Saturday 13 May 2017


This week I have been out to lunch three times - well twice to lunch and once to a very late breakfast

Living alone again does raise problems which have to be addressed for some time before a set of rules begins to sink in.

Never buy two of anything - one will be eaten and the other will languish in the fridge.   And don't tell me to freeze it because I just don't feel like eating the second one.   Also, as I have shortly to move, I am desperately trying to empty the fridge. I am trying not to put anything into it.

It is almost as cheap to eat a pub lunch as it is to cook one for onself - and it is a lot less bother - and no washing up.   All this may be extravagant but at the moment I am self indulgent. And after a lunch today of quiche (hot and delicious) a large mixed salad and chips, I shall not feel like anything else to eat today except maybe an orange tonight.


  1. I am agreeing with everything you say here Weave. As one who often has to eat alone and prepare for meals alone, I know exactly what you mean x

  2. It's nice to treat yourself after what you have been through this year. Keep enjoying dining out - after all you are also supporting local businesses and keeping folk in employment

  3. It's hard enough to fix meals for 2, can't imagine doing it for one. My daughter says she generally buys prepared meals because it's just so much easier.

  4. Here on my own I seem to end up with spaghetti and soft cheese stirred in! Your meals out sound much more interesting, if I was nearer I'd join you.

  5. I'm finding dinners are usually vegetables stir-fried in olive oil or butter with cooked brown rice added at the last few minutes. I make a large batch of brown rice so it doesn't have to be cooked each evening.

    But after 42 years of marriage, without him across the table from me, the aloneness is crushing. I eat in front of the television.

  6. I think you are doing the right thing. Apart from anything else you are getting out and being with people. I too wish I lived nearer!

  7. Quiche sounds delicious.

  8. I am six years in of being a widow and I hate cooking for one. I am like you weaver, I do not like leftovers especially frozen ones. I am so tired of leftovers. I think a great idea would be someplace where widows/widowers could either get to gether and make one good meal a day that they could either share together or make it and take it home. No matter how you cuts recipes down there is always something left over. I still pray for you. Blessings

  9. I cooked for over forty years and no longer enjoy it. When it's just me, I will eat a bowl of cereal or a banana and a spoonful of peanut butter. Just can't eat like I used to and have acid reflux so I am one of those senior citizens they make jokes about that eat around 4 in the afternoon. Now if I had a sous chef and someone to clean up the mess, it might be different.

  10. You are doing so well with everything and I hope your next step goes well on Sunday. A step at a time and sometimes baby steps too. The diet thing will sort itself out eventually and in the meantime, treat yourself to whatever you feel like.

  11. Blimey - I would have thought that you deserve to treat yourself to lunch out ! Enjoy it Weave! P.S. See my offer of the Guildford print and send me your address in case I cannot find it.

  12. I think eating out for now is such a great idea. You are doing so much right now why bother.
    Plus the company is good for the appetite.

    I cooked for my family, like Donna, and I just do not want to do it any more.
    When out for dinner or lunch I will save half for for that night's dinner or breakfast the next day. I eat any food for breakfast, do not like sweet things. But I will have toast and cheese with tomato.
    Whatever food from the night before is chopped up and added to a pita or lettuce leaves and wrapped up for dinner.
    I say treat yourself to dinners out till you move and settle in.

    woof thehamish
    cheers, parsnip

  13. We eat out several times a week, as you have said it is almost as cheap as preparing a meal indoors. After 52 years of making meals I don't feel guilty.
    Also as you mentioned, one meal is all we need now.

  14. Thanks - between you you have assuaged all guilt!

  15. A little self indulgence at this time is no bad thing. I am trying not to pander to my sweet tooth and to cook healthy meals. I still want breakfast, lunch and supper. It is difficult to remember to shop for only one - I usually find I have bought far too many vegetables, but fortunately I love them. I hope your move will not be too distressing for you.

  16. I do enjoy reading the snippets of your life. Enjoy all your lovely meals out; I think it’s an excellent idea. And the bits you share about your beloved Farmer and how he enjoyed the countryside are quite touching. I've just been watching one of our robins resting on an alder branch outside the study window; it stayed for a quarter of an hour and just flew away. It was a treat to see it rather close.

  17. Be self indulgent as long as you can!

  18. I think eating out kills two birds with one stone. You get to do something you enjoy and no extra food goes into the fridge. A win-win situation.


  19. I'm sure I wouldn't cook much if I was on my own. Spoil yourself and enjoy those meals out.

  20. I am writing this on Sunday afternoon from Gargrave. Thinking about you scattering the farmer's ashes today I feel glad that it is such a lovely day.
    I'm sure he would approve of the sunshine especially as there was a reasonable amount of rainfall last night.
    My prayers are with you and I hope that saying your final fair well has been eased by the fact that he is now on the land he loved
    for enternity. Sue

  21. So glad you have been enjoying your lunches... they sound wonderful and getting out is very nourishing as well. Thinking of you as you spread the farmers ashes. I hope this final act is able to give you some short measure of peace.

  22. Your appetite and enthusiasm for cooking are bound to be all over the place so you just do what you like. When Mr FF is away I'm a real sucker for convenience food, have been known to eat it direct from the plastic dish to save a plate. I know and me living in Ilkley.

  23. Do indulge yourself, dear Weaver. Once you have moved and gotten used to another kitchen, you will have opportunities to re-visit meal preparations. I've lived on my own for a very long time, and actually love cooking for myself, even though there are many dishes that I do not prepare.

