Tuesday 16 May 2017

Much-needed rain.

It rained here all day yesterday and this morning I awoke to rain.   But my goodness how very pleased the fields and gardens were to welcome it.   Already the grass has greened-up and everything looks fresh and new again.

Now, at seven in the evening, there is a sharp breeze blowing but the sun is shining and it is warm.   The accountant has been here all afternoon going through the farm accounts for last year so poor Tess has been in for most of the day.

This morning was the 'Strugglers' meeting I go to - a group of us meet and have a quiet morning talking about things which are interesting us, or worrying us.   Such a productive and satisfying time I find it.   Afterwards we went and had lunch in The Posthorn in our little town.

So I have just walked down 'our' lane with Tess.   I didn't feel like it but I really enjoyed it once I got going and I feel much less tired than I did before I started out.   Tess enjoyed the doggy smells and I enjoyed the Spring smells - can't be bad.


  1. We had a similar amount of rain here in North Kent yesterday as well Pat. It didn't soak far into the ground but definitely freshened up the gardens and helped the Blackbirds and Robins find some worms, etc. Today has been very humid and sunny/cloudy at even at 8.00 this morning it was 22 degrees. By taking Tess eac day out you'll be surprised at the things that you'll see that you would normally miss.

  2. I've often found that a good walk 'settles' me--even when I've been reluctant to go out.

  3. We too have had some rain and so satisfying to see the birds finding natural food for their offspring rather than provided bird seed by us, which worries me they are shovelling that into baby beaks. A walk is so good. It really is. I find even when hard physically the mental upbeat is worth it. I wish I had a group such as yours. Perhaps I should set one up. Any advice?

  4. Sounds good, Sometimes getting out of the house, the change of scenery and duty does one's heart and soul good.

  5. How do you think Tess will cope with your house move? She will miss her walks in the countryside I think.

  6. Yes. We definitely needed that rain. It has saved me getting out my hosepipe to water the broad beans and peas.

  7. We have had rain on and off most of last week, but I was in Italy and only had one really rainy day there all week.
    I know what you mean about feeling better and reinvigorated after a walk! Sometimes I don't feel like going for a run (or out at all), but I always am glad afterwards that I did get out.

  8. I can honestly say that I have never felt anything other than better after a walk, even when starting off in good spirits!

  9. Sometimes that is the way, you don't feel like doing something and once you do, you feel so much better.
    The fact Tess needs her walk you get to or have to walk her is so good for both of you.
    Big scrunches to Tess from thehamish.

    cheers, parsnip

  10. A walk is best of all, but even just stepping outside onto my porch for a few moments to feel the fresh air and hear the birds singing is enough to raise spirits.

  11. "The Strugglers"...what a perfect name.

    We had a small group attending grief counseling provided by Hospice. When the sessions drew to a close, some of us found we weren't ready to end our companionship. Still reeling from losing our husbands, and one man lost his daughter, we knew instinctively we were still very close to the edge. We still meet.

  12. I'm glad you went, as are Tess and The Farmer.

  13. It is good to have Tess to cajole you to walk with her. My little dog adopted from the shelter does the same with me, 3 times a day. I bought him a leash that says "Who rescued who?".

  14. Temperatures here nearing 30 C, and rain forecast for the rest of the week. For us that means MUSHROOMS, which will probably arrive at the end of the month. Can't wait.

  15. I miss read your post and thought you were meeting with a group of smugglers, it happens if I dont put my glasses on :-)

  16. Walking with its rhythm brings tranquility, watching a dog enjoying life lifts the heart - tis the simple pleasures that ground the soul. And of course arguing with your friends. X

  17. The rain is nice, but I really need to use 240 volt equipment outside this week...

  18. Often accountants make people want to go for a walk.

    Rain is welcome in the spring as long as it does not go on for days.

  19. Rain rain go away come again another day.
