Saturday 23 December 2017

Christmas greetings

As we get nearer to Christmas I shall stop blogging for a few days.   So this is to wish all my dear friends in Blogland sincere good wishes for Christmas and the New Year.   May 2018 be a happy year for us all.


  1. Merry Christmas to you Weaver and prayers for a better year for you.

  2. Sending my very best wishes for Christmas Pat. X

  3. Yes, please may it be so. Thank you Weave and Merry Christmas x

  4. Have a lovely Christmas, and know that all of us in blogland will be waiting for your return.

  5. Thank you and Happy Christmas to you dear Weave.
    Greetings Maria xx

  6. Have a lovely time over Christmas Pat and I guess for some of us, a happier 2018 can't come quick enough.

  7. Merry Christmas Pat!

    Pssst.... I sent you an email a little while ago confirming your zipcode... I can't quite make it out on the Christmas card you sent.. DL8 ??? Hugs! deb

  8. Pat, May you have a happy Christmas and a good new year.

  9. May you find much joy in your holidays and have a very satisfying 2018.


  10. Year end. A time to pause and to reflect.

    Still haven't got the baubles up! Only thing on the tree is a small packet of chocolate almonds!

  11. Merry Christmas Pat. Enjoy your family and friends and know there are many in blogland that care for you. May 2018 be a better year for us all.

  12. All good wishes to you for Christmas and the New Year, Pat. Here’s to friends near and far, and to happier times in 2018 xx

  13. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas (even if it won't be easy) and for a much better 2018 than 2017 was for you, dear Pat!
    I am looking forward to another 12 months of posts from you.

  14. Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year Pat, and may 2018 be a better year for us all.xx

  15. Pat, I too am looking forward to your 2018 posts about our lovely England's countryside and small northern towns.
    Christmas will be hard this year without your farmer however, I know you and your family and Tess will do your best.
    Stay well, and I wish for you a blessed, healthy and good year ahead.
    Hugs - Mary

  16. Hope you have the best Christmas possible........onward and upward into 2018 with love from us both in Suffolk

  17. Merry Christmas Pat, and I hope that you manage to enjoy it, without too many sad thoughts, although those are inevitable. All the best for 2018.

  18. Very best wishes to Tess and yourself as you settle in your new home.

  19. Wishing you a peaceful Christmas and new year. Love and prayers xxxx

  20. Wishing you and your family a Happy Christmas

  21. A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy the holiday, eat well, sleep well and I hope 2018 is a safe and wonderful year. Love Andie xxx

  22. Merry Christmas, do what you can, feel the way you need to, and onto a better 2018. Hugs from Florida.

  23. A very Merry Christmas to you from Maine, USA!

  24. Have a very peaceful Christmas - I won't be that far away from you in Healey.

  25. Thank you Pat, and have a great one yourself!

  26. Much love to you Pat dear blogger friend....xx

  27. Enjoy your friends and family and sweet memories of the Farmer.

  28. I shall be thinking of you, and your new life. Very best wishes, Cro xx

  29. Have a Very Happy Christmas. I hope you enjoy Boxing Day with your tinies.
    I'm sure with the planning you have done everything will go as smoothly as it can with children around.
    They will provide you with lovely memories into the new year.
    Like many others I wish you a contented 2018 filled with friends, expeditions and quiet recovery days with Tess.
    Have a good break. I look forward to reading your blog again in the new year.

  30. You've had a bit of a year, as we say in my family, so I'm wishing you a peaceful Christmas, quiet New Year and good wishes for 2018. How you have coped with 2017 has been nothing short of inspirational!

  31. Wishing you and Tess a peaceful Christmas with warmth and memories that bring comfort xx

  32. A blessed Christmas and a hope filled New Year to you~

  33. Happy Christmas to you weaver.

  34. Merry Christmas and blessings in the New Year, Weave.

  35. I have been reading your blog this year, all the while thinking, “This is one courageous woman.” I hope you can celebrate Christmas by dwelling on happy memories and that there will be peace in your heart.

  36. Have a blessed Christmas and all the best to you in the New Year.

  37. Sending all best wishes to you for a peaceful Christmas ��

  38. Spending Christmas day with friends will be good. I’m sure there will be sadness but I hope happy memories will comfort you. I hope you have a peaceful Christmas in your new home with Tess and best wishes for the new year.

  39. Thank you all for such heart-warming comments.

  40. Wishing you and Tess a Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year :) Don't stay away too long!

  41. Wishing you and Tess a happy new year in your new home. xx

  42. Hop9ng your Christmas was peaceful and with lots of good things to eat. Wishing you a healthy and happy 2018.
