Thursday 31 August 2017

A Day Out.

Today Tess and I had a day out, driving over the top of the Pennines and through to Sedbergh in Cumbria  to have lunch in The 3 Hares Cafe with my God-daughter.

It is a lovely journey through a lot of the villages of Wensleydale, through Hawes and on into Cumbria.   The views are spectacular and it is one of our regular stops to take in Cotter Force, a walk of about a quarter of a mile each way on a lovely, well-maintained path.   The Cumbrian scenery is just as beautiful as we go along the edge of The Howgills with the Lakes in the background.

The 3 Hares in Sedbergh is a delightful cafe and, as usual, was very busy.    We both had a platter of ham, sausage roll and a local cheese, followed by a pot of tea.

Our journey back was mostly in heavy rain but by the time we reached home the sun was shining again. 

As I write this at 8pm the moon is out and the evening light is well and truly upon us.   How the nights are beginning to draw in on this, the last day of August.

You will see that I have changed my header and also the writing on the picture.   As I shall shortly be leaving the farm and moving into our little town then this blog will cease to be about life on a farm and will become instead a blog about life in
a little Dales town, about its people, its events and about the variety of things there are to do here.   It is nearing the time to move on.   Six months since my dear farmer passed away - I miss him every day but I have nothing but happy memories of our life together and that is something to treasure as I move away from farming altogether and begin a new life.   As yet there is no moving date but I hope it will be in the not too distant future.


  1. Thank you for sharing your everyday life on the farm with us throughout the years, it has been the highlight of my days many times.
    My little snippet of home, the connection to it's bucolic and timeless countryside, has filled the spot in my heart that I forever hold near and dear.
    I wish you many happy days in your new home, I look forward to visiting often.
    The day out with your God-daughter sounds delightful, I can't stop thinking about the sausage rolls :)

  2. I look forward to hearing your tales of the Dales! There will be plenty for you to write about.

  3. Nice change of picture from that church.

  4. Yes, thank you for sharing such an interesting and different life with us. The new Header and your words brought tears to my eyes though - what a lovely, peaceful picture. You will have such happy memories of your time together there. And a new set of experiences about to start! You say your summer weather is drawing in - I wish ours would show signs of drawing out - it's been wet and cold here for so long I feel I must be getting webbed feet. The ground is far too wet for any planting or even preparation for summer gardening and the nurseries seem to be weeks behind their usual schedule. "Grey day - grey mood! Get Over Yourself, Virginia!!"

  5. Your photo is breathtaking. One day I will travel the world and this will be on my list of places to see. :) I'm sorry you're moving on without your farmer. I'm certain this was not the plan and now another plan must take it's place, you venturing on to new towns, new people, new everything. There's a lot of excitement in that and I look forward to hearing about all of it. I absolutely adore your blog. Your words and photos are like a mini vacation for me. :) Thank you.

  6. I just read a bit about the life of Angus MacPhee, Weaver of Grass. I would love to know how he is woven in. Your new header is fantastic. I hope you can move before winter!

  7. Lovely header, though I liked the previous one too. Hope it isnt long before your new life commences.x

  8. Breathtaking new header photo. I am looking forward to snippets from your new perspective, seasoned with memories of the farm and the Farmer.

  9. I love the new header. Is that the Farmer taking a walk? It is a beautiful landscape. It will be fun to read about your new digs - ha. It sounds like a great new adventure. I look forward to hearing about your days, dear Pat.

  10. It is so nice to hear about your life in the Dales. I have not been following your blog too long and I am glad I found it! I live in the US (Missouri) and it is wonderful to hear about your lovely villages and country! You do have a natural talent with words and I always feel like I am simply sitting at the table visiting with you when I read your blog. Thank you Weaver!

  11. I LOVE your new header photo Weave, and I am really looking forward to the new chapters in your new chapter. How exciting!

  12. I love the new header but I always love any photo your post.
    I am very excited to read about your new adventures in town.

    cheers, parsnip

  13. What a wonderful picture. Can't wait for your further adventures in town.

  14. I enjoyed seeing your new picture, is one of the two "the farmer?" I would like to think so, just keeping him with you a bit.
    Will Tess be going with you to your new home? I sure hope so, just seeing Tess reminds me of our dear Pete, the likeness is amazing-- ( I wrote to you about him before)
    Take your time "adjusting" but we ALL are looking forward to your new adventures in town !
    Blessings to you and yours


  15. I can't begin to tell you what joy your blog is for me over here in the States. I'll never see England, but I'm blessed to see it through your eyes. You could be a travel writer! You paint the most beautiful word pictures - next best thing to being there! My thoughts and all my best wishes are with you and Tess.

