Monday 7 August 2017

Extra update

I put an update to my kitten post in the comments box after your replies, but there has been a further development.

The kitten lady has just rung to say that she met two people from the caravan site just below the farm and they said they would keep an eye on the kitten traps for her.   They have just rung to tell her that one trap has caught both kittens and they have eaten the cat food in the trap and are curled up together asleep.   She is on her way to collect them.

All's well that ends well and  all six are in safe hands.


  1. That's great news Pat. Thank you for taking the time to update us. X

  2. Ah bless, it's not just us catching kitties then!

  3. They must have been hungry little things. So glad this has a happy ending, thanks to your efforts.

  4. Well that should make you and me and us feel good. Well done again. Without you who knows what their fate would have been. Had I been younger and without a geriatric cat I would have adopted at least two of them. Hey ho.

  5. Best news! Thank you for the lovely update. My own cat who's now 5 started life as an abandoned feral kitten, hence I'm a bit biased!! 😊

  6. Fantastic news! Thank you for the update Weaver x

  7. Good news! Thank you for letting us know.

  8. They looked so sweet that they will surel find good homes.

  9. Thank you for the update! Your kindness in the kitten caper shines through.

  10. Oh good. Glad for the update.

  11. Aww, thanks for the update Pat, I'm happy to know they have joined their litter mates, and hopefully onto a better life.

  12. With reference to our extra update of last week in which we announced that, due to the cyberattack which hit Maersk and APMT, we could no ...
