Saturday 11 March 2017

Support system

I was having coffee in town this morning with my dear friend W and we were discussing the great value in these circumstances of having a good support system.    I certainly have that - a whole host of good friends, family and all of you in Blogland too.   Thank you most sincerely.


  1. Hugs from a complete stranger you will never meet.

  2. A friend of mine years ago went through an illness... she did not have much of a support system at that time. When she became well again, she knew that she needed to make changes and now she has the most incredible support system in place should she ever need one. Plus, her life is now so rich and full.
    I am very glad that you are so well supported at this time. Sending you and the farmer lots of love and prayers!

  3. Glad to know you have a good support system to get you through this difficult time. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. So glad you are getting out for a coffee with friends despite what must feel grim times.
    Take time for yourself every day even if it's only escaping into a book for half an hour.
    As Beverly says, " Hugs from a complete stranger".
    I won't say that I'll never see you 'cause we often camp at the campsite just out of Grassington.

  5. So pleased you and the farmer have such a good support system. Family and friends are such a blessing when life gets tough. Love and best wishes to you both.

  6. You are very welcome to my little efforts Weave. x

  7. Its obvious from your blogs that you have lots of good friends and family nearby,glad you are able to still meet up for coffee.I will continue to send my good wishes to you both when we pass your village.

  8. Hold all you love and who love you close to your heart.Their strength, love, and compassion will help you and The Farmer move forward.

  9. It makes me glad to read that you have been out for coffee with a friend.
    When my husband died, that was when I learned the true value of friends and family.

  10. I am glad you have a great support system in place, and please count me in it, as you are in my support system. I have a support system in place which is even more precious after the death of my husband. Those phone calls, cards and lunch with lady friends give us little sparks of joy, don't they? I wish you and The Farmer well.

  11. I am very happy to read that you went out for your coffee morning.
    Big hugs to you and the Farmer.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

  12. Pat, you'll find the silver linings and just possibly, for you and the Farmer, the skies will be bluer...

  13. Wish there was something more concrete I could do other than offer words of care. Best regards to you and The Farmer.

  14. Because we love you...
    Greetings Maria x

  15. Sending you positive thoughts this evening

  16. Dear Weaver, I think that it is I who should always be thanking you for the pleasure of being able to read your posts and see the Yorkshire pictures. I am so fortunate to have been able to connect with you via our mutual friend Elizabeth. xo to you and the Farmer.

  17. Hugs from Ohio for you and your Farmer! Prayers and good wishes.

  18. Very saddened to read your recent news though pleased to see the Farmer is able to enjoy some of his usual everyday activities. My best wishes to you both and hoping that the next meeting will bring about some better news for the future.

  19. So glad you can still have coffee with friends you need all the support you can find but getting out with a friend is one of the best.Hope the farmer is coping too. Xxx

  20. Friends who care are one of the great blessings in life.

  21. Sending much love to you both. Yes, a support system must be a great comfort.
    So glad David is able to continue with some daily tasks.
    Thinking of you often - but feel glad to know you have so many friends - both in the real world and
    bogland too.xx

  22. Continuing prayers and good thoughts to you and the Farmer.

  23. Our best wishes to you and Farmer, sincerely sent today. I often read your posts to my hubby so he is also thinking of you.

  24. More hugs from the other side of the world. If I could magically leave Australia to mzke it a real hug, I would!

  25. Life has to go on Pat, good to see you out and about again with a friend, which no doubt helped you a lot.

  26. Being a caregiver is tough, but you become a better one when you sense your own needs and take care of yourself. Glad to hear you are getting out with friends. Love and prayers for the Farmer.

  27. So glad that you have been out for that all important coffee with a friend!

  28. Good to hear you are looking after yourself as well as the Farmer and relishing your friends. Spring is such an uplifting time of year I hope you find strength from this time of renewal and of course the continued support from blogland. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  29. Good to hear that you are seeing friends and 'keeping on'. Blogland is a real place is it not? populated by people you will never meet but who are friends of a special sort. Sending all best wishes.

  30. If good wishes were gifts you would have a house full. I'm happy to hear that you get out for your coffee mornings and that the farmer can enjoy his chores and walks with Tess.

  31. Isn't supportive friendships when the going is tough THE most precious thing - you have our prayers and best wishes in blogland, but I wish I could do something practical for you. I'm glad you are doing 'things for YOU' while this is unfolding - that helps keep your strength up, and your sense of perspective. Thinking of you both, Love Virginia

  32. Friendship and family are a powerful force and you have that by the shed load judging by all the messages winging their way to you in real life and across the miles via your blog. Best wishes to you and the farmer. x

  33. Hello Pat!
    I am glad there is room for the very normal and everyday life like coffee with friends and enjoying the uncoming spring. I hope that the Farmer feels stronger by the minute and can take part of what he loves the most!! You have so many dear and good friends and people like me that follows in prayer and thought , from a distance. Blogland is not a bad place, there is a strenght in the connections we have here!! I wish you all the blessings and all the hope you need. Now there will be light and buds bursting and Tess sniffing the fields, easter is approaching. Best wishes to you!!

  34. I hope the beauties of spring will cheer you both. The robins are singing once again outside my window in Northern California though the sun has set. My prayers are with you.

  35. Still thinking about you and the Farmer, Pat. It's wonderful that you have a strong support system during this difficult period. All the best to you both.

  36. I echo all the good wishes listed above this comment.

  37. Sending love and positive wishes to both the Farmer and you. Your support system ranges far and wide and we are all here for you both, sending prayers, warm wishes and everything we can through the ether.

    It's a beautiful time of year for him to be able to sit, relax and drink in the awakening of the countryside. Birdsong is everywhere, the bushes and trees are full of buds and blossom and everything is awakening after a dreary Winter. A positive time of year for everything and everyone. xx