  16. Your new header photo is beautiful. When we visited England (the first time for me), I kept turning to my husband and saying, "Do the people who live here realize how beautiful it is?" I think you do realize it. -Jenn

  17. What a stunning photo Pat, I doubt that there's many other places in England that can compete with that view. You may be moving away from the farm but views like that will always be close by.

  18. I much prefer the new photo to the last one. I quite expect your new life will be filled with new adventures, I look forward to hearing all about them. And you'll still have that wonderful countryside just down the road.

  19. What a lovely header photo Pat.

    Your drive out for lunch sounds delightful, despite the rain on the way back. I hope you will soon be able to be moved in and settled in your new home. Living in limbo as you are is never fun.

    You have nothing but happy memories of your days of farm living with the Farmer, and that is not a bad thing to be taking with you. Town living will be a whole new ball game I am sure.

  20. It is a wonderful photo and makes me want to come back to Yorkshire much sooner than autumn next year!
    I have been to Leyburn for a pleasant day with my aunt and uncle two years ago and am very much looking forward to revisiting the place through your blog.

  21. Re my new header.
    The reason the last header was on for so long is that I just couldn't work out how to remove and replace it. Made myself do it last evening - dead easy.
    The farmer took the photograph on one of his walks - probably the two men are two of the walkers in his group but if so I don't know who they are.

    I am so glad you all like it.

    Joanne - I have read about Angus McPhee and it struck me how appropriate the title was. It really was more appropriate to me though because of the spiders. At this time of the year spiders weave threads through the long grass in the fields and as the sun rises it catches them and produces the most beautiful effect. The effect I hoped to produce with my words.

  22. I have loved your tales of life on the farm but know that those from your new village life will be just as interesting and enjoyable. I do hope you get a moving date soon and that your move will be as smooth as mine was.
    I love the new header and letting my eyes roam across that beautiful expanse of Yorkshire. I think there must be a little bit of Yorkshire in my DNA.

  23. I love the new header, and it's lovely that it is a photo that the farmer took. He's with you every step of the way into your new life in the village. I hope the move comes quickly and smoothly for you now, it would be nice to be settled before the weather takes a turn for the worse.

  24. Wonderful new header - that photo is just breathtaking!

  25. Splendid new header!
    Well done getting it put up.
    I do so enjoy your account of Yorkshire life. How you must miss your husband but I'm
    sure he would be happy at how full and busy your life still is.
    Happy September.

  26. I also love the new header, and it makes the scene more meaningful to know that your Farmer took it. I also love how you have an image of the effect that your words have on the world: I've seen those spider webs in the grass and they are teeny miracles. Solid engineering and exhausting work (for the spider) to make something that looks as if it was spun out of light and air.

  27. I, too, love your new header photo! The expanse is breathtaking. But, the thing that I find the most astounding is the thought that someone had to gather all those rocks to build those fencerows.
    Looking forward to the next chapter in your blog. Yorkshire life sounds so appealing.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Bit late here but I also love that view in your new header. I do hope you get moved and settled soon and look forward to reading about life in a small town

  30. May your move to town be as easy as possible. You know 6 months isn't that long for grieving. My 2nd marriage was later in life also so I know it's pretty likely that one or the other will be left alone. You are wise to concentrate on the good parts, the memories of the best times. I do wish at times I would be able to go back to Yorkshire to live if I'm the one who is left alone but I also know that leaving family & friends would not be easy or wise. But a big part of my heart is in the West Riding as it was back in the 60s. Good for you for figuring out how to change that header!!

  31. Barbara - as a county North Yorkshire is famous for its dry stone walls and men make their living still learning the art nf dry stone walling - there are miles of them
    but as Robert Frost the poet says 'Something there is that does not love a wall' - the frost, the wind, the rain, the sheep - all conspire to fetch them down

    Thanks everyone for the positive comments.

  32. I have spent some time catching up on your life, Pat, have been busy at the loom and away from blogland for a while. Love your new header, as I know Charles would too, - it would remind him of the countryside where they flew during the War. Your Sunday lunches sound great - not just the food, but the friendship, - so important at these times of loss. In November it will be five years since Charles died, - I find it hard to believe, - it seems like yesterday, he has been so much with me in memories since then. Take care, - I hope you get moved soon and settled into your new home and town life.
