Wednesday 30 August 2017


It looks as though it is going to be a rather pleasant day today.   At a quarter to ten in the morning a pale sun is beginning to show through, but by golly it is considerably cooler than a couple of days ago.    And I understand that this is even more apparent down in the South East, so Rachel and Derek - get ready for your Winter woollies.

As it doesn't look as though I shall be moving any time soon I might well have to unpack the box marked 'Winter coats' - my thin clothes will not be adequate if this carries on.

This afternoon is our Poetry afternoon.   I am now going for a shower and to get dressed and take Tess for a walk.   Then it will be time to choose my Poetry for the afternoon's read.   And yes, Tom, I shall indeed start with ' Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' because I always do given the chance.   It is one of my favourite poems and was my father's favourite too.

One of the poems I read was 'Gunga Din'; I came across when I was looking for something else and when I read it I realised I have never read it through before.   Kipling is not rated highly these
days and certainly had what is now seen as a racist attitude, but nevertheless it was an interesting poem to read.

As the day has gone on it has got cooler.   Walking down the road with Tess a short while ago I saw how frantically the House Martins were working. One of these days in the not too distant future we shall wake up one morning and they - and their cousins, the Swallows - will have gone.   Already they are beginning to go South in their droves. making their way towards Africa and a warmer Winter.   Not all of them will make it;   the weaker ones will fall by the wayside, but the strong and healthy will be back next year, remarkably back to their old nest sites and will then breed strong and healthy chicks.   Nature at its very best. 


  1. It was a chilly day down here in Suffolk but we have much needed rain so mustn't complain. The wood-burner has been lit for a while just to take the chill off.

  2. it is chilly here tonight, looking forward to ride to work in the morning, I think not.

  3. Hot and humid again in NE Scotland. Everything is getting confused including me.

  4. Definitely cooler mornings and evenings but we had an unexpected visit from the sun this afternoon here in West Yorkshire.

  5. It's coming on fall here, too, and we should be considerable behind you.

  6. It is still hot here but just right below 100 so we are enjoying our "cooler" weather.

    cheers, parsnip

  7. 90F (32C) here with a pleasant breeze. Hope you aren't forced to unpack your box of winter coats!

  8. Your chatty blog reminded me of The Archers Today

  9. Just as well you are organised with your boxes and know exactly where to find what you want. I was thinking recently about you living with all your packed boxes and was curious abut how you managed. You must live a minimalist existence,at least on a temporary basis.


  10. Dear old Gunga Din; one of my favourites too.

  11. It must be a little cooler here today. My heating just came on. X

  12. Hope the Keats is appreciated as it should be!
    Yes, one of my favorite poems of all time too!

  13. I just looked up and read 'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness', it seems a perfect choice for your poetry group this time of year. I'm sorry your move has been not gone forward yet. Change is hard enough, but change delayed can test our abilities to live peacefully in the moment.

  14. Thanks everyone. Things look as though they might be moving at last (fingers crossed)- as Alphie suggests - it is no fun living out of boxes. Nice to hear that you still like Gunga Din Cro!

  15. Enjoy your cooling down! I'm on the west coast of Florida and we're about to go into our hottest month, September! Ugh. It's plenty sunny, though!

  16. Between yesterday and today, we have had a drop in temperature of 15 degrees, from 32C to 17, with plenty of rain and grey skies that make it feel rather autumnly.
    I hope you won't catch a cold before you have had time to unpack some warmer clothes.

  17. Love the beautiful new header, such stunning views, and hoping your move gets underway soon. I've had to put socks on for the first time in months tonight and we're thinking of lighting the Aga (unheard of in August).

  18. Yes, one of my favorite poems of all time too!

    แตกใน xxx
