's fellow men.

I for one need to be thinking of a calmer subject.
Living alone teaches one not to dwell on things like this over which one has no control.

My afternoon has been taken up with Ukulele playing - five of us at an afternoon for an Alzheimer's support group.  Tea, coffee, cake, chat and singing to the ukulele- all the old songs that everyone knows.   I wish you could see the faces of the people who come - how much happier  they look when they leave - and I mean both the patients and their carers.   To have an afternoon of company, away from the house, with other people
who understand their difficulties.

 It was home to more snow falling and a bitterly cold wind blowing.   I desperately need to feel just a hint of Spring.   Please.


  1. Sounds like a lovely afternoon was had. x

  2. We had a taster of Spring today. After yesterdays high winds and sleet it was most welcome. How lovely the image of the happy faces after your concert! Today I am so tired, do you have days like that for no reason. What we all need is more than one day of Spring!

  3. I love that you do that for an Alzheimer's support group. There's so much bad news right now, but reading that just totally made my day. Thank you for that!

  4. Worrying about what is happening in other parts of the world, out of your control, is pointless. Today you did something that is in your power to do, you helped spread some happiness in the Alzheimer's Support Group, well done.
    Here in Kent today it was wall to wall sunshine, 10 degrees and I had some doors and windows open to allow some fresh air through the house - and more to come!

  5. So pleased you all had such a happy afternoon. A relief from the world's woes and a chance for those suffering with Alzheimers to maybe revive some lost memories.
    I believe it is supposed to become milder tomorrow - hope a bit of 'mild' reaches you.

  6. Sorry to say but we've had a glorious day on the Essex coast. The harsh cold wind dropped and its been warm and sunny.

  7. Yes, I agree with Derek. You made a difference today and I think that's marvelous. Thanks for sharing yourself with others (and us!!)

  8. It has been raining here and I am so happy.

    cheers, parsnip and mandibles

  9. Are you like me and feel the world is becoming an unsteadier place. It is worrisome but have to be careful what of the cares we try to shoulder. I like how you have around you so many happy distractions. Ukele playing has to be such a happy undertaking. We are having rain, snow and sleet at different times but on a happy note, the day light is increasing each day and making such a difference.

  10. The daffy are comming through in my garden Pat x

  11. I was thinking as I read, how nice, spring is coming soon. I sure hope it does.

  12. It's a poor heart that never rejoices in music.

  13. So sad Weaver, we know what we need to do, but won't. I walked around the yard today and looked at the flowers and it made me smile.

  14. Thank you for the lovely picture of ukulele playing and Alzheimers patients singing along. As an American, I can't help but think about the school shootings, and almost despair for my country. But there are many good and decent people here, and I have to believe that change is coming.
    I think you are right that the best tribute to those lost is to celebrate the many small ways we can all contribute by sharing joy and creativity with the people around us. Is it fair to tell you that a wildly sweet-scented daphne is blooming in front of my rather austere apartment, and that I sneak out at night to clip off a few blooms for the house, hoping no one catches me? Take care.

  15. We can never stop the nasty side of life, but we can add to the good. It sounds to me, Weave, that that is exactly what you've done. Good on yer!

  16. Like some others here, I agree with Derek.
    The shooting was all over the news here on TV last night, too.

    Spring is on its way - just listen to the birds in the morning, I am sure they sing their spring songs already where you live, too. It is still cold and wet and grey here, with sleety rain, but when I look closely at the front gardens I walk past on my way to work, I see aconites, snowdrops and crocus, and many shrubs and trees already sport buds that will soon unfold into tender green leaves.

  17. The shooting leaves many Americans bewildered, heartbroken, and furious. The statistics are staggering and those in power choose to ignore them. I would love to hear you on your ukeleles today!

  18. Spring will soon be here. I noticed a daffodil in flower on the back lanes the other day. I'm glad you enjoyed your afternoon.X

  19. Sounds as if ukulele playing really cheers people up!
    Henry (8) and Gretchen (6) are in their elementary school 'talent contest' this evening.
    He is playing Yellow Submarine on the ukulele and she is singing along....
    I hope they parents video it!
    Weather a little bit warmer here after a punishing winter....but may snow tomorrow...

  20. My daffs are blooming along the back fence and scattered through the front beds. I will cut a bunch today to bring into the house to remind me that although we are more than saddened by another horrific killing here of the young students, and their teachers, we remember them and pray for their families and loved ones.

  21. I saw a celandine when we went for a walk today - a sure sign that spring is on its way.
