Friday 8 September 2017


The temperature has suddenly dropped.   When the sun is out there is still a lot of heat in it, but when the clouds roll in it is chilly.  I fear that Autumn has arrived.   I love Autumn but just do not feel ready for chilly days yet.   Also, I am loath to light the wood burner because the room is full of boxes, so I prefer to stay in the kitchen.  I think the central heating may go on in a minute as well as the heat from the Aga.

Lunch out with friend W today - smoked haddock fish cakes with a dressed salad (garnished with a pansy flower), then it was home to take Tess down the silaged field - lovely to walk on short grass.  She could even see rabbits worthy of being chased so had one or two good runs.

My daughter in law has had an operation today  - she had to be at hospital (sixty miles away) for half past six this morning.   My son has just rung (he has stayed down there all day) to say she is back on the ward, he was sitting with her and she was eating her tea!

No more work tonight - some drawers cleaned out this afternoon, lots of things sorted, some thrown out, some filed away and another feeling of satisfaction at something done.   Now, at half past seven, a restful evening is planned.


  1. Lunch out with friends is such a salvation.

  2. Seems like a productive day. But yes we feel autumn coming much too quickly.

  3. What a lovely day Pat... Slept in a little bit this morning... had a cup of coffee... hubby and i got dressed and went into town... stopped by the craft store and i purchased a woodburner... for some detail work on the house... washed the truck... went to RedLobster and had shrimp... stopped by the recycle center to drop of some recycling.. stopped by the Home Improvement Store and picked up a few odds and ends.. to keep us busy over the weekend.... Got home whew!!! Hubby just got invited to go fishing this afternoon/evening so that leaves me to go play in the craftroom... you know where you'll find me!! Hugs! deb

  4. Lovely day.
    No Autumn here yet still 100+ but possible rain in the afternoon.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. I think Autumn has arrived early in France too.

  6. Lovely sounding day. I do hope autumn and winter stay away as long as possible. Cold and rainy? I'd not go outside.

  7. I have woken to rain this morning; the first we've had for ages. I think I might as well close down the pool, I can't see us swimming again this year. September was always a favourite month, not so this year.

  8. I hope all is well for your daughter in law. Autumn is slowly creeping in here now. X

  9. Summer is well and truly over here, too, and as soon as I'm back from my two weeks off with O.K. (starting today), I will need to put the heating on, too.
    Your restful evening is well deserved! Isn't it really satisfying to know to have done things?
    Your smoked haddock fish cakes sound good.

  10. It is when the light disappear so quickly in the evening, and it is still dark in the morning that reminds me of Autumn, not a bad time of the year but we hardly had any warm summer days.

  11. Warm here and still sleeping with only the sheets on the bed, but cooler weather is on its way. Wishing for your daughter in law a fast recovery.
    Greetings Maria x

  12. Feels like Autumn here in Somerset too and too much rain! Hope that your daughter in law recovers well .

  13. It's Saturday and a beautiful, warm and sunny day here on Sheppey with a nice breeze to get the washing dry.

  14. Cloudy here, still waiting. You do keep busy, any word on when you might be moving?

  15. Thanks everyone. It seems we are all noticing Autumn creeping in.

  16. not a bad time of the year but we hardly had any warm summer days.

