Friday 16 February 2018

Just an ordinary Friday.

 Our local auction house, Tennants, are offering a Winter Warmers menu in their restaurant throughout January and February so naturally friend W and I wended our way down there after our usual morning coffee with 'the gang'.   Fish pie with prawns served with savoy cabbage, green beans and samphire and accompanied by a glass of house rose wine - and all for ten pounds.   What's not to like?   We finished with a coffee and a look round some absolutely beautiful tables and chairs and jewelry - all to be included in future sales and then came home.

It is such a nice day without the sharp cold wind that has been blowing for days and so Tess and I had a walk in spite of the fact that she had only recently returned from her Friday Petpals walk with Rio and Cosmo.   We both enjoyed it and when I have finished this we are going to take the air again before shutting up for the night.

There is such an improvement in the weather today that I was prompted to have a short walk round the garden.   Nothing much there (other than the dreaded Mares tail which I must learn to hoe out and tolerate (in that order) but the bulbs I planted are peeping through and Spring is on its way; whatever the weather might throw at us in the next week or not - it is inevitable.


  1. It has been a second, almost Springlike day here in North Kent. After a frost it soon became a day of unbroken blue skies and sunshine. Birds were singing well at dawn and for the third day running I have had Bumblebees in the garden. The weather forecast for a week's time is for bitter cold E winds here in Kent and snow, so best to enjoy these lovely days while we can.

  2. See - your plea for at least a hint of spring was heard :-)

    What is samphire? I have never heard the word and imagine it is some kind of herb or green vegetable, as the word reminds me a little bit of the German Sauerampfer.

  3. A nice bright day here too, unfortunately we were waiting in Addenbrookes clinic for hours and hours.......and hours.
    I loved samphire the one time I got to try it and would love to find somewhere that served up samphire, it ought to be common with all the marshes along the coast but then I realised I never go in restaurants which is probably why I've not seen it!
    A mooch round an auction house sounds good... hope to get to one next week....Rural Bygones

  4. I wish they made fish pie without prawns!It sounds as if you had a lovely day and lots of walks for Tess too.It was quite cold in Durham today which suited the ice sculptures that were on display around the city.

  5. Samphire grows on the Norfolk coast and is available especially along the north Norfolk coast at people's gates, or stalls on Norwich marketplace. But this is in the samphire season which is fairly short in the summer. I am not quite sure how the restaurant served it today for Weave. It is not picked in winter. It was considered a poor man's asparagus when I was a child and we would always bring some home from the coast after a day out. Now it seems to be rather trendy.

  6. The afternoon was lovely. But sheesh, it was freezing this morning!

  7. We had horsetail grass growing all along the side of our old house in San Diego. When we redid the gardens and replaced them with low-maintanence low-water local plants, we managed to dig out all the horsetail. Before we could haul it away, a neighbor came by and told us she was a professional landscaper and could use it on a number of projects. She took it all away. I loved the look of it. But if you had that, you didn't have anything else! (I wonder how much she charged her clients for our horsetail!)

  8. We have had a walk round Ness Gardens on the Wirral this afternoon and the snowdrops are magnificent.You must be a lovely lady and a pleasure to know.You have soooooo many friends.

  9. Today the ice melted, and there were snowdrops and yellow primroses to be seen, so I guess spring is almost here today. The lengthening daylight hours are suddenly noticeable. I have to get my annual chiropodist visit booked, an annual must do! You seem to be on top of things. That's great!

  10. Oh, Weaver, brace yourself. After several nice days, it is snowing again, less than a thousand miles inland, We know how fast it crosses the Atlantic. But, it will only last a day or two. Spring is coming.

  11. We've had another glorious day on the Essex coast. The sun is definitely warming up.

  12. Oh love that your blubs you just planted are starting to grow ! That was very fast.
    We are having another day (number 3) of gentle rain that we really need so I am so happy.

    cheers, parsnip and mandibles

  13. A really beautiful day here yesterday. Warm sunshine (13 C) and clear blue skies. Back to rain again today I fear.

  14. That sounds like a very nice 'ordinary' Friday. Watching spring bulbs peep through the soil and slowly get larger is always exciting and an antidote to horrid weather. It has been so changeable down here from one day to the next sometimes. The other day I was battling against a very cold wind and rain, and the next I had all the windows open on a beautiful 'spring' day. We really have to make the most of every bit of fine weather.
