Tuesday 26 December 2017

Boxing Day

Boxing Day is almost over, my guests have gone home and it is time for bed.   On the whole things have gone well.   The first Christmas is hard as anyone who has lost a loved one will tell you.   But with the help of good friends and good family it has gone well and I have had lots of hugs which have helped.

Tonight it has turned cold - some of my guests had to scrape ice of their windscreens before setting off.

Tomorrow shops re-open luckily as I am almost out of dog food (Tess would be delighted to dine on turkey but she has had plenty of that today - she can smell it at fifty paces).


  1. Gud Dugs and naughty cats love TURKEY !

    cheers, parsnip and mandibles

  2. I'm glad you had a nice day Pat... I spent the day out in the cold helping hubby reconfigure the door on his work shop... He feels it is not secure enough. I'm a good 'go-fer' lol ... I had a soup in the slow- cooker all day and after a quick nip into town to pick up a few things and spend some of the giftcard money burning a hole in my pocket at the craftstore.. We are home now and i'a cooking noodles for the soup..Hubby is downstairs already with the TV and has lighted the fireplace... 16 degrees F tonight... thats awful bitter cold for me and completely unnecessary ... I only need it cold enough to snow not bitter...lol Stay warm Pat... Hugs! deb

  3. Our table was closely watched by both Cat and Dog last night. Of course they had plenty of tit-bits, and loved it. Very windy by the sound of it here today, I too shall have to go shopping.

  4. Glad everything went okay, I am sure there is something in the fridge for Tess. Animals dine well at Xmas. How quickly everything reverts after the festive time, sales everywhere but enjoy your presents and of course the presence of family and friends will remain one of the good things that has happened.

  5. and a virtual hug from Suffolk on the day after the day before!

  6. So pleased your Christmas was manageable for you. It felt very strange for me as we always had Christmas in our own home but I went visiting this year and was waited on hand and foot. After a very mild and wet Christmas I woke up to snow this morning. Bad timing and two days too late! Keep warm and dry.x

  7. I hope all your guests made it home safely, and you have a chance to relax today after a busy Boxing Day (apart from buying dog food).
    My late husband loved Christmas, and like you, I missed him a lot; he died in November 2009, so that first Christmas so shortly after his death was extra hard.
    The good memories stay with us, though, and I promise it will get a little easier as time passes.

  8. As an expat I enjoy reading people's blogs in the homeland and seeing what they did at Christmas, and this one is a great favourite. Thank you Pat.

  9. Yes glad you had a good day with your family. Best wishes

  10. So glad that it all went well - I hope you haven't had too much snow in your neck of the woods. Keep warm. X

  11. Glad your day went well. The weather is dreadful here today, Wednesday.

  12. I'm glad it went well for you, and do keep warm it is a freezing night tonight!

  13. 8 degrees here in Connecticut, US, today - I'll be chipping ice out of water buckets at the barn and coop. Glad your Christmas was spent with loved ones, and that Tess is one lucky dog.
