Friday 5 May 2017

Friday again.

How quickly Fridays come round - Friday and our coffee meeting of friends in The Post Horn Cafe.  This morning we were virtually all there - eleven of us (we do make rather a lot of noise!) - and following on from this friend W and I went out to The Three Horseshoes and had a delicious lunch - (W - Spare ribs and me Quiche - both with their lovely chips!)

I think everyone around here in our part of the country is entirely sick of the strong wind blowing in straight off the cold North Sea.   Today it is wall-to-wall sunshine but still very cold because of the wicked wind coming from the North East.
And I expect Thelma (North Stoke on my side bar) is feeling it even more up there on the North York Moors.

I must say that the countryside is 'greening up' in spite of this.   I was pleased with my walking ability this afternoon.  I am having to walk Tess on three walks a day - only short walks but they are getting longer each day and today I managed down the pasture and back up the next pasture.  And I saw three Ladies' Smocks out and a handful of Buttercups - a sure sign that Spring is really here.   In addition to that there are two swallows in residence in the yard, along with a pair of pied wagtails.   The farmer would have been in with this news.

Tomorrow is our Church Coffee morning - how the months fly by.


  1. Fridays come much too fast for me also.
    I plan out the weekend, then Monday cones and soon it is Friday and I wonder where the week went ?
    Wurfs to Tess

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  2. We've had NE winds for what seems like weeks and to make things worse everyday starts with sunshine but clouds roll in before noon.
    I thought of you and the farmer when I spotted swallows on a wire last week but 2 swallows certainly haven't made summer yet.
    Enjoy the coffee morning

  3. It has been chilly down here too and I am hoping that our Bank Holiday deluges have softened the soil enough for me to do a bit of weeding over the weekend. I sometimes feel that some weeks have extra Fridays dropped in!

  4. That's wonderful that you're walking further. It's windy here today after storms went through yesterday. Cooler, In the 70s. So good to hear you're keeping busy.

  5. Well done on those walks. You really are an amazing lady. Take care.

  6. It is windy here too, but not in the summer when it is blisteringly hot. A breeze then would be a godsend. The old timers say the wind in Oklahoma used to drive people mad during the Dust Bowl.

  7. Well should I apologise? In the North East of Scotland we have wall to wall sunshine, light winds, in fact they are talking of drought measures. The Barley crop is just beginning to green up. The gorse is the most vivid yellow. Having said all that up here we now expect the deluge, hurricanes, and snow. Because that is normal.

  8. We have got that strong East wind too - it is beginning to get on my tits.

  9. We have had enough of it here too. Very strong gusts tonight.

  10. Having a dog to exercise is almost essential for good health. I know that I wouldn't go on long walks every day if I didn't have one; and there's nothing better for health than a long walk.

  11. While I'm sorry to hear about those winds, I am glad to hear you are positively gadding about the place.

  12. Here in North Kent, we too are fed up with the constant and cold NE wind, you are at least lucky that you have sunshine, we just get constant grey skies. The problem also with these winds are that they are drying winds and so the dampening effect of the mid-week rain has now disappeared already.

  13. I don't know what flowers (?) Ladies Smocks are, but I am pleased you enjoy your walks with Tess and are getting stronger and fitter by the day.
    Here, the late frost nights have caused plenty of damage; some orchard farms and vineyards are said to have lost around 75 % of their crops, and the government is expected to come up with rescue plans for those businesses who depend entirely on it.

    Spring is already quietly slipping into early summer here; the blossoms on the tree are nearly all gone and replaced with foliage by now, and the typica spring flowers are gone, too.

  14. Here in the South East one night of hard air frost a couple of weeks ago also destroyed 90% of some vineyards new growth for this year. That was despite the owners burning special candles between the rows all night to warm the air and which made it look as though the vineyards were on fire.

  15. You girls had better keep the noise down at The Post Horn or the bouncers will chuck you out!

  16. You have lovely friends Weaver, and Mr Yorkshire Pudding made me laugh!
    Greetings Maria x

  17. We have the winds down here in the south as well, they gust along the back of our house making the most awful noise. All I think of each time a gust comes along is if my clematis are holding on.
    Good to hear the you are getting stronger with the walking, you made me feel a bit lazy, I know I ought to walk more.

  18. I think Tess has been very good for you, Pat. It must feel good to realize that you are getting stronger and more able to go on longer walks. Enjoy your next gathering with friends. -Jenn
