Saturday 9 September 2017

An Outing

Today friend W and I went to Teeside Park, a large retail outlet about forty miles away.   We go about three times a year because there is a large Marks and Spencer there and with a bit of luck we can stock up on new seasonal clothes.  This time of course if was for warm, winter clothes.

We had only limited success - I bought a cosy wrap/poncho thingy which will be lovely and warm or winter evenings and a large, oversized sweater for the same reason.

We then had a trawl round the food hall and bought a few things there.   Their range of food is so good and I have discovered that when one lives alone ready meals for one which can be taken out of the freezer and popped into the microwave are very useful.  Vegetables like broccoli and cabbage are  quickly steamed to make an appetising lunch.  I never thought the day would come when I would eat like this.

On the way home we called at a favourite restaurant which does a lovely fish, chips and mushy peas!!

Our journey home was interesting to say the least. There are enormous road works on our major motorway - they have been going on for years now and each time we venture on the cones are in a different place and the routes on and off the road have changed.   Today, coming back, we came off at our intended exit but accidentally went back on while going round the traffic island!  It didn't really matter as we came off at the next exit and came home by a different route but it did make us realise how easy it is to get on a motorway by mistake.

The outing tired me out and I slept in the chair most of the afternoon, much to Tess's disgust. 
I took her for her walk after tea, by which time it was decidedly chilly.

I have just had an e mail from a friend reminding me that our doctor's surgery is doing flu jabs on the last Saturday of the month.   Now if that doesn't make winter seem near I don't know what does.  


  1. Flu jabs in September? Jeez. The Pink footed geese are due back in their thousands round about the 15th September. After that its Autumn. October flu jabs.

  2. Don't worry about naps, we have one most afternoons for roughly one hour, sometimes more. I have woken up thinking it was morning on more than one occasion. lol

  3. David came back from the warfarin clinic last week to say the the flu jabs were due in. I said it was much too early, but it became dark earlier tonight and I realised that we are well into autumn now. Where did summer go?!
    Keep well and rest when you need to dear Weave

  4. I don't do the flu shot, just the pneumonia shot. Very cloudy here today, but no rain yet.

  5. The last Saturday in September is nearly October.

  6. Enjoy your newly bought items for winter!
    Sleep is wonderful both against tiredness and as a means of metabolizing the food we eat.

  7. Fish and Chip with mushy pea... Now I would love that.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. Your purchases to wear for warmth sound nice, I bet they are pretty.

  9. I've been thinking the same thing about the flu shots. It's time to figure out when and where I'll get mine. Seems like a person has about 20 opportunities a week to get one done these days.

  10. As you know, I don't live in England, but the last time I bought a ready meal was from M & S. It was a Lasagna, and was the best I've ever had (including my own home made). I would be very tempted again.

  11. I got talked in to having my first ever flu jab last winter and a month or so later had the worst bout of flu I've ever had, I shan't be having any more jabs. Ready meals can be very useful when you live on your own, as we both do. I simply check the saturated fat and salt content of them to try and get the best quality, other than that I use my steamer tower a lot for doing all in healthy meals.

  12. Ha - that brought a smile to my face! We're only over your way as visitors, and it's remarkably easy to end up going the wrong way... but not realising it for some time!! We loved the prepared, fresh vegetables when we were there last year. Fresh, great variety and so economical if there are one or two of you. And the partially prepared meals - YUM. My favourite was the Duck a la Orange. Duck is very much a luxury food here. We honesty didn't try one that we wouldn't have enthusiastically bought again. However, the downside is that I suspect it would be easy to have a whole generation of youngsters who had never started "properly from scratch" to prepare a meal!

  13. Thanks for the comments. I have just slept right through from eleven to seven without a single 'wee stop' in the night. Couldn't believe it when I looked at the time. Cool damp morning - very grey. Out to our usual Sunday lunch.

  14. For the second morning running, dawn and the early morning has been superb, cloudless blue skies, a slight mist rising from the marsh and then a fast warming sun, really beautiful.

  15. Fish, chips and mushy peas. I could demolish that right now.
